Advice: Apply for Epidemiology PhD now or later

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10+ Year Member
Jan 6, 2013
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So I'm coming up on my second year of my second year of MPH program, and I'm trying to decide what direction I should take next. I have done well academically in my program but have not participated in epidemiology research (though I have undergrad biology research experience and a public health internship). I know I want to get a PhD at some point, I just don't know how competitive I am for a funded program.

Option 1 is to get a fellowship or job and gain 1-3 years of experience.

Option 2 is to go straight from my MPH to a PhD program.

Undergrad GPA (2016): 3.99/biology
MPH GPA (2018): 4.0/epi
GRE: 161 V/ 155 Q/ 4.5 writing

Does anyone have any thoughts or first hand experience?

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I think you have a great background for a PhD, and you'll get into a program, but it might help you significantly to work for 1-3 years in the field that you want to go into after getting the PhD rather than immediately going for the PhD after the MPH, just to get that practical real world epidemiology experience, and to add public health research to the resume. It might also help you narrow down what PhD program you want to attend.
I think you have a great background for a PhD, and you'll get into a program, but it might help you significantly to work for 1-3 years in the field that you want to go into after getting the PhD rather than immediately going for the PhD after the MPH, just to get that practical real world epidemiology experience, and to add public health research to the resume. It might also help you narrow down what PhD program you want to attend.

Thank you! That's kind of along the lines of what I was thinking. I'm interested in Chronic Disease Epi, so I think gaining direct experience in that field would be good for me before going into a PhD program.