AZCOM Class of 2007

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Yep, and I too have no recollection of any BC games during my time there. Nor even of a school with the initials BC. Or of a city starting with the letter B.

Let it be written.

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Hey, I understand they created a new spring race called the desert classic. I suppose this is meant to replace the cactus cup. It was held at McDowell Regional Park outside Scottsdale. Maybe we should put an AZCOM team together for next years season opener.
sorry to repeat myself but.....i was wondering if anyone knows the measurements for the on-campus two bedroom luxury appts. we are trying to figure out if we should take three cribs or figure a way to safe proof a futon for the triplets. thanks....
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Hi everyone!
I just bought a sweet house 2 miles north of campus (off of 59th) and need a roommate, preferrably a MSI also. If there's anyone thats looking for a nice place to live, drop me a line at
[email protected]
We were falling pretty low on the list, so I thought I would BUMP us back up. Always a competition, right? j/k
Yeah, I get a little worried too when the forum gets close to the bottom.

Does anyone have any techniques for improving memory and retention? (Drugs count too). I remember reading an abstract about nicotine and increased short term memory. I think I heard something similar about coffee. I am not a big cigarette fan, but I many need to take up a steady regimen of smoking and drinking for medical school.
You might as well--if it helps in medical school. The liver, lungs, and cardiovascular system aren't THAT important to your general health anyway, right? I guess we will find out when school begins...
I just moved to Glendale from San Francisco this week.

FYI- to all fellow 2007 AZCOMer's. It is HOT down here in Arizona(DUH... No kidding!) The temperature is murder. Recommendation: travel through the desert either at night or in the early morning. Likewise, unload your things in the early morning. At night, it's still very hot even though the sun has been down for 2 hours. I know that most of the MS I and II's are already aclimated to this heat, so they probably forgot what it is like to be new and to try and move-in in the summer, hence, the minor oversight and lack of advice. Try to plan accordingly though, it's rough on somebody not used to this kind of heat. Hope this helps. Also, if anyone ever needs help unloading their stuff, send a post or a PM to me. I'd be happy to help.

Irish- About your post on the other thread. I went into the Admissions Office today. They were extremely nice in person. I too, have not had the most positive of experiences on the phone with the staff. But like I said, it all changed when I was there in front of them. The admissions lady talked to me for about 10 minutes and was very personable. I think they just get sick of all of the phone calls. Who knows.
Congrats on your move! Are you in a house, or apt?
You're right about the weather. I grew up in Las Vegas (almost identical weather) and the idea time to be doing anything labor-intensive and outdoors is in the weeee hours of the morning, way before sun-up. Driving is also way better at this time. I think that you will find that the "dry" heat of the area is pretty easy to get used to...although getting blistering burns from your car seat/steering wheel is never cool!
If you can afford one, a car alarm with auto-start is really nice. you can start your car up and have it cooling off.
i pm'd you!

also, is it possible to get a schedule for this year from the student services bldg (or whoever has it)??
i have been looking at the one they gave me when i interviewed but it is from 2001 and i was hoping for one a bit more updated. what have you been doing since your arrival?
Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been busy doing some last minute traveling before school begins. I have had the opportunity to talk to some of you via pm's. I want you all to know that I am excited to meet you. I should be closing on my house in a couple of weeks, and I would like to have any of you interested over for a BBQ or something.

I met my AZCOM "big sis" this week for dinner. She's a wealth of info. She has already provided to me some much needed guidance and a few study aids. I hope that you are all having the same good fortune that I have enjoyed.

BTW, I'm in Phoenix now, and if anyone needs any assistance with anything, don't be afraid to solicit my help. I'll pitch in any way I can.

Hey there everyone,

Congrats to all on your admissions; welcome aboard. My name is David and I am a third year; I spoke to a couple of your classmates the other day who were looking for apartments at my complex and they thought I should show up here and see if any one of you needs any help/advice with any thing. It's been a while since I haven't logged on here though.
Be all happy for the decision you've made to come out here. Arizona is a great state and don't mind the heat. Late Sep. to Mid. Oct. things cool down and stay like that while the rest of the country is in cold and filled with snow. As far as the heat goes, you'll get used to it; we all did :)
So, if you have any questions, post them here or give me your e-mail/phone. Most of the third and fourth years are actually currently in town, if you run into them (those of you who have already moved to Phoenix), don't hesitate to approach and intriduce yourselves. Our campus is very friendly and everyone (almost everyone) is very pleasant. So, there you have it.
Have fun, don't stress over whether you should do some last min. studying to better prepare yourself for when the show begins. Relax and you'll be just fine.

