Aborting my acceptance

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Dec 10, 2003
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I am in panic attack right now.
I was accepted to a school in Jan.
Recently they sent me a letter saying that I took my prerequisites more than 5 years ago so they are aborting my acceptance.
I have not seen any indication on this any where.
And I am just shocked and don't know what to do.

Do you guys know what I should do now?
Or do any of you guys know that there is any place that I can finish all these prerequisites in June to Aug?
Please help me.

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bluekty said:
I am in panic attack right now.
I was accepted to a school in Jan.
Recently they sent me a letter saying that I took my prerequisites more than 5 years ago so they are aborting my acceptance.
I have not seen any indication on this any where.
And I am just shocked and don't know what to do.

Do you guys know what I should do now?
Or do any of you guys know that there is any place that I can finish all these prerequisites in June to Aug?
Please help me.

that is f**ked up!
Ohh myy.. can they do that?!! If there were any problems in your coursework, I'd think they should have reviewed it before accepting you. I guess the best thing to do is actually call them and talk to somebody. I don't think this has happened to anyone on here before..
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f**ked up is an understatement. that's criminal. :(

i've no idea what you should do. i say you get in touch with dean of admissions and cry your ass off.

as for how to make up for your prereqs, there is no place where you can take all those classes in 2 months.
bluekty said:
I am in panic attack right now.
I was accepted to a school in Jan.
Recently they sent me a letter saying that I took my prerequisites more than 5 years ago so they are aborting my acceptance.
I have not seen any indication on this any where.
And I am just shocked and don't know what to do.

Do you guys know what I should do now?
Or do any of you guys know that there is any place that I can finish all these prerequisites in June to Aug?
Please help me.
Yeah, well i'm sure you can find the classes and take them during the summer. But how many prerequisites do they say are invalid? If it's all of them, then you might be in trouble. Anyhow, if I were you, I would collect all the material they ever sent/gave you (which you say doesn't mention the 5 year thing), and drive/fly over to LLU this weekend. Be outside the admissions/dean of admission's office at 8:00AM, and talk with them. don't make an appointment. good luck.
Jesus Christ Loma Linda sux. All the admissions committee members should watch the Da Vinci Code as punishment for they have sinned gravely.
bluekty said:
I am in panic attack right now.
I was accepted to a school in Jan.
Recently they sent me a letter saying that I took my prerequisites more than 5 years ago so they are aborting my acceptance.
I have not seen any indication on this any where.
And I am just shocked and don't know what to do.

Do you guys know what I should do now?
Or do any of you guys know that there is any place that I can finish all these prerequisites in June to Aug?
Please help me.

I got it...just tell them God will hate them or burn in hell for doing that to you. then maybe they will take it back.
There is definitely a legal route to be taken here, lawsuit maybe? As someone said before, call LL up and tell them the situation, if they don't budge, let them know your plans (legal) and try to get out there ASAP in person.
I have been looking at the website for whole time, which doesn't have the 5 year thing.
And just now... I just found out that the actual school calender has the 5 year thing.
Do you guys think I could sue them?

My god..... I cried so much and I can't cry any more...
what should i do... what should i do...
bluekty said:
I have been looking at the website for whole time, which doesn't have the 5 year thing.
And just now... I just found out that the actual school calender has the 5 year thing.
Do you guys think I could sue them?

My god..... I cried so much and I can't cry any more...
what should i do... what should i do...

there, there...follow the advice above and threaten legal action as a last resort...those schools usually freak out when they hear that cuz it could cost them lots of $$$$
I actually visited LLU and therefore am not suprised by the stupidity of their admissions staff.

Still I cannot believe they have the nerve to send someone a letter in the middle of May claiming to abort their acceptance. What do they think, that you are not going to fight for something that took you years to achieve? Perhaps they wanted to put one of the faculty's children in the class, and this is the best excuse they can come up with to open up a seat.

I'm assuming they did not mention anything at your interview or acceptance letter. On the website I cannot find the 5 year rule, so this is really gross neglegance on their part.

The 5 year rule itself is completely random. You could have remembered everything from that class whereas someone who took it last quarter might forget what they learned. I know there are advancements in science going on but biology, g-chem and o-chem haven't changed that much in 5 years!

