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7+ Year Member
Mar 23, 2015
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I am a Canadian medical student interested in applying for a 1 month rotation in the US in IR. I don't know much about US radiology programs, so I was hoping to find some help here.

I am VERY interested in interventional oncology, so I'll ask my question in 2 parts:
- what are the best IR centres that do the MOST/specialize in interventional oncology procedures.
- what are the best IR centres in general that I should apply to (most exposure/innovative/learning, great staff, possibility of getting a good letter of rec, etc.)

Thank you so much for the advice!

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Go to any cancer center. You are only a med student. Your job is to be seen but not heard. Be there early, stay late, look interested, and pretend to understand what is happening.
Go to any cancer center. You are only a med student. Your job is to be seen but not heard. Be there early, stay late, look interested, and pretend to understand what is happening.

I am a Canadian medical student interested in applying for a 1 month rotation in the US in IR. I don't know much about US radiology programs, so I was hoping to find some help here.

I am VERY interested in interventional oncology, so I'll ask my question in 2 parts:
- what are the best IR centres that do the MOST/specialize in interventional oncology procedures.
- what are the best IR centres in general that I should apply to (most exposure/innovative/learning, great staff, possibility of getting a good letter of rec, etc.)

Thank you so much for the advice!
First bit of advice is don’t listen to Dave. I would go to Northwestern, they are the big names/pioneers in IO. Stay away from Sloan, rumor has it there Fellows can even get access until 6 months into what used to be a 1 year fellowship. Duke, UVA, Michigan, Mayo, MD Anderson, Yale, IU, Dotter, would all be good places. Have heard bad things about Cleveland clinic basically there Scut monkeys. Have Heard Stanford sucks. Believe Miami Vascular does a lot of IO now they may be good. I would go to NW if I was you. Try to do a paper with an attending.