Hi David! Thanks for offering your insights. I know that I can use all the guidance that anyone is generous enough to offer. Which complex do you live in now and do you like it? I have had others asking, and I am not too familiar with apts in the area.

Thanks again,
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I live at the Arrowhead Highlands across the street from school. I have a one bedroom and pay 740. I am very pleased with the place. With a one year lease they gave me a month and a half free; that brought the rent down to about 650/month or so. Almost all apartments in Phoenix would give you some kind of free rent with a long term lease. So, be sure to take advantage of it. You can check out the apartments on their website:
Apartments are a bit pricier than some other places, but are by for the best in the area. If you have a roommate and get a two bedroom of course it'll be much cheaper.

I hope this helps.
Hey guys!

Because I'm a dork, I e-mailed Dr. Mann, the biochem prof at AZCOM, to see what books we would be using in the fall and if I wanted to, what topics I should review. This is what he sent back:

The topics to be covered in the fall term of Biochemistry include: proteins, enzymes, cell biology, molecular biology, nutrition, and genetics. This will give you an idea of what you might want to review. We will be using The Cell, A Molecular Approach, Third Edition, by Geoffrey Cooper and Robert Hausman and Medical Genetics, Second Edition by Jorde, Carey, Bamshad and White. Any recent biochemistry text will be adequate for the protein and enzyme sections.

I guess we don't have a "biochemistry" textbook. Anyway, I'm don't think I'm actually going to "study" this summer. I was just curious about the books.

ALSO, I have some information about diagnostic equipment. I talked to the owner of (mr. steele) and he said that usually every year, students from AZCOM order through him. This was the least expensive place I found. Of course, I already bought mine for more, but I thought I would pass the information on. He said if we order together as a group, that he would ship it to each of us individually and without tax. I don't know if this is a deal or not (as compared to the Welch-Allyn dealer that will be at the school). He also has the other stuff we need: stethoscope, blood pressure, reflex hammer and tuning. If you have any questions, I guess you can just call and ask and he calls you back. That is what he did for me.

Do any students have any suggestions about this? Was it a deal or should it be avoided or is the Welch-Allyn person the best?

Hope your summers are going well.

I don't know about the ones that you mentioned, but my fiancee and I have been using for all of our stuff thus far (she's a nursing student). I think that Littman Cardiology III's are like $118. I don't know about the price of diag kits and such, but I am going to look into it with them. Their prices on shoes, scrubs, etc. are great!

I used too. I found the steeles site after I ordered my stethoscope and diagnostic kit. Allheart didn't seem that bad to me.
Has anyone received their financial aid packets yet? I thought they said we should get them sometime in June.
Also, does anyone know anything about any intramural sports we can play, (softball, volleyball, etc) to get our mind off of school for a little bit!
Last time I wrote the financial aid office, they said they were finishing up the "summer start" people and then they would start working on the MS1's for the fall. That was the middle of June. She said that we should receive information by the end of June--but I have yet to receive anything either. In fact, I haven't really heard much of anything from the school. It seems like my friends going to other schools have received much more information (i.e. information regarding orientation, financial aid, class schedules, book information, etc.). Maybe we are a little behind because we start later. I dunno, but if anyone hears any info, pass it on. I don't want to write the financial aid office just yet--I don't want to be too much of a bother.

Only a 109? F today and tomorrow in Phoenix. Thank GOD it?s a DRY HEAT!!!!!!!!
I couldn't get any info on the fin aid thing for next year either. I called Last week and they said that it has not been finalized and we would be getting news in the mail perhaps in early-mid July. I am wondering just HOW much the tution will rise for thuis year.

