Aborting my acceptance

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Yes I do know that I have updated it after I met them.
What I am wondering is...
did they changed it to fight against me? i don't think they did because they know that I do have previous website in copy. then,,, how would they explain about this when i meet them again?
would they still keep their position?

I don't know what to expect...

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bluekty said:
Yes I do know that I have updated it after I met them.
What I am wondering is...
did they changed it to fight against me? i don't think they did because they know that I do have previous website in copy. then,,, how would they explain about this when i meet them again?
would they still keep their position?

I don't know what to expect...

Bluekty, Let's look at this positively. Let us assume that they changed it because they realized that it was ambigous and don't want this same kind of fiasco again. The fact that you can support your claim with old copies (you sly 'ol fox) will have them back peddl'n. Try and relax, I sense that this will have a positive resolution for you
coolhanluc said:
Bluekty, Let's look at this positively. Let us assume that they changed it because they realized that it was ambigous and don't want this same kind of fiasco again. The fact that you can support your claim with old copies (you sly 'ol fox) will have them back peddl'n. Try and relax, I sense that this will have a positive resolution for you

I totally agree with this. Just because they changed their website to be more clear doesn't make them underhanded. It was a clarifiying adjustment. It they wouldn't have posted the update date that would have been more suspicious.
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bluekty said:
Yes I do know that I have updated it after I met them.
What I am wondering is...
did they changed it to fight against me? i don't think they did because they know that I do have previous website in copy. then,,, how would they explain about this when i meet them again?
would they still keep their position?

I don't know what to expect...

what does it matter whether they changed it because of you? all that it matters is that they changed it because it wasn't stated there previously...
coolhanluc said:
I agree with Mellowt, they are trying to cover their butts. By them updating their page and in red (Like the color of their faces) is admission on their part that their policy was unclear. I interpet this as a big ++++++ in your favor Bluekty. You can ask, "Well if the policy wasn't unclear why did you make such an obviously bold change to the web page?" What ever you do don't lose those print outs. Good luck :cool:
Them changing their website means nothing. The 5 year rule was written down in the LLU literature... period. They can still do whatever the hell they want with bluekty's acceptance.

Regardless, the fact that bluekty is meeting with them a week later sounds pretty good to me. I think it'll work out okay. Worst case situation is bluekty has to wait a year to go to dental school. Sucks, but no biggie.
I see the fact that they changed their website a good sign for you, as most do here, yet it is pretty sad and crappy on their part at the same time. First of all, it looks really obvious they put it up just because they know they are at fault. Glad to see you have records of the previous website. How many students does LLU accept into their program? It seems to me they are making a fuss out of nothing. You have done a masters and it isn't like you were sitting on your behind those past years out of school. I still find the whole situation ridiculous...but good luck, I'm routing for you!
blukty-I sent you a pm re: llu did you receive it? I was in a similar situation..in that my pre reqs were over 5 yrs old, and I'd gotten a MS since then as well. Since I was worried about this issue, I'd called a few colleges to get a sense of their policies. LLU on my first call said, that they had this 5 yrs rule, but that they make a case by case exception as well. So I applied, and then got a secondary app, which is butt long..and on the jacket cover, again I saw that 5 yrs rule, so I being paranoid called again..this time they told me that the rule is absolute. So I asked them why they'd sent me a secondary (they're just money hungry, that's my feeling now). Anyhow, they gave me a crappy ans as to why I got it. I sent it in, and later got a rejection letter. What that tells me is that their so called screening process, is not worth S_ _ _! I think the same thing might've happened to you..my guess is that they looked at your stats, which were probably good, and never bothered to notice how long ago you did your pre reqs. I'm glad that you'd documented all your stuff, and have photocopies. I really hope that you get in there, if that's what you really want. G'luck!

I am curious did you get any other acceptances, that you might've turned down because of this one acceptance?
That is craziest thing Ive heard so far. Sue them!!! And if that doesn't work out, you can always apply to another school next year. =) What they did was definitely unethical and I totally understand your frustration. In fact, I wouldve gone mad!!!

Sorry to hear this happened to you, it is most unfortunate. That being said, please try the most diplomatic means necessary to have them try to reinstate your acceptance. As others have posted already, going the legal route is your way of kissing dentistry goodbye. It doesn't matter if they were unclear, biased, etc etc, the instituition is set up such that if you try to fight the "good" fight, you lose. This is very similar to the student at Marquette that had his first year cancelled due to remarks on the internet about his class. At the time the story broke, of course the threat of suing Marquette was mentioned, with many on this site stating they had no right to do it, blah blah blah, the student will win the lawsuit. Well reality sets in and no, the instituition of professional schools always wins. And suppose you do manage to threaten LLU into reinstating your acceptance. Well now you've just given yourself 4 years of pain in a school that you had to "sue" to get into. See what I mean? OTH, suppose you lose, but now word gets out that you sued a dental school, well time to kiss your dream goodbye.

