Business Major Pre-Med considering Post-Bacc

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Nov 16, 2020
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Hi everyone, I'm an incoming 4th year business major (finance concentration) at a large public school. I am completing premedical requirements as well. So, the reality of the situation is that the administration at my University isn't allowing me to take physics next year, and I also want to take a biochem class and maybe an upper div bio class too (these two aren't usually required by med schools but are some times recommended). Physics, however, is a must. I've taken Bio, Gen Chem, OChem, Calculus, Psyc, A quarter of Soc, English (might need another quarter of this too because my last quarter was a business composition class that might not count for medical schools). I'm going to try to request their permission to take physics next summer (you can do a year in 1 summer at my school) but as for the rest of the classes, we will see. There's a good chance they won't let me take anything next summer after I graduate, so I guess I'll have to look at some post-bac programs. Can anyone give me more information about these. I know there are some with linkage programs, but they are mostly D.O. schools I believe, which I would have no problem with attending, but M.D. would be my preference. What classes do I take at these programs, can I take an English course there too, what would be the difficulty level on these classes, are there any alternatives to post baccs (a friend of mine said there are masters programs I should look into as well but I don't know which ones)?

I can provide some info here if you guys don't mind helping me out with a program/school list for post baccs.

Overall GPA: 3.9 (probably can get this up a little more too, I'm just taking business courses/foreign language next year)
Science GPA: 3.792 (All I have left is physics and a quarter of biochem really.)

- Research Laboratory at affiliated med school: 185 hours (Fall-Winter sophomore year. Would've had more but COVID-19 pandemic happened, so there's that). I should have like 400+ hours by graduation.
I'll likely be applying for an undergraduate research journal pub next year
Peripheral endocannabinoid system and its implications in metabolic diseases

- Research Intern at another med school: 150 hours (Summer after Freshman Year)
Biomedical sciences focused on testing for oxidative stress biomarkers on animal models of diabetes/obesity.

-Research, Medical Center (My dad's a PhD so I was able to get into research pretty early) 350 or so hours
Investigated role of certain compound in mitigating oxidative stress/fibrosis biomarkers in cellular models of NAFLD
Might be able to publish an abstract/get poster presentation next year. Paper should be published by the time I apply to med school (3rd author)

I'll start as a clinical research volunteer later this summer or early in the fall

-Hospital Volunteer: 100 or so hours. Would've had more but COVID-19 pandemic put that on hold. I'll try and get more
-I'll likely be a COPE health scholar next year so I'll have like 300 or so hours from that I believe it was.
- I'm part of our university's free clinic but haven't gone to any because of COVID-19. I'll go to as many as I can next year/this summer Probably like 50-75 hours
- Part of international clinic volunteering group at University but again couldn't do anything because of covid. I'll do some things with them next year.
- I want to get an EMT license, but still have to do that.

-Probably start shadowing ER Doc (family friend) or neuro-onc doc (family friend) pretty soon. Can probably get internist shadowing in too some time this year.
-I'm lacking in the nonclinical volunteering area for sure, I'll try and fix that

Other Things:
-Interning at a private equity firm during this summer.
-President of on campus organization that provides financial literacy/tutoring to inner city tweens (everything was put on hold because of covid, but I'll try and get more hours next year)
- Treasurer for on-campus TED organization.
-Healthcare equities analyst for on-campus student investment fund
(I'm considering an MD/MBA program depending on where I get in)

Please help answer my questions regarding postbaccs and if you can give me a list of a few program or schools I should look at that would be really helpful.

Thanks 🙂

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