Atlantic Veterinary College (UPEI) 2024-2025 (c/o 2029 hopefuls)

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This thread is for discussing applications to Atlantic Veterinary College, University of Prince Edward Island in the 2024-2025 (class of 2029) cycle.

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Hi everyone, current student here. I am sure most of you know by now but in case you haven't, the government of Nova Scotia has added 8 extra seats for NS applicants starting for the class of 2029. However, it also comes with the stipulation that all Bluenosers admitted must sign a contract saying you will return to NS for at least three years of practice after you graduate, and complete at least 6 weeks of your 4th year rotations in NS.
Are international applicants supposed to hear back about interview options by Nov 20th?
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Are international applicants supposed to hear back about interview options by Nov 20th?
Last year, int'l students heard back around the first week of Nov about whether they received interview invites and generally interviewed around late Nov. I anticipate the Nov 20 deadline to be kind of a soft estimate of when interviews will actually be taking place (as they may be spread out).
Hiii, does anyone know how many seat goes to international student ?
Historically 27, though with the new addition of 8 provincial seats I am not sure whether the plan is to reduce international spots to 19 or whether the class will be expanded from 69 students total to 77.
Has any international applicant got an interview invite yet ? Since last year it was out on Nov 3rd…
UPEI asked for proof of genetics enrollment but I sent them the updated transcript that shows that I completed the class last week. They just sent another email asking for that proof of enrollment for genetics so I resent my updated transcript again. I'm confused because my transcript is shown as received on my UPEI application. I emailed admin but hopefully it can be resolved by the 14th because I have no idea what's up.
UPEI asked for proof of genetics enrollment but I sent them the updated transcript that shows that I completed the class last week. They just sent another email asking for that proof of enrollment for genetics so I resent my updated transcript again. I'm confused because my transcript is shown as received on my UPEI application. I emailed admin but hopefully it can be resolved by the 14th because I have no idea what's up.
What's on the 14th?
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If anyone's curious about applicant numbers/acceptance rates from previous years, you can PM me (I know I was curious when I was applying)! I won't post it here as I don't want to cause anyone extra anxiety in case that information would. I'm sure you are all wonderful, qualified candidates and I'll see many of you here on campus next year. If you have any other questions about AVC, PEI, or anything else I'm available to chat at any time. I aim to be as helpful as possible, as having a mentor when I was applying helped reduce my stress about the entire process significantly.
If anyone's curious about applicant numbers/acceptance rates from previous years, you can PM me (I know I was curious when I was applying)! I won't post it here as I don't want to cause anyone extra anxiety in case that information would. I'm sure you are all wonderful, qualified candidates and I'll see many of you here on campus next year. If you have any other questions about AVC, PEI, or anything else I'm available to chat at any time. I aim to be as helpful as possible, as having a mentor when I was applying helped reduce my stress about the entire process significantly.
pm'd you 🙂
Hi guys! Does anyone have any insight on the format for the interview for international applicants?
Hi guys! Does anyone have any insight on the format for the interview for international applicants?
Last year it was very conversational. Mine was virtual, and I had two faculty members talking to me. They asked me questions about my application (I had some cool experiences on their including working with marine life), why PEI, and then some general questions about how I currently view issues/improvements in the veterinary field. I'm trying not to get too specific because schools typically don't like exact questions being put on these forums. I said in another forum, I completely froze during one of my answers. Train of thought off the tracks, trailed off, no sound. I cracked a little joke about how I was on roll, they told me I was doing great, and then we got back on track. Still got an acceptance. I think it was my easiest interview out of the three I did in the sense that I felt the most comfortable, personal, and relaxed.
Last year it was very conversational. Mine was virtual, and I had two faculty members talking to me. They asked me questions about my application (I had some cool experiences on their including working with marine life), why PEI, and then some general questions about how I currently view issues/improvements in the veterinary field. I'm trying not to get too specific because schools typically don't like exact questions being put on these forums. I said in another forum, I completely froze during one of my answers. Train of thought off the tracks, trailed off, no sound. I cracked a little joke about how I was on roll, they told me I was doing great, and then we got back on track. Still got an acceptance. I think it was my easiest interview out of the three I did in the sense that I felt the most comfortable, personal, and relaxed.
that "on a roll" comment was so smooth though. I was thinking about your story when I thought I was going to freeze in one interview
I got the link to the WSA test a few days ago, has anyone else taken it? Waiting for my biochem final to be over lol
Hi guys! Does anyone have any insight on the format for the interview for international applicants?
I just did mine today- it was very relaxed! it was only 15 minutes or so with time at the end to ask them questions.

Moderator edited to remove specific questions that were asked during interview.
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Hi folks, please do not post specific questions that were asked during interviews. Generally, programs specify that this information is not to be distributed and we respect that. Posts with specific questions that are being used during interviews have been edited accordingly.

