AP Credits = retake?

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Hope you’re having a good day. I am aware that this topic has been discussed repeatedly in different contexts, but I felt the need to ask again for more concrete answers. I’ll try to phrase my questions accurately.

I am not at the point to purchase MSAR yet, but 1). does it show whether or not each school accepts college credits resulting from AP? and 2). If schools generally don’t accept them, are the policies generally strict or flexible? For example if I got AP Biology credits so didn’t take Bio 1 and 2 in college but did well in advanced bio classes, does that checks out the requirement? 3). Even if they accept those credits does not retaking classes I got AP credits in look look like “cutting corners” in the eyes of adcoms?

Not being curious about any specific med school; just interested if there’s some general trend in a majority of schools.

Specifically, would I check out the Pre-reqs if I do the following for these subjects I got AP credits in:

AP Physics C: I got Physics I + lab credits at my undergrad for the AP, will take Physics II + lab next semester

AP Chem: got gen chem I + lab credit. Have taken and aced gen chem II and both OChems. Will take biochem.

BC Calc: got Calc 1 + 2 credits. Have taken Calc 3 at CC which credits transferred to my university.

AP Bio: got Bio 1 + 2 (intro sequence) credits. Have taken the intro lab here. Will take plenty of advanced Bio classes since my major is one of the biological sciences.

Apologies if the format of this post was hard to read. @gonnif @LizzyM @gyngyn anyone else. Really appreciate it.

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It counts if ur advanced classes come with lab
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MSAR indicates whether AP classes are accepted (by school).

You are a premed; buy the MSAR even if you dont apply for 3 years. indeed, it is the most accurate way to plan classes so you dont get in predicaments . You can also look up this info school by school and reading their websites carefully.

You do not plan on a general trend; you plan for the method to allow you to apply to the broadest array of medical schools . Therefore some schools dont take AP and dont take substitutes, your safest plan is take all the coursework required. Not doing so will eliminate the possibility of even applying to some schools. Additionally, since most schools do not check prereq fulfillment until after acceptance, you may find you are missing required classes that you now have to risk force deferrment.

Ah ok, I guess the MSAR is the gospel.
Glad I got this figured out now rather than later.
You are a premed; buy the MSAR even if you dont apply for 3 years.
Going through undergrad without the MSAR is akin to turning on your GPS after driving from California to Texas and saying, "Well damn, how did I end up in Minnesota?" Get it today and map out your undergrad.

You do not plan on a general trend; you plan for the method to allow you to apply to the broadest array of medical schools .
Agreed. I went into undergrad with nearly a full year's worth of credit from AP coursework, and I redid all of it to avoid making myself ineligible for any schools. Nice thing about it: I'd already killed the material in high school, so it became easy A's in college.

The AP credits also saved my bacon as a freshman when I farted around a bit and got a cGPA below 3.5. Since I showed up as a sophomore in the university's system, I got put on scholarship probation for a semester instead of just losing my scholarship. I learned my lesson and got my grades up, and my scholarship was reinstated.
Agreed. I went into undergrad with nearly a full year's worth of credit from AP coursework, and I redid all of it to avoid making myself ineligible for any schools. Nice thing about it: I'd already killed the material in high school, so it became easy A's in college.

Well, all of my friends who went through the same process (same state of residence, went to my institution and had the same AP credits as I do) and are currently in MD schools in and out of state said they did not have to retake any. Certainly not everyone retook classes. I admit I was naive and assuming about the requirements and will certainly buy the MSAR.
Retaking classes IMHO is a waste of tuition money and I hate taking classes in which I don't learn anything, so I'm not retaking classes unless I absolutely have to. Needless to say I'm not going to apply to every medical school in the country so I will just make sure I am set for schools that I do plan on applying to.
Retaking classes IMHO is a waste of tuition money
Why did you make this post if your mind was already made up? And why did you solicit faculty opinions if you were just going to argue with them?

Eh, never mind.
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Why did you make this post of your mind was already made up? And why did you solicit faculty opinions if you were just going to argue with them?

Eh, never mind.
Sorry if that came off as arguing. I admitted that I was naive in my assumptions. Thanks to your opinions I'm purchasing MSAR and planning more carefully than I was before. Soliciting faculty opinions doesn't mean I have to take them at face value.
Soliciting faculty opinions doesn't mean I have to take them at face value.
True, but giving the appearance of having made up your mind before posting your question leads others to feel they've wasted their time answering it.

Get the MSAR, map things out, and make sure you're eligible where you intend to apply. Good luck.

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True, but giving the appearance of having made up your mind before posting your question leads others to feel they've wasted their time answering it.

Get the MSAR, map things out, and make sure you're eligible where you intend to apply. Good luck.

Sent from my Pixel 2 using SDN mobile
I never made up my mind to NOT retake any classes at all. I was asking if I had to retake any classes. The answer was I potentially have to, but I know I do not necessary need to retake all of them (although as you suggested I certainly can). So my conclusion was I will watch out for retakes but won't retake all of them. The part about me hating to retake was not me "making up my mind;" it was simply expressing that I won't retake unless I absolutely have to, which I will check on the MSAR. All clear?

And thanks for your time, I really do appreciate it.
Why did you make this post of your mind was already made up? And why did you solicit faculty opinions if you were just going to argue with them?

Eh, never mind.
kids will be kids.