ACOM vs. Touro Nevada

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Irtaza Asar

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7+ Year Member
Nov 27, 2013
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Hello fellow SDNers!

This is my first post but I've been a lurker for a really really really long time! This place has been an incredibly informative haven and I thought I'd take the time to thank you guys for all the great information/advice that you give on a daily basis.

The med school cycle went well for me and I was accepted into ACOM and Touro Nevada. I'm really torn between both school because while I know Touro Nevada is the more 'established school', I just really got a great vibe from ACOM during the interview. Would any current medical students be willing to offer any advice?

In terms of location, both places are far away from where I am currently (PA) so in that sense, there's not a big difference for me. I've lived in both city/suburban areas and I really love both. Both schools are fantastic so any advice would greatly be appreciated :)

Thank you again in advance.

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Hello fellow SDNers!

This is my first post but I've been a lurker for a really really really long time! This place has been an incredibly informative haven and I thought I'd take the time to thank you guys for all the great information/advice that you give on a daily basis.

The med school cycle went well for me and I was accepted into ACOM and Touro Nevada. I'm really torn between both school because while I know Touro Nevada is the more 'established school', I just really got a great vibe from ACOM during the interview. Would any current medical students be willing to offer any advice?

In terms of location, both places are far away from where I am currently (PA) so in that sense, there's not a big difference for me. I've lived in both city/suburban areas and I really love both. Both schools are fantastic so any advice would greatly be appreciated :)

Thank you again in advance.

Welcome to SDN.

Please go to TouroNV.