I did find out a cool thing...The academic schedule for his yearMWU Schedule for 2003-2004
Thank GOD it?s a DRY HEAT!!!!!!!!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

that has become a really funny inside joke with my wife! I keep saying-- just wait for those cool summer nights in phoenix!!
I havn't heard much at all from the school. I did double/triple check that my fin info was complete and that i am actually ready to be enrolled (i keep getting these little doubts-- like i missed my 2nd MMR shot) but i'll let you all know once i do. I'm interested in the intramural sports as well.....v-ball and soccer!! (i just wonder how much time i'll have for that:))
I just got my financial aid information in my MWU e-mail...y'all might want to go and check.
i just got off the phone with the finaid dept and they said to expect everything starting in mid-july. we can expect an email from them first stating what we are eligble for, and later a letter from our lender clarifying everything. irish, i'm glad you got it already, i checked and no luck for me yet.
i would maybe suggest that everyone double/triple-check that they have everything in (transcripts, immunization records, etc). i had to send everything for the nhsc scholarship application and now there is some question as to where it went and whether i need to resend everything or not.
Originally posted by irish79

ALSO, I have some information about diagnostic equipment. I talked to the owner of (mr. steele) and he said that usually every year, students from AZCOM order through him. This was the least expensive place I found. Of course, I already bought mine for more, but I thought I would pass the information on. He said if we order together as a group, that he would ship it to each of us individually and without tax. I don't know if this is a deal or not (as compared to the Welch-Allyn dealer that will be at the school). He also has the other stuff we need: stethoscope, blood pressure, reflex hammer and tuning. If you have any questions, I guess you can just call and ask and he calls you back. That is what he did for me.

Do any students have any suggestions about this? Was it a deal or should it be avoided or is the Welch-Allyn person the best?

Hope your summers are going well.


Ok - Wait until the beginning of the year to buy your stuff. You will get a smoking deal from Welch Allyn through the bookstore. Some of my classmates ordered through Steele's and it was comprable in price. I ordered through the bookstore because I love Nancy, the bookstore lady, and I knew it would be easier to return stuff through her. I decided I didn't like my bp cuff and I returned it and she was ok with it. I reordered the cheapy kind and she was fine with that, too. I would have been stuck if I had gone with Steele's.

AZCOM 2005

Thanks for the heads up. I am going to wait until I get to campus to buy any further equpiment.
Checked my MWU webmail...nothing yet. I feel so left out!:D
I have not received anything re: FA yet either. I still have to find a place to live too! Looking forward to meeting many of you next month.

The heat here in the Big Easy is prepping me for AZ heat.
Burly B,
Did you go to Tulane or LSU? I did my undergrad and MPH at Tulane.
Hi guys! I spoke with a representative from the FA office today. She said that I should be receiving my award letter in the next day or two- they are currently in the process of certifying our apps and dispersing the funds. Hope this helps!

Now I'm starting to doubt what all I've sent in to school! What all do we need to do besides the steps for the financial aid process, send immunizations, and transcipts? Just want to double check myself. And also, didn't they say that there will be plenty of time to get last minute immunizations (such as the 3rd series for Hep B) and update insurance files during the orientation?
Kris, I know exactly what you mean. I started second guessing what all I sent in. As for the immunizations, we have an one-month grace period when we get there to get everyrthing done.

I just got my blood titer information back and it showed that I was immune to everything BUT Measles and Mumps. So I had to get a MMR booster shot. Do you guys think I will need to get another blood titer to show immunity, or is a booster sufficient?

1 month, 3 weeks, 3 days (I THINK?!?!?) 'till orientaton...
Hi Irish! I was in the student services office a couple of days ago, and a conversation between the clerk and the student in the line ahead of me was about a similar situation; the student was saying that she completed a second round of Hep B immunizations. The clerk insisted that a titer must be drawn again to ensure that antibodies were present. I would assume that the only way to know for sure would be to contact student services though in your particular case.

And I do agree with both you and Kris. It seems as if we've received very little info considering school will begin next month. But all pre-MSI's probably feel the same way... just a little apprehensive about the unknown I suppose.

Getting really excited to begin this new endeavor and meet you all.

