Career change jump in ?

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Jun 26, 2019
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I am a non traditional pre med been out of college for a year and a half working as an engineer for a construction company. I have my bachelors in mechanical engineering and took my premed reqs in college as i have always gone back and forth between engineering and medicine. After working i have decided that engineering is definitely not the field i want to end up in. And have been studying for the mcat, my plan is to apply next summer for medical school.My current job is wrapping up and i have the opportunity to work as a scribe f/t or medical assistant f/t. This will mean leaving my engineering company for clinical experience. Any advice on whether quitting your job for clinical experience would look better on an application and help in the long run or whether staying in my current job and just taking the mcat and trying to shadow on the weekends?
Any tips are appreciated!

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Clinical work experience always looks good, but I think your question is: is it necessary to work in a clinical setting in order to get into medical school? The answer is no. Do whatever you need to do for your finances to work out and make sure you get some sort of clinical experience.

I also have a bachelors in Mech E and I worked in the tech industry for 1.5 years. I moved so I could do a post bacc and I currently work as an ophthalmic technician. I don’t make as much as I used to, but we get by and I really love working with patients.

Edit: you need to do more than shadowing for clinical experience. If you don’t end up working in a clinical setting then you need clinical volunteering.