Your path of action is clear, and my comments are not meant to deter you. Please try your best to have them reinstate it and hope for the best. If it's truly your dream to be a dentist, then applying another year won't hurt that much.
CatsLover said:
That is craziest thing Ive heard so far. Sue them!!! And if that doesn't work out, you can always apply to another school next year. =) What they did was definitely unethical and I totally understand your frustration. In fact, I wouldve gone mad!!!

go back and play with your 50 cats..... There was nothing unethical that LLU did.
hockeydentist said:
go back and play with your 50 cats..... There was nothing unethical that LLU did.

Posting all the admissions requiirements and then in bold red letters, posting the 5 year limit on science coursework immediately after this thread had took off really is shady in my opinion...
ineeddds said:

Sorry to hear this happened to you, it is most unfortunate. That being said, please try the most diplomatic means necessary to have them try to reinstate your acceptance. As others have posted already, going the legal route is your way of kissing dentistry goodbye. It doesn't matter if they were unclear, biased, etc etc, the instituition is set up such that if you try to fight the "good" fight, you lose. This is very similar to the student at Marquette that had his first year cancelled due to remarks on the internet about his class. At the time the story broke, of course the threat of suing Marquette was mentioned, with many on this site stating they had no right to do it, blah blah blah, the student will win the lawsuit. Well reality sets in and no, the instituition of professional schools always wins. And suppose you do manage to threaten LLU into reinstating your acceptance. Well now you've just given yourself 4 years of pain in a school that you had to "sue" to get into. See what I mean? OTH, suppose you lose, but now word gets out that you sued a dental school, well time to kiss your dream goodbye.

Your path of action is clear, and my comments are not meant to deter you. Please try your best to have them reinstate it and hope for the best. If it's truly your dream to be a dentist, then applying another year won't hurt that much.

I really hope that you take this advice. I can understand the urge to bring in lawyers if you don't end up coming to an agreement with them, but the worst thing that can happen is that you'll get blackballed.
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bluekty said:
not going good

Well, there's some crappy news. This whole thing is pissing me off...my respect for LL is dropping big time.
bluekty said:
not going good
Sorry to hear that bluekty. Don't take it too badly if you don't end up matriculating somewhere in september. Sounds to me like you're a good applicant, and i'm sure that you'll get accepted next cycle if need be. In the grand scheme of things one more year isn't that big of a deal. But it sure does suck.

I hope you didn't interpret my earlier comments as supporting LLU's decision. I think what they did is really rude and disrespectful; and what happened to you could've happened to anybody. I was just presenting how the dental school probably thought about it; because the advice being given by people like r0entgen and dexadental was terribly naive.

good luck!! :) :luck:
I really hope this gets resolved for you soon. If it doesn't, though, like supertrooper says, one year is not going to kill you. Apply to other schools and I'm sure you'll get in somewhere better than LLU. I wouldn't want to go there after they did something like that to you.

Best of luck.
Good luck buddy, hope it works out for the best. Keep the fight alive!
(and our advice wasn't naive :p )
dexadental said:
(and our advice wasn't naive :p )
Come on... legal action? The school was entirely at fault? :rolleyes:

Despite what you guys may think, the school thought long and hard about rescinding that acceptance . They're not stupid. Anyhow, it would be inappropriate and mean to continue this discussion, cause it looks like this thread might be approaching a sad end. As someone who has experienced the hard-hand of dental school administration, I just wanted to chime in and tell it like it is (not how it should be).
Anybody know what was the outcome here????
heared insider news that llu over accepted this year. they accepted 106 people while they only had 95 seats aviliable. more people are willing to attend LLU than what they expected.

damn, dentistry just getting more and more competitive.
Oh, this'll be a fun case to analyze, from a legal perspective. Having just come from DUKE LAW...., there's SOOOOO many fun legal questions to address!!! Legal terminology and ideas have been thrown around all over, and many have been WRONG! Let's approach this from contracts law.

1) First, is there a contract between you and LL? ... well the acceptance letter shouldn't by and of itself become a contract. The acceptance letter could be seen as an OFFER. Until you've "accepted" the offer, the school has the legal right to rescind the offer. The reason can be any at all, but sometimes it's limited to legitimate reasons. Here, you may show that you've accepted the offer, by means such as sending a deposit to them to reserve a spot on the class. After you've accepted their offer, there's a legally recognized contract.

