Are these good LORS?

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5+ Year Member
Oct 20, 2016
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So for most schools I've seen, they require a minimum of TWO science faculty letters and one nonscience letter. I'll be getting a committee letter (applying next year)

Orgo professor (doing research and a thesis with him. May lead to publication... only thing is, got a C in his class)
Upper division professor (took two of his 4000 level classes. Been going to office hours, etc.)
Upper division professor (took one class. Going to office hours, getting along really well)
Gen Chem I/II professor(s) (said they could both sign one big letter for me. Not sure if i'm gonna go with that though. I want upper division letters)
Biochem professor (doing well in his class (Biochem II), go to office hours etc.

Literature professor
Humanities professor

One of the nonscience will be very strong.

Are these good letters ? Should I switch them up? Not sure what I should do.

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What does your committee require? You won't need anything in addition to your committee letter.
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So for most schools I've seen, they require a minimum of TWO science faculty letters and one nonscience letter. I'll be getting a committee letter (applying next year)

Orgo professor (doing research and a thesis with him. May lead to publication... only thing is, got a C in his class)
Upper division professor (took two of his 4000 level classes. Been going to office hours, etc.)
Upper division professor (took one class. Going to office hours, getting along really well)
Gen Chem I/II professor(s) (said they could both sign one big letter for me. Not sure if i'm gonna go with that though. I want upper division letters)
Biochem professor (doing well in his class (Biochem II), go to office hours etc.

Literature professor
Humanities professor

One of the nonscience will be very strong.

Are these good letters ? Should I switch them up? Not sure what I should do.
They're all fine.
They're all fine.

Awesome. Gonna be asking soon, storing them through Interfolio and will most likely ask them to update them when I apply next year. Also getting my committee letter
Concur. Any of those will do for the committee. Ask your committee what they do with letters submitted on your behalf. Some schools will append all letters, in full, others will quote from the letters but not append them.
Concur. Any of those will do for the committee. Ask your committee what they do with letters submitted on your behalf. Some schools will append all letters, in full, others will quote from the letters but not append them.

Great idea. Not really sure what my committee letter does. Personally, I wish I didn't have to get a committee letter. I feel like my individual letters are much better. Thank you for the advice
Thanks for the advice everyone! I will be getting my LORS... I'm going to use Interfolio and will be getting a committee letter!