Atlantic Veterinary College (UPEI) 2024-2025 (c/o 2029 hopefuls)

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do you know what email to send them to?
not 100% sure....I just sent them to the dvmadmissions email LOL. I once sent them a transcript like a month before something was due to the registrar and they thought I never sent the transcript in so I figured I'd go straight to the source. Maybe that's why I'm having an issue with parchment idk.

I did just reach out to ask if a delay in parchment would disqualify me from the pool. I feel like they would understand but I also have no idea if it's even an acceptance yet or not!
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Do we only need to send in fall transcript if the previous transcript did not satisfy all the academic criteria? Since my transcript for last 2 semester + prescribed courses are approved, does that mean they don’t require my fall transcript ? Also on the website it stated we need to submit it if applicable : “February 1, 2025 Receipt of fall semester transcripts for courses in progress, if applicable.” Could some correct me if I’m wrong ?
Do we only need to send in fall transcript if the previous transcript did not satisfy all the academic criteria? Since my transcript for last 2 semester + prescribed courses are approved, does that mean they don’t require my fall transcript ? Also on the website it stated we need to submit it if applicable : “February 1, 2025 Receipt of fall semester transcripts for courses in progress, if applicable.” Could some correct me if I’m wrong ?
I'm not sure, I know I had some pre-reqs from fall that I imagine applied and they would want to see the grade on. If it's not a pre-req maybe not but can never hurt to email admin and ask?
So I guess we’ll hear from them tomorrow?? Or do we think this is going to be pushed into February 😭
Ima say February just so I can be surprised if they do it tomorrow lol

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Dang I haven’t heard anything yet. Feels like it will likely be a no. Did you guys get emails?
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I panic sent them an email about that transcript for nothing 😂
Well hopefully they'll send rejections today I can't take another Tennessee situation
do they send out acceptance on a rolling basis?
I really thought they sent them out all at once since it's a small pool for international seats. Can't imagine why they wouldn't send rejections out same day 🙄 I need closure
I really thought they sent them out all at once since it's a small pool for international seats. Can't imagine why they wouldn't send rejections out same day 🙄 I need closure
I feel like I remember reading in previous years’ threads that rejections sometimes come a day or two after acceptances ;-;
I was placed on the waitlist. :/

"An alternate can be accepted from the alternate list as late as the first week of classes" I'm not holding much hope for this one. Such short notice would be hard with housing, my dog, and getting a visa. I will probably wait to decline until mid-summer just in case but good luck to everyone! UPEI seems like an awesome school! 🙂
I just received a notification that I’m on the alternate list. Did anyone else get this, or know anything about how likely it is to get off this list?
I was placed on the waitlist. :/

"An alternate can be accepted from the alternate list as late as the first week of classes" I'm not holding much hope for this one. Such short notice would be hard with housing, my dog, and getting a visa. I will probably wait to decline until mid-summer just in case but good luck to everyone! UPEI seems like an awesome school! 🙂

The waitlist usually moves pretty quickly since many international students are applying to several schools! The stats in previous years have shown that there are usually 2-3x more offers extended than seats due to this. I'm not sure AVC will tell you where you are on the waitlist, but you will likely find out in the next few weeks as acceptances roll in from the other foreign/USA schools!
Anyone else still not heard anything ? 🙁 do they do rejections or just waitlist for everybody?
just got the email saying i was waitlisted 😭😭 btw it also said they can’t tell you your position on the waitlist. Do waitlisted applicants still send their transcripts?
I was placed on the waitlist. :/

"An alternate can be accepted from the alternate list as late as the first week of classes" I'm not holding much hope for this one. Such short notice would be hard with housing, my dog, and getting a visa. I will probably wait to decline until mid-summer just in case but good luck to everyone! UPEI seems like an awesome school! 🙂
Me too! Unfortunately I also applied last year and was also waitlisted last year and now literally the same thing. the waiting is killing me :inpain:
Me too! Unfortunately I also applied last year and was also waitlisted last year and now literally the same thing. the waiting is killing me :inpain:
ugh I hope this year has better luck for you on the waitlist!! It is wild that you can be pulled a week before classes. Makes the wait feel like it doesn't ever end
Hii guys! I just wanna let those that are on the waitlist know that I am turning down my seat for AVC and accepting one in OVC! Good luck to everyone !❤️
For everyone planning to accept their offer into the class of 2029, there are a lot of deadlines coming up which are all outlined in this page! August seems far away now, but it will come super quickly.