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Apr 24, 2018
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Hi - I am a cognitive science major (a junior in college) and I am considering doing a psychology grad program with a focus on neuroscience.

One thing that worries me is that I received a terrible grade in gen chem II lab- a D+ (I understood the material, but I was late with turning in lab reports due to personal issues. Before these issues arose, I had gotten an A in gen chem I lab).

I have the opportunity to take classes this summer, and I am wondering if it is worth retaking gen chem II lab to get a better grade on my transcript (the old one will still appear, however). Do any pre-neuroscience people have a sense of whether I should retake this class, or take a different, more advanced class (such as a molecular biology lab, or a more quantitative course like math or physics)? I know that if I were applying for med school, this would torpedo my hopes of acceptance, but since I am just applying to psych/neuro grad school, I wonder if it matters that much.

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If you retake will your school do something like average the two together for purposes of computing your GPA? I think my undergrad did something like that for up to 2 classes. If so, I would certainly consider it. I would also personally retake it just for my own sense of pride to show I could get a good grade in it and try my hardest to get an A but maybe that’s just me.
I second above. What difference does it make if you are applying to medical school or not? Have a little pride in your grades. Having that will no doubt help with anything you decide to do with your life.
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You're still applying to programs that generally have single digit percentage acceptance rates, grades matter. I'd try to retake if possible. If you can't, it won't necessarily torpedo, but it will hurt, especially if you have a good deal of other non A grades on the transcript.
^That makes sense. My academic adviser emphasized the importance of undergrad research over grades, but I still want to end with a decent GPA. Does it make any difference (in applying to grad school) that I currently attend an Ivy League college (not trying to be pretentious- just realistic)?
^That makes sense. My academic adviser emphasized the importance of undergrad research over grades, but I still want to end with a decent GPA. Does it make any difference (in applying to grad school) that I currently attend an Ivy League college (not trying to be pretentious- just realistic)?

If anything, that makes it slightly worse. The Ivies are notorious for grade inflation. Being a high enough achiever to get into an Ivy is fine, but bad grades in the Ivy are no bueno. There's always destroying the GRE, though. That can help offset some.