Asian American Leadership in Medicine

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Mar 27, 2019
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Very interesting article published earlier this year. As a medical student, I've definitely noticed the lack of Asian-American leadership at my medical school...

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Hopefully they are able to find a capable lawyer to bring their plight to Supreme Court.

Saying this because URMs mentioned in a pointed way in the article presented when they weren’t the issue.
It is an interesting article. The author immediately gets down and dirty and describes the stereotypical demure Asian who just grinds and does his/her work. That stereotype might be controversial, but also correct. I especially reflected on the contrast between South and East Asians.

We have all known interviews of very capable applicants (of any race) for any kind of position who sit on their hands, smile, and give one word answers. For positions of leadership, the ones with a big mouth might be the most capable.

The obvious parallel to this is the lack of representation of Asians in politics. Documented ad nauseam. Who's got the biggest mouth in a debate? Not necessarily the most insightful, intelligent, honest, correct voice.
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"Overrepresented Minorities": A Brief History - SDN

I will state plainly, this is not news. We have a unit covering this in Becoming a Student Doctor, especially post-COVID and Asian hate that occurred in the early 2020s. The APAMSA team is doing what it can, but the new SOM dean at Emory is an Asian-American woman (I think). I will also mention, there aren't many Asians in admissions or student affairs. Be mindful a lot of researchers of Asian descent were not necessarily first-generation Americans, but that data aren't well kept as far as I know.

I will spotlight SASE which has been highlighting professional development skills for Asian and Asian-American scientists and engineers in industry.
It is an interesting article. The author immediately gets down and dirty and describes the stereotypical demure Asian who just grinds and does his/her work. That stereotype might be controversial, but also correct. I especially reflected on the contrast between South and East Asians.

We have all known interviews of very capable applicants (of any race) for any kind of position who sit on their hands, smile, and give one word answers. For positions of leadership, the ones with a big mouth might be the most capable.

The obvious parallel to this is the lack of representation of Asians in politics. Documented ad nauseam. Who's got the biggest mouth in a debate? Not necessarily the most insightful, intelligent, honest, correct voice.
As a big-mouthed extrovert, I wholeheartedly agree. I constantly get thrown into leadership roles I am not qualified for, and if not for the insightful, intelligent folks on my team, anything I've "led" would have crumbled.
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