Best supplement stack for interviews?

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Sep 2, 2016
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This post is for research perhaps only, perhaps on a mouse model.

What supplements would you recommend before interviews?

Some caffeine, l-theanine potentially ephedrine could be a calm sharpness, but we want to get the absolute most out of our mice. Modafinil or 2-FA combined with etizolam is a more extreme option of a blissful rush and it also allows the inhibitions hiding the mouse's love for medicine to disappear.

Could euphoria be more helpful than the reported openness of etizolam? Would kratom or U-47700 combined with a stimulant ensure peakperformance? It would make the mouse as friendly as possible.

Should racetams be administered on top of any stack? What nootropics would you recommend in the upcoming weeks before the interview.

The dutch division also wonders if truffle administration combined with anti-anxiety could offer the same sharpeness and calmness but also throws in mental expansion allowing creativity in the content and language of the mouse's interview answers.

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I strongly recommend these for interviewing:

This post is for research perhaps only, perhaps on a mouse model.

What supplements would you recommend before interviews?

Some caffeine, l-theanine potentially ephedrine could be a calm sharpness, but we want to get the absolute most out of our mice. Modafinil or 2-FA combined with etizolam is a more extreme option of a blissful rush and it also allows the inhibitions hiding the mouse's love for medicine to disappear.

Could euphoria be more helpful than the reported openness of etizolam? Would kratom or U-47700 combined with a stimulant ensure peakperformance? It would make the mouse as friendly as possible.

Should racetams be administered on top of any stack? What nootropics would you recommend in the upcoming weeks before the interview.

The dutch division also wonders if truffle administration combined with anti-anxiety could offer the same sharpeness and calmness but also throws in mental expansion allowing creativity in the content and language of the mouse's interview answers.
Is that the only joke you know?

There's this silly bit I do anytime my daughter gets really messy. I'll start cleaning her off and I'm like, "What is this!? I can't even tell... Oh my! *exaggerated surprise* There's a little girl under there!!" and my husband rolls his eyes and goes, "Really? You don't need to do this every time she is messy." But she still laughs and I still laugh, so he can go nay-say in another room...if you get what I'm saying here.
There's this silly bit I do anytime my daughter gets really messy. I'll start cleaning her off and I'm like, "What is this!? I can't even tell... Oh my! *exaggerated surprise* There's a little girl under there!!" and my husband rolls his eyes and goes, "Really? You don't need to do this every time she is messy." But she still laughs and I still laugh, so he can go nay-say in another room...if you get what I'm saying here.
That's actually funny, though. The whole Xanax thing was never funny IMO. I would never recommend people to ingest dangerous drugs, even in jest.
I've researched a lot of now-popular nootropics/cognitive enhancement drugs and tried some of the basic over-the-counter ones during college (caffeine, l-theanine, choline, etc). My conclusion is they probably vary person-to-person. For me, they had NO EFFECT - ever. But then again, I'm someone who can go to sleep after drinking 4 shots of espresso.

As for my "supplement stack," I'd go with a healthy breakfast, nice coffee, and maybe a few jumping jacks to get the mind rolling. IMO, anything else is unnecessary (for the average person) and a waste of money.
Exercise intensely 3 days before, and moderately exercise the day before.

No nap the day before. Get a good nights rest the night before.

Fresh fruit for breakfast, and some small snacks leading up. No big meals, no more than a portion of bread, no pasta, nothing fried. I might not even eat anything cooked. Just fruit and a food bar later.

Now for the supps. Keep it simple I say. A cup of coffee with a tablespoon of MCT oils added, like "Brain Octane" by Bulletproof. And then some CoQ-10 and PQQ, like "Unfair Advantage" also from Bulletproof.
Phenibut + caffeine

Is this more euphoric than caffeine + etizolam? Our mice are unprepared with phenibut but have heard good things. How does phenibut and etizolam compare?

Also, how good are these medical professionals at judging sobriety? I dont think I'll tread past a quarter bar of etizolam for the interview but some more might get popped for the campus tours.

I know I can't be blacked out but do you think anybody will tell the difference between one and three traditional anti-anxiety doses?