As far as getting the titers goes, what is the cheapest way of doing that? Right now I no health insurance, so is there a cheap way of doing it? Or can I wait till I get to school and am signed up through either cigna or soma?

Thanks for the info guys. I feel much more relaxed now- no need to go into the long weekend being a little stressed about the unknown. I also talked to student services and she said there would be plenty of time to finish immunizations and do insurance things during orientation week.
Have a good 4th of July- kristi
well it happened.....and i don't know why these things always happen to me?!?!
i talked with the admissions dept., finaid dept, registrars office, and student services and no one has ANYTHING i sent down. No student handbook, transcripts, immunization record.....NOTHING! i started to worry they'd tell me i didn't send my deposits!!!
the crazy thing is, i had to send all this in january for the NHSC scholarship application. mwu send a letter to the scholarship saying everything was in and six short months's gone!

moral of the story....triple-check you have everything in. i guess i'm just glad that i still have time to try and throw all this together.
Man, that stinks! I hope you get that all resolved, I can't believe that they could loose that stuff!!

I spoke to student services about shots and such, and they assured me that it is really no problem if you don't have them in by orientation. THey have a provider who will do it at a discount there, or you could just get drawn down there with your own provider. She told me "it is just that you have to have all of your titers and stuff done by the time your 2nd year rotations start." Why 2nd me

It's july 3rd already!!:eek:

Have a happy 4th everyone!
I am a fourth year at AZCOM and wanted to let you all know that there is no reason to stress over the MMR etc.... Titers are not covered by insurance. The school will give you a lab slip and you can go to the lab (either by school or anywhere in the valley) and have your titers drawn. It cost me about $180.00, which is much cheaper than anything else that I was able to find. These titers are required by hospitals and everybody is required to have them. No need to worry until the end of your 2nd year, but the school would of course like you to have it done. Any ?
My insurance (Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Wisconsin) covered all of my immunizations, blood titers, and booster shots. I didn't have to see the doctor, and so I didn't even have to pay a co-pay. I would check with your insurance company and see if these things are covered, if so, it is MUCH cheaper to go this route.
Fo me, I used the student health center at my undergrad univ. It was pretty cheap...varicella titer at $36 at the student health center haven't hadthe HBV titer yet. They don't want to give me a HBC titer b/c it has been over 2 mo since I had the 3rd shot. Oh well! Ill just get it done at school.
I doubt they do titers, but the hospital here offers free vaccinations to people who want to volunteer there. Anyone a few shots behind with a little free time might be able to trade a few days' worth of volunteer work for any out-of-date shots at your local clinic.
I have some websites that I used for your upcoming classes, but it appears that I can't attach them here. If you want a copy, send me a pm and I'll attach it as a reply.
happy 4th of july everybody!!!!!!!!
we move in one month and a day! enjoy this while we can:D
Just got back from Phoenix/AZCOM this week. I found out a couple of things that I thught people might be interested in.

1. Financial Aid- Most of us new students aren't processed yet, but we should be by the second week of July. Award letters are intended to be mailed then.

2. Anyone else been worried that we've heard nothing about orientation from the school? Mee too. Orientation packets weren't quite complete yet, but should be mailed the 2nd week of July as well. Orientation starts Aug. 27th. The DO students will be in the afternoon session on that day.

3. If you are going to get the titers done when you get down there, you'll have to simply fill out a form giving AZCOM something like $250 back from your loan money, and you can get all your titers done.

4. Like jhug said, check everything! For whatever reason, some of my transcripts didn't get noticed even though they were in my file. I asked that they look again, and sure enough, they found them.