Overall I think you are in a strong position to keep your spot. However it might be hard for you to enjoy going to LLU after this experience.

Just out of curiosity did you get accepted to other schools and decline them?
Here's what I found on LLU's School of Dentistry 2003-2005 Bulletin:

A complete academic year of classwork (8 semester or 12 quarter units) in general biology, general chemistry, organic chemistry, general physics,
and English composition must be completed within five years prior to admission, with a grade of C or above in each course.


I found that here: http://www.llu.edu/llu/academics/catalog.html

It's weird that they don't list their requirements on the dental school's main page. They should have reviewed your application before even giving you an interview. I would definitely be complaining to the higher-ups at LLU. Good luck to you.

Did you get accepted to any other schools? How many prerequisites did you take 5 years ago?
This is what they said I am missing.
General Physics, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry
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Is that a year of each subject? If so, that might be hard to do in one summer. I would start looking for a plane ticket to LLU to talk to them, but also summer school schedules too in case they don't listen.
that's so wrong... they should honor your acceptance because it was a mistake they made...

also, which other schools follow this policy?
bluekty said:
I am in panic attack right now.
I was accepted to a school in Jan.
Recently they sent me a letter saying that I took my prerequisites more than 5 years ago so they are aborting my acceptance.
I have not seen any indication on this any where.
And I am just shocked and don't know what to do.

Do you guys know what I should do now?
Or do any of you guys know that there is any place that I can finish all these prerequisites in June to Aug?
Please help me.

Yikes! that's absolutely horrible!! take the advise above.
damn thats mess up, good luck
So i should retake my g-chem and freshmen english since i took them in 2000?
When did you take the DAT? They should take into consideration that you were tested on this material (gen chem, orgo, etc) and you obviously did well enough to be accepted.
tell that that taking away your admission so late was a satanic thing to do and that they should reconsider
They shouldnt have given you an interview then...since they did give you an interview, they should have mentioned this during that time...and they shouldnt have given you an acceptance. Its on them, call and talk to someone, thats total BS.
I like the advice given here. You should definitely go and talk to the dean of admissions and explain your situation. If that doesn't work, then tell them they'll be hearing from your attorney shortly.

They should have reviewed your application more closely if they are serious about that requirement.
consult a lawyer asap and threaten to sue... seriously they have no right to do that
Rezdawg said:
They shouldnt have given you an interview then...since they did give you an interview, they should have mentioned this during that time...and they shouldnt have given you an acceptance. Its on them, call and talk to someone, thats total BS.
It's not "on them." Why is everybody saying that? If you walk into the admissions office on Monday and tell them that it's their fault for not checking they'll laugh at you. And yes, I'm sure threatening legal action is gonna get you very far. :rolleyes: Even if you did get a lawyer, you wouldn't get anywhere.

I hate to be the negative one on this thread, but bluekty, didn't it ever pass through your mind that your prerequisites might be expired. I mean, five years is a long time.

I'm not saying that this doesn't suck. It definitely does, and I'd be pissed off too. But when you go and speak to LLU, I suggest you take a humble approach. If I were an admissions officer, I'd be a lot more responsive to "I honestly didn't see this in any of the info you sent me, I'm so sorry, what can I do" than "listen, you guys accepted me, now you're taking it away, wtf."
DentalSkills said:
consult a lawyer asap and threaten to sue... seriously they have no right to do that
Since when is an acceptance letter a legally-binding agreement? I could maybe see looking into legal involvement if blutkty had already paid a significant amount of first-year tuition, but even then...

Guys, you're not helping blutkty here. He/She screwed up, plain and simple. It was written down, and he/she didn't see it. Ignorance of the law doesn't make bluekty innocent.

The most important thing to do is to go down to LLU, admit your mistake and why it was made, and try and propose a solution (i.e. making up the classes this summer). :luck:
Hey, I would explain that you applied to the program in good faith and LLU accepted you into the program in good faith. Further, by LLU accepting your admission application and deposit the two of you have entered into a contract. Further explain that you have provided transcripts and other supporting documentation in a timely manner and have met all deadlines established by LLU. Explain that they have had ample time to review and/or contest transcripts, documents, and have had the opportunity to request further documentation for clarification. Explain that you have met your burden of obligations as an applicant however LLU has failed in its administrative obligations. It is disingenuous of LLU to abort your admission at the twelfth hour. By LLU taking this action it has placed an undue burden upon you, both emotional and financial. You are being forced to accept dire consequence due to LLU’s administrative error. It is simply unacceptable to you.

