AFROTC, Service Commitment, then Medical School

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Jul 29, 2016
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So I'm in the AFROTC program at my university. I want to go to medical school, but I wanted to serve my four year commitment before hand. I'm currently a biology major, and hoping to work as a laboratory technician or scientist of some sort. Would I be at a disadvantage going to medical school after my four year service commitment? I would have to take the MCAT again, since the tests expire after two years. Would medical schools look down upon me if I didn't get a medically related job, like a line officer? How would being in the air force impact admission to medical school?

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Many people do this. Also, medical schools tend to like people with some sort of non-student life experience ("non-traditional" students), so I think it's at worst a neutral plan and at best an advantage, provided that your MCAT score doesn't suffer significantly.