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Jul 5, 2013
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Did anyone else feel like the ASH ITE this week had a large percentage of basic science questions? Any good resources for studying this aspect for the exam? Currently using heme onc questions, MD Anderson review lectures, study materials passed down within my program but didn't really see the level of basic science reflected in these resources. Thanks!

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My thoughts during the ITE:

“Hm the guys that write USMLE step 1 must have all resigned after it went pass/fail and instead signed up to write ASH questions”

A lot of this stuff is all in the ASH review book FYI, so I’m not shocked it’s on the exam that ASH writes. I still have conflicting thoughts on whether we should actually be spending time studying this stuff when it is of questionable benefit for actually taking care of patients.
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I remember feeling that way during the ASH ITE.

For what it's worth, I felt like there were fewer pure basic science questions on the actual hematology board exam. But maybe others have different recollections, since it's possible my subconscious has chosen to forget some memories from that day.
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