ArroWW game

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reading comprehension....It matters.

The sentence in question could be interpreted either way. 😉

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Who wants to sign my petition to Lee to solve my (And Lupin's) forum problem?

1- SOV
2- Escalla (I can haz item now?)
3- Lupin
4- Rojo
Okay, was holding off voting because I was unsure, but that was a good point about dds claiming villager while still being in the book. Lynch dds.
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Official Lynch tally

Dds 11( dvmd, dpmd, ffm, escalla,nyanko,chill,dev,kayd,Dwin, carbon, escalla)
Dwin 1 (dds)
Philliab 1 (trh)
kaydubs 2 (doce, samoa)

only missing 4 votes.
After a bloody night, the citizens of SDN rise as one and yell lynch DDS, his humor is wolfy! A bunch of citizens storm Laurel's apartment building where he has been hanging out for some reason...(there are rumors that he wants to get into Laurel's pants, but no confirmation if that has happened). They go up the front staircase, and the back stair case, and up all 3 elevator banks. A mob can be an awesome thing to witness. But as they start pouring out onto the floor, all the doors to the apartments on that floor open up, and a bunch of working stiff, body guards pile out and start pushing all the people back downstairs. As soon as the momentum is broken, the cowardly citizens start slinking away, but again one particularly bloodthirsty citizen once again starts screaming.... "WE NEED TO KILL MORE... Kill Kill Kill. AAAAAAAAARRRRRRROOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Where are you?" He continues whining, and whining, and all the people in the village start to wander away just to stop having to listen to the same refrain over and over and over and over (did I mention over again) and over again! They would rather killers roam the streets than deal with that. But luckily for someone, not sure who, there is one person who does not mind the chant of "kill", and is willing to come help... Once again the Arrow has arrived.

He briefly stops by to bump fists with our favorite bloodthirsty villager, and then fires his clinging arrow to the top of the building and rappels up the building and crashes through the window of DDS' apartment. He pulls out his arrow to shoot DDS .... and finds.... 2 of SDN's finer citizens, FML and Kaus engaged in indescribable sex acts (well, actually they are describable, just not on SDN, if ya know what I mean). Unfortunately, the Arrow is so shocked, that he accidentally lets go and fires an arrow that pierces Kaus and FML both through their hearts, locked forever in a passionate embrace. The Arrow has killed @fancymylotus and @Kaustikos

The Arrow quickly recovers from his "collateral damage" and crashes through the door into the hallway (which is entirely gratuitous because he could have just used the door knob, he was on the inside). His recklessness is costly though, as the crashing door starts numerous "breakage" alarms and alerts all the hired help that their services are needed. They come running out into the hallway one by one, and one by one the Arrow mows them down, shooting them dead with arrows. Dead are @GellaBella, @madjack, @brightimpressio, @evilsquirrel, @WildZoo, and many many more. The bodies are piling up. From inside the apartments, men, women, children, even dogs start wailing as the only breadwinners in their families have been killed by the brutal Arrow who will stop at nothing to get to his goal. So what that these men were legitimately hired employees, with W-2s, and witholding, you know tax paying citizens. Is it their fault the mob wants their employer dead? No it's not. They start pouring out of the rooms demanding satisfaction. The Arrow starts bopping them on the head, at least this time, not killing them, and leaves behind him a massacre of dead and unconscious bodies. Finally, the door at the end of the hallway opens up. DDS comes out. "If you wanted to see me, all you had to do was ring the buzzer and ask. You didn't have to set off the alarms and cause all this death and mayhem did you?" DDS informs.

The arrow is speechless for a second. Had he ever thought about all the innocent people he was killing, just to give a white collar criminal a chance to defend themselves? The Arrow is never one for much introspection, and quickly shakes the cobwebs out of his head and forgets about all those deaths. They don't matter. His father's legacy matters. Cleaning up this city matters. Whatever the cost. "YOU HAVE FAILED THIS CITY DDS!" he shouts with that weirdly calm accusatory manner.

DDS replies calmly, "No I have not failed this city, OLIVER. Yes I know who you are. In fact, I saved your life on that stinking Island, and I only came here in peace".
"That's a lie" says Oliver/Arrow. "You are a monster," he practically cries.
"Oliver, Oliver. You chose, not me. You are living with guilt. Not me. Now you know I have done nothing wrong in this city. Go back to your Quiver, I mean Arrowcave, or whatever you call it, and think this thing through. I am not who you make me out to be".
The Arrow has lost his cool, he feels like he is once more the inept student in front of a teacher being punished, and he is tired of feeling inferior and weak. His anger grows and grows, and he remembers that the people of the city claim DDS is guilty, and they have only ever killed criminals so far. He trusts them. Not...... this.... time..... I .....won't ......intimidated.....I WON'T...... The Arrow very quickly notches an arrow into his bow and fires, and the arrow goes straight into DDS' eye. He falls down dead.

