2nd Bachelor's Degree Question

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Badger Girl

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Feb 28, 2008
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For those of you going this route, are any of you just declaring a major and not planning to finish in order to get loans? I saw some other threads on this in different forums, but I was just wondering what people here have done. I don't think I am going to be able to pay for all of the classes I need out of pocket, so I am looking into at least declaring a major for a 2nd bach. I wouldn't plan on finishing b/c I don't need that many classes in order to apply to vet school (I think 7 or 8 at this point). I wouldn't think that would be frowned on, but let me know what your experiences have been with this. Thanks a bunch!! :D

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For those of you going this route, are any of you just declaring a major and not planning to finish in order to get loans? I saw some other threads on this in different forums, but I was just wondering what people here have done. I don't think I am going to be able to pay for all of the classes I need out of pocket, so I am looking into at least declaring a major for a 2nd bach. I wouldn't plan on finishing b/c I don't need that many classes in order to apply to vet school (I think 7 or 8 at this point). I wouldn't think that would be frowned on, but let me know what your experiences have been with this. Thanks a bunch!! :D

I am a formal 2nd bachelors student in animal science. Did it for the ability to register for classes before everyone with less than 140 credits rather than for getting loans. Also, as a second bachelors student you are only eligible for stafford unsubsidized loans.

School wise, I talked to a couple people in the animal science department who said its quite common for students to do it just to fill pre-reqs and were totally cool with it. Then after my first semester when I had to meet with my advisor to discuss my 2nd semester classes she almost murdered me when I said I didn't intend to finish the major if I was accepted to vet school. Chewed me out "blah blah, we accepted you under the assumption you wanted to complete the major before you applied to vet school." I think if she had the power she might of tried to kick me out.
Also, as a second bachelors student you are only eligible for stafford unsubsidized loans.

This is untrue. I took out subsidized loans for my second bachelors degree, up to the limit allowed. If you're near or at the aggregate limit for subsidized you won't be able to take them out.
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I wish I could remember what I all have for loans. I just make the payments using online banking and off the money goes into cyberspace! I'll have to check and see what I have. I was also thinking of applying to a Master's program, but that would be a bit more tricky since I don't have much science under my belt at this point. Undergraduate & graduate degrees in social work = very little science!! I don't have any loans for my graduate degree, which I am very grateful for. I received a stipend for all tuition costs b/c I work in child welfare. That was one sweet deal.
I started off like you, just wanting to get my prereqs with no real intention of finishing the degree (never mentioned this to any advisors though;)). But the further I got in I realized that I wanted to work in science even if I didn't get into vet school and have decided to finish the degree. Like you, my first degree was not science oriented (business) and so I had all of those science classes to take, which really put me close to a 2nd degree anyways.
Incidentally I did the same thing as well. I thought I was just gonna take the prereqs, but here I am with two BS degrees now, the second with an honors thesis. :laugh:
Well I am pursuing my first bachelor's degree, and at first I was going to just take what I need to apply to vet school. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I really need to be able to get a job (away from law) if I don't get accepted to vet school. So I'm finishing my degree first.
I went back and forth about whether or not to finish, but once I got accepted I decided not to because I felt that taking an extended breather before vet school was more important to my long term success than another degree which vet schools don't even care about.
I enrolled for a 2nd BS degree because that was the only way to be able to register early enough to get the classes. The adviser in my major department was cool about it, even though she knew I was never planning to finish.
Now I'm trying to decide whether or not to be up front about my plans not to finish. I think there may be mixed responses from advisors. I will have to see how it goes.

Thanks for your responses everyone! :)
Well I am pursuing my first bachelor's degree, and at first I was going to just take what I need to apply to vet school. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I really need to be able to get a job (away from law) if I don't get accepted to vet school. So I'm finishing my degree first.

I plan on finishing my degree first too so that I have something to fall back on if I decide not to become a vet or if I don't get into vet school.
That's exactly what I'm doing right now.

Look at it this way, though - I declared a 2nd bach instead of just returning student because it's my backup plan - if I DON'T get into vet school, I'm going to go into biology, so I'd need a degree anyways. As it stands, I'm applying this time around and hoping against all hope but not banking on getting in. It would only take me one more year to finish up the Biology BS.

I'm also only giving myself 3 tries to get in before chalking it up to 'not meant to happen', so having the backup is something that keeps me grounded.