3 science courses a semester as a pre-med student?

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Jan 6, 2023
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Hi guys,

I was wondering what your opinions are on taking 3 science courses a semester? I have done it before last semester taking Organic Chem 1, Cell Bio, and Physics 2 and received As in all three. I did this while working as a tutor 8-10 hrs a week, as well as volunteering in a research lab 3 hrs a week.

This upcoming semester, my academic advisor arranged it so I will be taking Organic Chem 2, Genetics, and Biochem. I will continue working as a tutor 8-10 hrs a week, and volunteering in the research lab the same hours as before. These activities will take up my mondays, wednesdays, and fridays. I recently also got a job as an ophthalmic tech, where I will work 16-18 hrs Tuesdays and Thursdays on top of that.

I would say I study well and retain information quite good. I didn't think taking 3 science courses last semester was that difficult, and was 100% doable. It wasn't impossible to do, yes, I had to put effort into it but I didn't use all of my effort in order to do well. Do you think taking 3 science courses while working 2 jobs is a good idea in my position?

Thank you in advance!

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Personally, I wouldn't for me, but it's all about you at the end of the day!
Maybe take a semester off from tutoring.
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You've done this before and have been okay. I wouldn't stress it. Either do it because you can or take it easy because you'll spend your free time doing something else that interests you
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I would second the suggestion about taking a semester off as a tutor. Working 9-5 on T/Th could wear you down and probably would take up a lot of the free time that you used to study last semester. You could always go to your research lab another couple hours each week if you do end up with free time.