If this tactic fails I would politely but firmly explain that you will not accept the consequences of their error and will continue to pursue this matter until an acceptable resolution is reached on your behalf. Only then would I contact an attorney, and have him/her look into it and see if you have a leg to stand on. I know that money will be an issue, but hey you have come this far.
SuperTrooper said:
It's not "on them." Why is everybody saying that? If you walk into the admissions office on Monday and tell them that it's their fault for not checking they'll laugh at you.

Its more on LLU than it is on bluekty...they reviewed the application, granted an interview, reviewed the application, sent out an acceptance, and then accepted the deposit. Basically, they gave every indication to bluekty that he/she would be a student next fall. You dont take that away from someone in mid-May. Im not saying its legally binding, but its pure BS. Its on them.
Rezdawg said:
Its more on LLU than it is on bluekty...they reviewed the application, granted an interview, reviewed the application, sent out an acceptance, and then accepted the deposit. Basically, they gave every indication to bluekty that he/she would be a student next fall. You dont take that away from someone in mid-May. Im not saying its legally binding, but its pure BS. Its on them.
Yes, I agree, it is BS for them to give an acceptance and then take it away for a reason like this. I think the post just written by coolhanluc is really good, and it makes sense. But when it comes down to this actual situation, and having to deal with it real-life, you can't go accusing the dental school of fu@king up. In the world of academics, the dental school is God and the dental school applicant is a turd with flies circling around it. The dental school can do whatever it wants, and I don't think it's wise for bluekty to go up and say "listen, I gave you guys all my info, etc, etc." I'm not saying this is the way it should be, but it's the way things are right now. And the OP has to deal with it. Fact remains, the 5-year rule was written down and the OP didn't meet that rule.
Thank you guys so much.

I couldn't sleep at all after I received the letter yesterday.
I have been thinking and thinking. And also been looking at all the posts you guys made.

I am thinking about talking to an attorney first thing in the morning on Monday. And ask what I should do, and if I can win or not. (Money isn't the issue now)
And then I am thinking about going to school and talk to them.

I was accepted in the end of Jan. I paid deposit and all documents have been sent to start school. I even was about to move next month.
This is just too shocking...
I have finished all the prerequisites. Yes they are more than 5 years old. (I am in Master's now) But I did finish them all and I even did good on DAT which I took it one and half years ago. I really do not understand why this hardship has to come to me. I've been waiting so long for this dental school.

Do you guys know any good attorney in Los Angeles by any chance?

All the posts are very helpful to me.
Thank you all guys.
Please give me more advice.
I wouldn't even attempt the lawsuit. If you tried and failed, good luck on reacceptance. If you try and win, have fun being most likely stared at and looked down upon by all faculty making your 4 years, a living embarassing hell.

Just retake your prereqs and at this point I bet they will accept you again no matter what.
I believe coolhandluc has given the best advice and outlined the best course of action. In your post you mentioned you are in a masters program. What type of program? Perhaps LLU has overlooked the masters course work. I don’t believe it would be far fetched for an AADCOM office staffer to see your pre-requisites are over five years old and overlook that your are doing a masters in biochem or alike. If applicable this is something that should be addressed with an admissions committee member and not an office staffer. Remember when you contact the school be very nice despite how you feel. Make certain you talk to the dean of admissions or someone with similar authority. Before anything else confirm this is not some type of mistake.

Two other things occur. Are you perhaps of the “wrong” religious persuasion for LLU? If this is the case and can be shown with some certainty then find the smartest lawyer you can and have LLU finance you retirement. Finally could this be an elaborate practical joke (though not a funny one)? Best of luck.
bluekty said:
I am in panic attack right now.
I was accepted to a school in Jan.
Recently they sent me a letter saying that I took my prerequisites more than 5 years ago so they are aborting my acceptance.
I have not seen any indication on this any where.
And I am just shocked and don't know what to do.

Do you guys know what I should do now?
Or do any of you guys know that there is any place that I can finish all these prerequisites in June to Aug?
Please help me.

