Advice needed

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5+ Year Member
Sep 27, 2017
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I am from Arkansas so I know getting into state schools is harder because they only have a specific spots for Arkansas residents but I am getting alittle nervous because I have not heard back from 2/3(UMKC and Texas A&M Dallas) of the schools I applied to.
I am a student athlete and have 150+ shadowing/volunteering. My Gpa is 3.74 and sGPA is 3.68. I got a 21 on the DAT (19 bio, 23 GC, 22 OC, 21 QR, 21 RC, 20 PAT).
I am wondering if it is normal to not hear back from schools this far into October and if anyone has advice on what I can do/if i can do anything?

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I am from Arkansas so I know getting into state schools is harder because they only have a specific spots for Arkansas residents but I am getting alittle nervous because I have not heard back from 2/3(UMKC and Texas A&M Dallas) of the schools I applied to.
I am a student athlete and have 150+ shadowing/volunteering. My Gpa is 3.74 and sGPA is 3.68. I got a 21 on the DAT (19 bio, 23 GC, 22 OC, 21 QR, 21 RC, 20 PAT).
I am wondering if it is normal to not hear back from schools this far into October and if anyone has advice on what I can do/if i can do anything?

As an Arkansas applicant, you should be applying to Tennessee (I'm assuming that is the third school you applied to?) - they're sort of the de facto 'state school' for Arkansas residents, since we don't have our own dental school. UTHSC's dental school reserves a significant amount of seats for Arkansas residents and is likely your best shot. In my experience the Texas schools extremely difficult to get into OOS, even if you're from Arkansas, so don't stress not hearing back from Texas A&M too much. Your stats are solid, but you should apply more broadly to be safe in this situation.

As far as not hearing back, this cycle has been atypical due to the new application system, so I wouldn't be too worried yet.
As an Arkansas applicant, you should be applying to Tennessee (I'm assuming that is the third school you applied to?) - they're sort of the de facto 'state school' for Arkansas residents, since we don't have our own dental school. UTHSC's dental school reserves a significant amount of seats for Arkansas residents and is likely your best shot. In my experience the Texas schools extremely difficult to get into OOS, even if you're from Arkansas, so don't stress not hearing back from Texas A&M too much. Your stats are solid, but you should apply more broadly to be safe in this situation.

As far as not hearing back, this cycle has been atypical due to the new application system, so I wouldn't be too worried yet.

Thank you for the response
I did have an interview at Tennessee earlier in September and would love to go there, but I don't want to put all of my eggs in one basket. I did send my primary application to Midwestern in Chicago originally but decided not to complete the secondary. I would rather go to one of the schools that give Arkansas students in state tuition. I have been thinking about completing it and will probably do that this week.
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Thank you for the response
I did have an interview at Tennessee earlier in September and would love to go there, but I don't want to put all of my eggs in one basket. I did send my primary application to Midwestern in Chicago originally but decided not to complete the secondary. I would rather go to one of the schools that give Arkansas students in state tuition. I have been thinking about completing it and will probably do that this week.

Try Oklahoma as well, I think they have a similar reciprocity agreement.
Try Oklahoma as well, I think they have a similar reciprocity agreement.
Went to OU and from Texas, can attest, you are throwing money down the drain applying OOS to Texas and OU dental does save spots for Arkansas students but its not a high number (their entering classes in general are small, around 60ish students i believe).
Went to OU and from Texas, can attest, you are throwing money down the drain applying OOS to Texas and OU dental does save spots for Arkansas students but its not a high number (their entering classes in general are small, around 60ish students i believe).
I looked and they let in 1-2 Arkansas students, Dallas allows around 5, UMKC is the same as Oklahoma but I could be mistaken