2) Second, there's the issue of the 5 year rule. On the one hand, strictly speaking, the rule's in place. That's what the school'll argue, you've violated the rule and they have a reason to revoke acceptance. HOWEVER, by inviting you to an interview, by your incurring monetary loss by going there, and by offering you an acceptance, you can easily argue that LL waived that admissions pre-req ("implied waiver of a condition"). This'll be the strongest legal argument you'll have, because once the court sides with you, you're home free. The ball was in their court. They had the dated transcripts. You performed everything you needed to.

3) Third, you may argue unconscionability. It seems like what they're doing is based on their error in accepting too many students. The actual impetus for revoking your acceptance is their accepting too many students, not the pre-req's. Also, their waiting this long in the process may cause problems. You may have also become dependent on their offer of acceptance, such that their revocation would cause you gross injustice and substantial harm (think of all the ways you're harmed financially!!!!).

I'll stop right here. But bottom line, you'll have a decent chance of winning the case, assuming your lawyer's not an idiot and theirs is not from a big law firm like King and Spalding, Alston and Bird, and Cravath!

and if they offer you to refund you your deposit, DON'T TAKE IT BACK!!!

everyone died.... sorry to ruin the ending for you, but s/he was a ghost the entire time :scared:
This is what they said I am missing.
General Physics, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry

since you've already taken those courses before, i don't see why they can't just let you retake those courses during summer sessions... that's a definitely manageable load if you have time for it this summer. you can take physics & chemistry during one session, then orgo during a second session. no? :confused:
since you've already taken those courses before, i don't see why they can't just let you retake those courses during summer sessions... that's a definitely manageable load if you have time for it this summer. you can take physics & chemistry during one session, then orgo during a second session. no? :confused:
You know that this was happening last cycle, right? It's a thread from 2006.
You know that this was happening last cycle, right? It's a thread from 2006.

ppl have been posting in really old threads quite frequently in the past few weeks.
Last edited:
All these zombie threads coming back to life.
All these zombie threads coming back to life.

I think most ppl realize this...like me, they read the story and it's very interesting...just what to hear what ended up happening...there's no ending to the story. I looked up this person though and they are applying this year...so I guess I should presume that the person either made the story up or they really didn't accept him/her
I am in panic attack right now.
I was accepted to a school in Jan.
Recently they sent me a letter saying that I took my prerequisites more than 5 years ago so they are aborting my acceptance.
I have not seen any indication on this any where.
And I am just shocked and don't know what to do.

Do you guys know what I should do now?
Or do any of you guys know that there is any place that I can finish all these prerequisites in June to Aug?
Please help me.
:hahaha.....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: no joke. dated 2006? and ......
wow, no way....LLU as Seventh-Day Adventist school does something like that. They must have agreed JC is no longer coming back.
Well, as somebody says it earlier: get yourself down there and talk to the dean nicely. Don't talk to them like they didn't do their job properly (which they didn't). Be nice to them and i am sure something positive will come out. 'a legal action' should be the last resort. I knew many ppl who shued LL and they lost. Why? LLU belongs to the SDA church--which is big time a non-profit organiozation. Believe me, try to see if you can as nice to those guys. The SDA church is on their back, so you yourself can victim of any legal action.
I am sorry you are going through something like that. Those LLU guys need Jesus.

you need an eye to look at the post date.

regardless, they had the 5 years rule written down some where. i think it is your responsibility to find out individual school's requirement
KILL THIS THING!!! And i think LL was unprofessional in the way they handed out an acceptance without fully looking at the finer points of the application. I agree that as an applicant you should be aware of the requirements of each given school, but as an institution there is a certain manner of professionalism in conduct that should be practiced, and in this case was not. KILL THIS THING!!!!
So is blue in a dental school this time around? I want to hear the end of the story. It was getting interesting there for a bit.
This whole story is sad. LLU is way out of bounds. The same thing happened to me. Except for I was at 7-11. Plus, I was buying a Big Gulp. Oh, and my debit card was expired. ##@!!$%s refused to take my expired debit card. The clerk let me keep the Big Gulp, since I was already drinking it. Ahhhh, I sure do like Powerade.
KILL THIS THING!!! And i think LL was unprofessional in the way they handed out an acceptance without fully looking at the finer points of the application. I agree that as an applicant you should be aware of the requirements of each given school, but as an institution there is a certain manner of professionalism in conduct that should be practiced, and in this case was not. KILL THIS THING!!!!
This is by far the best response: " KILL THIS THING!!!!-in the meantime I'm gonna add my thoughts and keep the thread alive by bumping it with my post- KILL THIS THING!!!!"

So is blue in a dental school this time around? I want to hear the end of the story. It was getting interesting there for a bit.

If you look at Blue's post history, it doesn't look promising. :(

btw, KILL THIS THING!!!!;):D