WOW!! omgoodness, I didn't know this sort of thing could happen????? This has got to be some freak mistake! Are there any other stories out there of this happening to someone?
I'd consult a lawyer to see if this is an acceptable pracitce. To issue an acceptance is, in my opinion, some kind of a legally binding agreement. If they weren't satisfied with her prereqs, they should have never issued an interview let alone an acceptance.

I would also get over to the LLU dean of admissions and talk to her ASAP. Come on...5 years isn't a long time. Think about it, if you get rejected senior year and decide to reapply after getting a master's that's 6 years right there. Not fair if you ask me. bluekty, if that's your situation, I'd mention that as well.

And how long has it been since you've taken the prereqs, I think if you're int he above situation you can explain to th em what is giong on/how unChristian this attitude is.

In the end, it's up to you about if you want to take legal action. I'd mention when I talk to them that you have consulted legal counsel. Sometimes the threat is enough. Aren't they a Mormon school? Random question (no offense to this), are you Mormon? If you're not, this could be an attempt at religious discrimination?

Though I don't know. Just my 2 cents. I'd definately talk to a lawyer just to ask if this is legal. Take everything you have with you! :luck:
See if this is an acceptable practice under the ADEA codes and being an accredited program? I am sure that if you go and speak with them it can be resolved. At absolute worst they would give you a defered acceptance until next year, but trust me if they want to bend the rules they can, if they tell you there is no way that they can have you matriculate because of the 5 year thing don't believe it. Go in there with a planned stategy and blow some hot air up their butts and smooth it over. Definately be calm and humble but stern.
food4thots said:
that's so wrong... they should honor your acceptance because it was a mistake they made...

also, which other schools follow this policy?

This is true, if LL had any integrity at all, they'd admit fault and reinstate your acceptance. This should have been caught through the admissions filter...did you mention in your personal statement your time out of school? I know you were not accepted anywhere else, but did you withdraw your application anywhere upon acceptance? You definitely have the upper hand here, they can't do this, and you should set a precedent here...maybe this will make them actually follow their rules and so this will not happen in the future.
By the way, pull up your acceptance condition letter. If you have met those conditions upon acceptance, than there really is no reasonable or legal way they can not accept you. That is basically the contract.
EyeAmCommi said:
Jesus Christ Loma Linda sux. All the admissions committee members should watch the Da Vinci Code as punishment for they have sinned gravely.

beannaithe said:
Aren't they a Mormon school? Random question (no offense to this), are you Mormon? If you're not, this could be an attempt at religious discrimination?

No, they are not a Mormon school for the record.
I wouldnt see a lawyer first. I'd talk to the school about the situation. When it comes down to it, the school can do whatever it wants...up to a certain point. If you cant come away with anything positive after talking to the school, then I'd look into seeing what a lawyer can do, although I dont think you have a real chance in a lawsuit. However, LLU may fear bad publicity if they know you are consulting with an attorney, so that may scare them a bit. In any case, I think the best step would be to talk to the school first. Good luck.
This may have been suggested already, but why don't you try and get in contact with an official from the ADEA and inquire about what recourse you may/may not have available to you. I am sure that Loma Linda would prefer to stay within ADEA's good graces.

Best of luck.
It is obvious that you do have the perfect conditions for a potential lawsuits, don't let anyone on here tell you otherwise, like people said before, talk to them, if they don't budge, you could really give them a scare. Good luck, keep us posted with what happens.
wow. I can't believe it. I wanted to say that maybe you should keep this a little more discreet because they probably won't have a hard time using what you have written in court if you decide to launch a lawsuit. not that you've said anything wrong, but you know anything you say can and will be used against you....

I am so sorry about this traumatic experience you're going through. Just remember it is not the end of the world. You will attain your goal, even if there is this huge roadblock right now. I would say don't go to a lawyer unless they won't budge without one. Worst case, you could take these classes during the year and have a deferred spot. But then you would have to go there being reminded of all this horrible experience that they put you through...

If you believe that there is a great plan for your life, then maybe things might be a little easier on you. This will end, and you WILL be ok. God bless.
wow...that's a tough situation...and personally scary for me. is this a general policy of dental schools?? i am considering applying to dental school next summer, which will be 4 years after graduating from college. not to hijack this thread, but would i have to do a post-bac? Thanks!
1FutureDDS said:
I wouldn't even attempt the lawsuit. If you tried and failed, good luck on reacceptance. If you try and win, have fun being most likely stared at and looked down upon by all faculty making your 4 years, a living embarassing hell.

