ABA Advanced 2023

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This registration thing is unacceptable for how much money they make

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A decent amount of my class did not pass... i also know a few people in fellowship who did not pass. The exam was challenging in my opnion
A decent amount? With an 80-90% pass rate, this sounds more like your program did not train people adequately.
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That test in no way is a representation of how clinically competent and safe one is as an anesthesiologist. So many esoteric facts and nonclinical factoids.

Did the ITE Qbank 4x and the Advanced Qbank 4x also.
A decent amount of my class did not pass... i also know a few people in fellowship who did not pass. The exam was challenging in my opnion

Not surprising. It’s really not a ding on your program either. Pass rates started at 95%. It’s now dropped into the low 80s.

The good news is the SOE and OSCE pass rates have held at 90% or more.

The trick is multiple qbanks. TrueLearn is not enough. TrueLearn, Pass Machine, Hall, OpenAnesthesia. This will cover almost everything.

Honestly, if you have to fail an ABA exam, this is the one to do it. Basic you get in trouble with your program. Applied costs a lot of money and stress. Advanced you just have to retake and shell out money. Do some more qbanks. I’m sure it probably feels crappy, tho.
Not surprising. It’s really not a ding on your program either. Pass rates started at 95%. It’s now dropped into the low 80s.

The good news is the SOE and OSCE pass rates have held at 90% or more.

The trick is multiple qbanks. TrueLearn is not enough. TrueLearn, Pass Machine, Hall, OpenAnesthesia. This will cover almost everything.

Honestly, if you have to fail an ABA exam, this is the one to do it. Basic you get in trouble with your program. Applied costs a lot of money and stress. Advanced you just have to retake and shell out money. Do some more qbanks. I’m sure it probably feels crappy, tho.

Don't sleep on the OSCE, even if you're prepared it is a hugely weird test with unclear scoring. I score quite highly on tests, was AOA and top 10% on Basic. The OSCE is the only test in my life I have failed.
Scored > +3 SD a few years back. Still missed quite a few questions per the performance report keywords. The real key point though is realizing that to do well one need not know everything, just more than everyone else… which isn't too hard since the majority of people taking the exam aren’t terribly bright. Just my anecdotal experience though. 🤷‍♂️
I felt like the ACE questions from the ASA were far more reflective of the actual advanced exam. Way more than TrueLearn. But still too many completely random questions on the real thing that I don’t know how you could have prepared for. TrueLearn x2 plus the 3 most recent ACE exams also x2 were enough for me to pass advanced. Though I still felt super ****ty after walking out of the testing center.
I did ace and true learn as well . multiple true learn passes x3
How do you determine your percentile?
ABA only shows pass for me.
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Even CCM seems low. Neuro ICU I imagine the sample size is small and most CCM anesthesiologist aren’t getting that much neuro icu exposure

n=190 in 2 years. Do people take that exam after critical care fellowship or is it taken after a formal neurocritical care fellowship?
n=190 in 2 years. Do people take that exam after critical care fellowship or is it taken after a formal neurocritical care fellowship?
Probably after Ccm fellowship. I Don’t think any anesthesia people are doing a NCC fellowship
NCC solely for research time or to prolong some VISA issue going on for the applicant.
n=190 in 2 years. Do people take that exam after critical care fellowship or is it taken after a formal neurocritical care fellowship?

There is a 6 year period of practice pathway grandfathering that I think is currently ongoing. After that, only way to get boarded is one year of CCM plus one year of NCC fellowship, or two years of NCC fellowship.