Anesthesiology Board Preps

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Mar 18, 2019
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Maybe these are already answered but Any suggestion for BASIC BOARD prep qbanks? Boardvitals, vs. Truelearn vs. passmachine etc.? how about Michael Ho's program?

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Maybe these are already answered but Any suggestion for BASIC BOARD prep qbanks? Boardvitals, vs. Truelearn vs. passmachine etc.? how about Michael Ho's program?

Used TrueLearn exclusively, passed. Few of my classmates swear by passmachine. Just how you study and learn the material.
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Truelearn without a doubt for the written, lots of questions were verbatim on the basic exam, UBP for orals and lots of practice. I was at UTH for fellowship and personally got torn apart my Michael Ho several times, which was without a doubt, the most useful prep I did for orals.