We're moving down on Aug 28th. We just found a house, will be living around 47th and a little south of the 101. Good luck moving, see you all soon.

oh god no. No scopes needed at all for AZCOM. They have them if you need them. Histo's on the overhead anyway. Very little scope work. More in micro second year.

rotation's good. I PM'd you back.
we're not in the highlands but we are on campus which is super close. we move in on august you get closer to moving in please let me know (either through sdn or i'll give you my new phone #) and we'll be happy to help unpack and stuff.
that really goes for anyone moving after the 2nd.
this is a random question einey you find yourself nostalgic as you get closer to leaving work?? Each shift for me gets harder and harder, the clinic where i work has become such an influencial part of my life it feels weird to be moving on to bigger and better things.
It IS getting exciting! My official last day as a Histology Tech. is August 8. I am still pounding out the details, but I am pretty sure that I have a place now in Peoria...pretty close to school. I think that we are gonna be moving in around the week of the 17th of Aug. I just purchased tickets to the Cubs vs. D-backs for that Fri. Yahooooo!
I feel like there is so much that I want to do before I leave. My fiancee and I are trying to get our fill of Lake Tahoe this summer, we are sure gonna miss this lake. It is also getting really disturbing to realize that we are gonna be apart for about four months! I am just really hoping that I will be able to function without worrying 24/7. And to make matters worse, in the "safe" apartment complex that we are living in, my car was just vandalized Now my car is sans radio and a back side window. So I have just been paranoid lately. I am actually really concerned that this may affect my schooling. But I guess We'll just have to see:scared:
But onna better note, we are all gonna definitely have find a way to get together and meet before orientation and stuff...I feel like such a "chat-rat" my future sister-in-law is fond of calling me. It will be great to meet y'all in person. Enjoy your summer guys/gals!!
Originally posted by einey

Thanks for PM, it was great. Do you find that you are tired in your rotation at all? I work as an EMT in an emergency room 12 hour shifts and I get exhausted. I literally work on my feet 11 hours of the day and my feet ache! I understand some rotations are like that, such as surgery and internal medicine. But yours sounds very good. How many hours do you work a day, how many days a week, and do you meet back at AZCOM for tests or instruction? I thought there was some kind of class at AZCOM to supplement the rotations? You have a delightful sense of humor, and I enjoy reading your posts.

thanks for the compliments!
I am sooo lucky. My rotation is pretty much 8-5 every day (M-F) with an hour lunch (which is always free if I want thanks to drug reps and the hospital I'm linked with gives the students free lunch and breakfast. yeehaw).

I don't have to stand that much. I go in to see the patient and since it's just me at first, I get to sit on the "stool of power" and then I do my Physical exam (standing) , and then I go report to the doc. Then we go in together and I usually sit again (there's enough places in these offices, it's nice) or I stand a little while. In fact, most of the docs tell me to sit down when I get in the room (I do it all the time now), which is nice, because my preceptor first year told me I had to stand all the time - no sitting allowed for the med student. Which is kind of ofdd, because every one else is standing and then you look all weird and out of place. Who knows - maybe it's a power thing. like the stool.

I was worried about standing too much, but I am a firm believer in expensive nice high quality shoes, so I am at least comfortable while doing it. I could never be a surgeon. I'd want a snack and a nice high back chair. I am totally too lazy for that sort of thing.

To tell you the truth, too, I am just so happy to be off my butt from the last 2 years. That's all I did! SIt sit sit study study study. I like sitting (see above0 but my god, it was getting ridiculous.

Every other Tuesday we are back at school for lectures in the a.m. and some months we do exams, depending on what rotation we're on. It's been kind screwy, though, because our clinical ed dean just died very suddenly (right before we started rotations). It was horrible and I feel sorry for all of you who won't have him as an instructor. He was really magnificent. In any case, there was a service for him last week and it was just weird the first week in lectures, too. Not like a normal first week should go. So far, we've only had 1 Tuesday on campus and no tests yet, so I will keep you updated if anything changes.

I think I answered everything.

Happy Bastille Day Everybody~
When are we getting some information about orientation? I haven't received anything yet, you guys?
Also, I am thinking about doing a 3yr scholarship through the air force, anyone else? Or are you all 4yr scholarships?
I haven't gotten anything for orientation either. I'm guessing the paperwork will come any day now. As for the AF scholarship--go for it. I was at commissioned officer training in June. They really stress professionalism and a strong value system. If you can see yourself in the military, then by all means try for the scholarship.

Also, I'm buying my girlfriend a mountain bike for her birthday. I've been out of the saddle for way too long, but if I can get her to do some easy singletrack with me, hopefully she'll get into it and I'll have a riding partner again.