Anesthesiology Step 1 < 220 as DO wamc

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Dec 2, 2013
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Step 1 218, DO student.

first 2 years: honored anatomy, cardiology, neuro. middle of the pack class rank.

half way through 3rd year, mostly passes. surgery rotation loved me but havent gotten grades back yet.
2 anesthesiology electives lined up.

is anesthesiology realistic for my profile? any advice to reasonably guarantee a match?

thanks all :)

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So this one's tougher because in general one needs better stats, including ~10-15 points higher for Step Scores, than comparable US MD applicants.

First question is what tier of DO school are you at - from you signature it looks like you are at one of the older DO schools with a good reputation. That's very helpful. One of the things I learned being on the admissions committee for 3 years was how different DO schools can be perceived, particularly for the newer schools < 10 years old.

You'll need to aim for a substantial improvement in Step 2 and have it in time for applications to show improvement, shoot for 240+. You Step 1 will get you filtered from most academic programs, but newer/community based programs are within reach.

Finally you're probably best served with a couple of away rotations since you (1) don't have a home program by definition and (2) have a low step score. See if you can get a letter from one or both of these (so schedule them in the mid to late summer before applications). Seek out programs near you that have a track record of taking a good amount of DOs and don't bother if there are none in the current residency list. Reach out to recent graduates of your school for advice on specific programs, I am sure they would be willing to help.

Overall, you have some work to do. Without a reasonable Step 2 score I'd make sure you apply with a backup specialty in mind. Good luck!
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So I am interesting in Anesthesiology as well. is 220 the "minimum" Step 1 score?
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@AdmiralChz I know this is probably a newbie question but I'm still trying to get this straight so correct me if I'm wrong. From what I can gather, when you refer to:
academic programs, but newer/community based programs
academic programs for residency means one affiliated more with a university's hospital while community means a standalone hospital not necessarily affiliated with a school. On the right track here?
So I am interesting in Anesthesiology as well. is 220 the "minimum" Step 1 score?

For a DO the "minimum" score is likely around 210-215 while for an U.S.A. Allopathic M.D. that number is around 200-205. Remember, this is for the bottom tier programs, new programs and smaller community based ones.
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For a DO the "minimum" score is likely around 210-215 while for an U.S.A. Allopathic M.D. that number is around 200-205. Remember, this is for the bottom tier programs, new programs and smaller community based ones.

Wow that is amazing.
Wow that is amazing.
Grain of salt though. I have two DO friends with stats in that range that applied to ~70-80 programs (basically any program with a DO resident on their roster). They both are sitting on 4 interviews, including the 2 they got for doing aways. Obviously it depends on the application year and many other application factors but just be aware that it will be a bit of an uphill battle and a backup plan may be in order. Best of luck.
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Grain of salt though. I have two DO friends with stats in that range that applied to ~70-80 programs (basically any program with a DO resident on their roster). They both are sitting on 4 interviews, including the 2 they got for doing aways. Obviously it depends on the application year and many other application factors but just be aware that it will be a bit of an uphill battle and a backup plan may be in order. Best of luck.

thank you. how were their Step 2?
For a DO the "minimum" score is likely around 210-215 while for an U.S.A. Allopathic M.D. that number is around 200-205. Remember, this is for the bottom tier programs, new programs and smaller community based ones.

how did the 210 - 215 minimum for DO's come about?
For a DO the "minimum" score is likely around 210-215 while for an U.S.A. Allopathic M.D. that number is around 200-205. Remember, this is for the bottom tier programs, new programs and smaller community based ones.
how did the 210 - 215 minimum for DO's come about?

Most programs like a 220 step 1. Some will bend that number a bit for the right applicant. As a DO it's harder to match into Gas much below 220. Hence, a 215 score would be lower than the program may like to see but if the step 2 is average or above average combined with other attributes like good letters, research and a known DO school the program may be more likely to at least offer an interview.

If you crush the interview that lower tier program or community program may just offer you a spot.
Grain of salt though. I have two DO friends with stats in that range that applied to ~70-80 programs (basically any program with a DO resident on their roster). They both are sitting on 4 interviews, including the 2 they got for doing aways. Obviously it depends on the application year and many other application factors but just be aware that it will be a bit of an uphill battle and a backup plan may be in order. Best of luck.

Good advice and I recommend they read your post several times especially the last 2 sentences.
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n=1 but US MD with a step score less than 215, no research, lower half class ranking, i got interviews at some top programs (columbia, for example). I'm sure a 250+ step 2 helped but anesthesia isn't all about numbers anymore..
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n=1 but US MD with a step score less than 215, no research, lower half class ranking, i got interviews at some top programs (columbia, for example). I'm sure a 250+ step 2 helped but anesthesia isn't all about numbers anymore..

A strong step 2 score definitely helps with mitigating the effects of a lower step 1. Are you from a decent school? That helps a lot.

Columbia has been the least competitive out of the big 4 programs recently in terms of offering interviews. It does have the strongest name. This is relative though as they will continue to attract top students; no way a DO will get an interview there, especially with a 220.
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n=1 but US MD with a step score less than 215, no research, lower half class ranking, i got interviews at some top programs (columbia, for example). I'm sure a 250+ step 2 helped but anesthesia isn't all about numbers anymore..

Sure, it isn't all about the numbers but most of the time the numbers do matter a great deal. US Allopathic MD typically needs a 205-215 to match at a bottom tier program vs 10 points higher for a US Osteopathic med student. As usual, YMMV but the general concept of Step 1 and Step 2 scores being a major factor in the match process is valid. I do believe a high step 2 score really helps the applicant with a low step 1 but the majority of the time the step 2 is average at best for these types of test takers.
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You guys are right, I am not from a top MD school or anything close to it but the step 2 was a big factor I'd guess. People can score below their potential but it's very hard to luck your way into a higher score than what you're capable of. My point is that a low step 1 score doesn't exclude you from matching into anesthesia and also into a good program. Ymmv for DO students of course.
You guys are right, I am not from a top MD school or anything close to it but the step 2 was a big factor I'd guess. People can score below their potential but it's very hard to luck your way into a higher score than what you're capable of. My point is that a low step 1 score doesn't exclude you from matching into anesthesia and also into a good program. Ymmv for DO students of course.

I can see programs "overlooking" a Mediocre Step-1 score because the applicant "crushed" Step-2. I know that if I was in charge of the process That's what I would do: give the person the benefit of the doubt because he/she showed good test taking skills with Step-2.

Unfortunately, many upper tier programs will screen out applicants with low Step-1 scores. It's simply part of their process. But, that does't mean you can't reach high for a good program and I would certainly include mid-tier programs with a Step-2 of 250.
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I can see programs "overlooking" a Mediocre Step-1 score because the applicant "crushed" Step-2. I know that if I was in charge of the process That's what I would do: give the person the benefit of the doubt because he/she showed good test taking skills with Step-2.

Unfortunately, many upper tier programs will screen out applicants with low Step-1 scores. It's simply part of their process. But, that does't mean you can't reach high for a good program and I would certainly include mid-tier programs with a Step-2 of 250.

thank you for the response.
would it be advisable to have backup specialty at that point?