You have killed Ddstothecor, Slade Wilson, regular villager, who saved Oliver's life on the Island, and who was difficult (though not impossible) to kill at night. . he he he.

GET PMs in NOW...

PM deadline is 10pm. If I can't get the minimum necessary PMs, I will extent night deadline to 6am. (If you have a night ability that will not effect the outcome of the night, I may close early, but will still accept your PM until 6am and give you the info. After 6am, all bets off)....

There are now 18 players in SDN city.

1- The Queen family home - BURNED TO THE GROUND

2- Queen Consolidated
@Escalla - mayor

3- Starling City Police Station
@dpmd and @devyn

4- Merlyn Global
@Chillbo Baggins and @Dwindlin

5- Lian Yu
@DVMDream and @that redhead

6- Verdant (night club)
@Philliab and @shortnsweet

7- The Glades
@nyanko and @Flim Flam Man , William Tockman, Criminal

8- The CNRI (legal aid)
@Lupin21 and @kaydubs and @DocEspana

9- Arrowcave (aka the Quiver)
@Carbon and @MediCane2006

10- Abandoned clock tower

11- Laurel’s apartment

SDN Mortuary
Lissarae06 , Ted Gaynor, Criminal
thedrjojo, Isabel Rochev, Regular Villager
LetItSnow, Sara Lace, Ambiguous Villager
ddstothecor, Slade Wilson, Regular Villager

Reminder: Links to all votes and write-ups are on post #1.
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Seriously SOV. There is no logic in this universe that puts Slade as a regular and Moira as ambiguous.

What. The. Feck.
Geez. Everyone in this show is ambiguous.

According to the wiki, he is a "former mentor and good friend of Oliver," but most recently, "it was revealed that [Slade] is alive, and intends to destroy Oliver and everyone he cares about.

Is that whining? that may be whining? I have been aching to enact the JDH rule....
So how do you feel about Slade being a regular and Moira ambiguous now?

Disagreement != whining

But saying it doesn't make sense is a point that needed to be made for judging the affiliation of future claims.

So there is a point and it's not without purpose.
So was Samoa just bsing about him being in the book?

I don't know that she would be....the story on the island that led Oliver and Slade to be enemies wasn't revealed until Season 2, but it was revealed. So by that viewpoint, he would be in the book.

But if we're only looking at the first part of the show, he appeared helpful.

So since my character is being judged on the later part, I thought for sure Slade would be. But unfortunately, the book is essentially useless in some cases.

So the jury is out on that one.
Erm...sorry guys...was in Yorkshire all day scoping racehorses and just got back (4 hour drive). I still don't think Phil is a wolf. She's been very helpful and chatty in PMs.
Um I did thanks....and noticed you voted for Phil, and DVM mentioned her suspicions, even after I said yesterday I don't think she is a good lynch vote.

I just thought it was a little out of place since dds had just been lynched and no further remark on philliab. But I'll remember you spoke up for her and not lynch her next go.
I just thought it was a little out of place since dds had just been lynched and no further remark on philliab. But I'll remember you spoke up for her and not lynch her next go.

Well I missed the lynch anyways...and noticed I thought I would make a comment before I forgot. Shrug.
So let's add in some details: the wolves are being recruited in this game.clearly at least one isn't, but many are. They are recruited from criminals. It would appear "ambiguous" is also a recruitable class. The most recent convert was dead shot two nights ago (same time Samoa seems to have turned someone. Not clear if that's coincidental, or if Samoa is the big bad. After all, we have no reason to believe she is Asian man).
Can we just kill those who failed the city already?

I also have a feeling whomever mentioned Slades book results *might* not be telling the truth.

I found out he was slade. Character seemed like a nearly veritable wolf to me. I was wrong. Didn't see that result coming.

I wasn't trying to hoodwink anyone except maybe DocE and his hubris.

Lynch me tomorrow if you want. I understand

I will shut up now.
So let's add in some details: the wolves are being recruited in this game.clearly at least one isn't, but many are. They are recruited from criminals. It would appear "ambiguous" is also a recruitable class. The most recent convert was dead shot two nights ago (same time Samoa seems to have turned someone. Not clear if that's coincidental, or if Samoa is the big bad. After all, we have no reason to believe she is Asian man).

You would if you'd investigate me, instead if spewing accusations.

And yes, dds really was in the book.