Best Study Guide/Online Practice for GRE?

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2+ Year Member
Jan 12, 2019
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Good afternoon everyone,
Officially completed pre-requisites, now to do observations & GRE. ISO GRE recommendations for online study guides/book guides?


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You should check out this video for tips and links for all the free GRE workbook PDFs and other materials!

Also check out this video for tips on the writing prompts:

Hope this helps, good luck!
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I am a big fan of the official ETS resources for Math and Verbal practice. They also give some good examples and advice for the writing in their Official Guide to the GRE. I don't remember if the ETS practice tests were in that book or another one, but those are also gold. I bought those things used on Ebay in good condition for a very reasonable price.

I paid the money for Magoosh somewhat impusively because of a Black Friday deal. Unless you are a person who needs a lot of structure, I felt that it was overpriced for something I could have done with much cheaper prep books. I am sure there are other people for whom it was worth it, but not me.

However, the free Magoosh smartphone app for vocab is AWESOME.
I used magoosh, and it helped a lot. I've heard good things about Greg Matt but I havent used it myself.