I predict more solo work in the future. In the past, care team made financial sense. The math is changing now. Sure, MD salaries are going up. But CRNA salaries (on a relative scale) have increased more. If you have a MD in the room, you just pay the MD. With care team model, you must pay 1 CNRA per room + 1/2 vs 1/3 vs 1/4 MD (depending on concurrency ratio). When MD salaries were > 2x/hr CRNA salary, this made sense financially. Now with CRNA and MD salary becoming closer on a per hour basis, care team does not make financial sense unless ratio is high (3:1 minimum, likely 4:1). I think this will lead to more docs in rooms. The lazy MDs who can't sit a case themselves or those who simply don't give a **** will accept a position in a firefighter role (>4:1 QZ).