Best of luck with your applications.
If you guys have questions about AVC or pre vet in general you could also post them to r/prevetcanada on Reddit which is similar to this
one eternity .jpg
Hey yall, typically a lurker on this thread but I wanted to update that I received an email approving a course they had questions on today. Not sure what that means about decisions lol
I wonder when in January this is going to be I want to know if I have to send my fall transcript grades or not :/
this wait is gonna make me implode ;-; tempted to email Tracy but I don’t want to bother her in case she’s dealing with something rn :/
this wait is gonna make me implode ;-; tempted to email Tracy but I don’t want to bother her in case she’s dealing with something rn :/
I asked about if I should send transcripts or not since I haven’t received a decision & I was like well idk if I want to send the script if it’s a no (they’re due Feb 1st) and she said she’s hoping for decisions late next week for international spots!
Ugh still nothing. I just want to know if I'm going to need to send these transcripts or not...there's only one week of Jan left 😭
I really thought they would release decisions today as its the last week of jan! ugh the wait is killing me. ive checked my email like 6 times today 🙁(
I really thought they would release decisions today as its the last week of jan! ugh the wait is killing me. ive checked my email like 6 times today 🙁(
I know! They're really letting us wait until the very last moments...
Did you guys already send your Fall transcripts to them?
They seem to be later than usual sending out decisions for this year. I assume it has to do with all the changes they're making to the application process, seat restructuring, etc. starting slowly with next year's matriculating class (c/o 2029). I unfortunately don't have any insight into when you'll finally receive them, but I anticipate it won't be too much longer (this week or next is my best guess), as they're likely beginning application reviews for Atlantic Canadian students soon.
Also, in case it comforts anyone's anxiety - I made multiple mistakes when applying (originally uploaded an incorrect animal/vet experience form & needed to resend it TWICE via email, forgot to attach my driver's license so they had to ask me for it) & it did not affect their assessment of my application. I know there have been some frightening rumours circulating online for years purporting things like "I know a girl who forgot to attach her driver's license and was rejected from AVC because of it!" so I want to inform you all that it is not true! If they have any issues with transcripts or documents they will email & you can correct it without penalty. While I was waiting for decisions I know these worries crossed my mind a lot.
Does anyone know how many seats are there for this year? Because when I checked the VMCAS info chart of AVC, they have the one for 2026 class(next cycle) which is 19 seats, but last year the 2024 class seems to have more seats -26? It makes me worry about the seat number for this year :/
Does anyone know how many seats are there for this year? Because when I checked the VMCAS info chart of AVC, they have the one for 2026 class(next cycle) which is 19 seats, but last year the 2024 class seems to have more seats -26? It makes me worry about the seat number for this year :/

I believe it is 19 for international students beginning with this application cycle (c/o 2029). AVC recently modified their agreement with the province of Nova Scotia to admit an extra 8 students each year, due to the severe shortage of vets here in the Maritimes. Unfortunately, the facilities are only able to accomodate the original number of students (~68), as every lecture hall was built to accomodate this number, so the new 8 provincial seats were taken from the allocated international spots.
They also had to limit how many international students they took after Canada changed immigration policies last year. Each university is allocated a certain number of international students based on their provincial population. Bigger province, more international seats.

Canada to stabilize growth and decrease number of new international student permits issued to approximately 360,000 for 2024.

I haven't checked in on the updates to this policy since I declined my seat, but it is good info to look into. It also states who is eligible for post-graduation work permits, and who qualifies for a work permit during their studies.
My school hasn't approved my transcript order yet to send to PEI (I ordered it on the 27th) and there's literally 2 days left until Feb 1st I'm uuuuuugh
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Are you sure we have to send in fall transcripts ? I did not get any notification about this requirement
Are you sure we have to send in fall transcripts ? I did not get any notification about this requirement
I believe they are due Feb 1st for Fall grades.
I emailed admin a week ago because I wanted to see when acceptances might be released so I could know if I should send in my transcript or not. Still haven't heard anything so I decided to just send in the transcript (parchment seems to be having issues though for me 🙃)

I got this response from admin last week "Thank you for your email. Fall transcripts are due to be received by February 1, 2025. We are in the final stages of finalizing our offer list for the International DVM pool. I am hoping to get offers out by later next week."
I believe they are due Feb 1st for Fall grades.
I emailed admin a week ago because I wanted to see when acceptances might be released so I could know if I should send in my transcript or not. Still haven't heard anything so I decided to just send in the transcript (parchment seems to be having issues though for me 🙃)

I got this response from admin last week "Thank you for your email. Fall transcripts are due to be received by February 1, 2025. We are in the final stages of finalizing our offer list for the International DVM pool. I am hoping to get offers out by later next week."
do you know what email to send them to?