Just retake your prereqs and at this point I bet they will accept you again no matter what.

I bet if the OP sued and won they would be ok. Kick ass in class, and have a personality. That will win the hearts and minds
i wouldnt mind starting a letter campaign to LLU on behalf of this poor guy. this is f**kin horse**** the more you think about it :mad:
I did notice this 5 yr rule or whatever it is on the University of Tennessee Dental School's site a couple of days ago and I think it's awful. That basically means that you must start and finish your Bachelors in four years or possibly retake your first year's of classes. I took some of my prereqs in 2000 and 2001 and am worried about this rule. Five years is not that long ago considering it takes four to get a Bachelors and many people take longer like I have and needed to take a year off in between.
I would go talk to a lawyer ASAP... This is complete neglengence on their part. Following their own "Rules" they should no have even gave u an interview, yet give u an acceptance. Now that your life has changed because of this acceptance with the expectations of going to dental school, they take it away from you? Oh boy, think about it... You can sue them for neglengence and emotional damages. This is bullsh*t completely. Take advantage of the system, get some legel counseling and threaten them. Im sure any lawyer will talk to you with some real sound evidence. Just my 2 cents
Thank you all, guys...
I just talked to my lawyer today.
He asked me to talk to the admission dean in person first, telling them what their mistakes are and what should've done before this happens. And if the talk is not going any where, then I will mention them that I am on a conseling with a lawyer already.
I really hope that I can start school this september.
No one can take away my acceptance... I gained it. They reviewed all my transcripts and documents, and then they gave me an acceptance letter based on all those information.

I need to prepare for how I should talk to the dean on Monday. But my brain isn't functioning today from not being able to eat and sleep at all.

Thank you guys all.
If you guys have any suggestions, please let me know.
bluekty said:
Thank you all, guys...
I just talked to my lawyer today.
He asked me to talk to the admission dean in person first, telling them what their mistakes are and what should've done before this happens. And if the talk is not going any where, then I will mention them that I am on a conseling with a lawyer already.
I really hope that I can start school this september.
No one can take away my acceptance... I gained it. They reviewed all my transcripts and documents, and then they gave me an acceptance letter based on all those information.

I need to prepare for how I should talk to the dean on Monday. But my brain isn't functioning today from not being able to eat and sleep at all.

Thank you guys all.
If you guys have any suggestions, please let me know.

Good luck and keep us posted.
bluekty said:
Thank you all, guys...
I just talked to my lawyer today.
He asked me to talk to the admission dean in person first, telling them what their mistakes are and what should've done before this happens. And if the talk is not going any where, then I will mention them that I am on a conseling with a lawyer already.
I really hope that I can start school this september.
No one can take away my acceptance... I gained it. They reviewed all my transcripts and documents, and then they gave me an acceptance letter based on all those information.

I need to prepare for how I should talk to the dean on Monday. But my brain isn't functioning today from not being able to eat and sleep at all.

Thank you guys all.
If you guys have any suggestions, please let me know.

Im really sorry about whats happening to you. You worked really hard to get that acceptance. But i have a question for you..."would you actually want to attend a LLU knowing that they put you through such hell?" maybe its a sign and you probably arent meant to be there. I believe everything happens for a reason. I hope everything works out for you..best of luck :luck:
Tufts Univ School of Dental Medicine D'10
I apologize if someone else already said this but I tried to read it all...

When you go talk to the dean on Monday, I would not tell him you failed to gain admissions elsewhere. In fact, you could use the fact that you were granted admission early in the process (January) as leverage. For all they know, you could have turned down admissions elsewhere or cancelled interviews based on your assumption that you were accepted at LLU. I'd be curious as to this if you were to sue...if you claimed you were accepted elsewhere, would you have to say where? I'd think maybe legally you and the other schools could be exempt from having to give that information.

I, as others who have posted, can't fathom anyone being in the school's corner right now. They had multiple chances to catch this and failed to do so. As another poster said, when they sent you a letter and cashed your deposit that has to be some sort of legal entity that must be upheld. I'll be very interested to hear how this plays out.