Class of 2024 Applicants

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Hey guys. First time applicant here, just submitted my application yesterday! Waiting on verification still, but otherwise it's good to go. I'm so nervous, but glad all my essays are done at least! :cool:

And the waiting begins :dead:

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Team Procrastination over here! Anyone? Anyone??????
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Team Procrastination over here! Anyone? Anyone??????

MEEEEE! A little horrified with myself, but that's what I get for working full time and taking two summer classes! Sitting on vacation writing essays!
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MEEEEE! A little horrified with myself, but that's what I get for working full time and taking two summer classes! Sitting on vacation writing essays!

Right?! My graduate program just started up and I'm like............... Iiiiiiii should have done this a long time ago.
Also, I'm just really not feeling it this cycle. I'm a second time applicant and I'm just watching all of my friends get their white coats and trying to be happy for them.... like seriously, all of my friends who applied this last round got in except for me. And I was scrolling through the Successful Applicants 2023 page the other day feeling like crap because everyone's stats were just so damn impressive. I had this feeling after I was denied from all my schools earlier this year and I thought I was over it. I was actually kind of excited to apply again at one point. And now I've really lost that feeling. I still want to be a veterinarian with all my heart.. I'm just sick of all these essays and all these hoops to jump. So here I am, complaining on the internet! Apologies for all the rambles!
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I'm going to be submitting my application here shortly! I've just run into one hiccup that's stressing me out. I didn't realize until recently that my institution doesn't put AP credits on our official transcripts (Though they do on our unofficial transcripts), and I got my English credits from my AP classes in high school. Three schools I'm applying to all require an English class, those schools being Colorado State, Lincoln Memorial, and Purdue. I got in contact with LMU, which they recommended I send my AP scores to them so they have them and can see them themselves. I'm waiting to hear back from Colorado and Purdue, and so I'm just wondering if anyone else has ever had this issue too! Good luck everyone!:)
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Also, I'm just really not feeling it this cycle. I'm a second time applicant and I'm just watching all of my friends get their white coats and trying to be happy for them.... like seriously, all of my friends who applied this last round got in except for me. And I was scrolling through the Successful Applicants 2023 page the other day feeling like crap because everyone's stats were just so damn impressive. I had this feeling after I was denied from all my schools earlier this year and I thought I was over it. I was actually kind of excited to apply again at one point. And now I've really lost that feeling. I still want to be a veterinarian with all my heart.. I'm just sick of all these essays and all these hoops to jump. So here I am, complaining on the internet! Apologies for all the rambles!
I feel it. I decided to work at the vet hospital in the diagnostic lab. So a lot of the people I thought would be my class mates posted pictures of their white coats, and their orientation week. And now I awkwardly see them when I am working. And so while I am trying to convince myself that I am better off reapplying and finding a program that fits me better, it feels like work is often a reminder I failed. A part of me wanted to be pulled off the waitlist this summer, and the other part of me knew I had to do everything required to reapply because it was very unlikely to happen. While I have an interview with Glasgow lined up, it just feels like I am struggling to think of how to answer "why do you want to be a vet" or "why should we pick you if you are tied with someone else". And thinking of the expense that comes with applying again, I feel like the whole system is tiring and in a way, artificial.
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I feel it. I decided to work at the vet hospital in the diagnostic lab. So a lot of the people I thought would be my class mates posted pictures of their white coats, and their orientation week. And now I awkwardly see them when I am working. And so while I am trying to convince myself that I am better off reapplying and finding a program that fits me better, it feels like work is often a reminder I failed. A part of me wanted to be pulled off the waitlist this summer, and the other part of me knew I had to do everything required to reapply because it was very unlikely to happen. While I have an interview with Glasgow lined up, it just feels like I am struggling to think of how to answer "why do you want to be a vet" or "why should we pick you if you are tied with someone else". And thinking of the expense that comes with applying again, I feel like the whole system is tiring and in a way, artificial.

I agree! Thank you for taking the time to commiserate with me. This process is really tough mentally and physically. Here's hoping that this is the last round of this stuff before we get our acceptance letters and our own dang whitecoats!
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Hey guys! So I'm finishing up my essays, and Cornell and Auburn both have questions asking to describe a challenge/problem I have faced. Do you guys think that discussing having to make the decision to euthanize my cat (who was only 5 and developed a fibrosarcoma under her jaw) would be an appropriate response to this question? Thanks!
Hey guys! So I'm finishing up my essays, and Cornell and Auburn both have questions asking to describe a challenge/problem I have faced. Do you guys think that discussing having to make the decision to euthanize my cat (who was only 5 and developed a fibrosarcoma under her jaw) would be an appropriate response to this question? Thanks!

I was also the person who wrote about the difficult death of a pet. And I 100% regret it. Nearly every pre-vet has had a pet with a super deistating disease. That's the story behind the Aussie Shepherd that's my profile pic. I would strongly recommend picking a different topic, unless you're a good enough writer to make the reader feel as if you are the only person to ever experience the same thing.
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Hey guys! So I'm finishing up my essays, and Cornell and Auburn both have questions asking to describe a challenge/problem I have faced. Do you guys think that discussing having to make the decision to euthanize my cat (who was only 5 and developed a fibrosarcoma under her jaw) would be an appropriate response to this question? Thanks!
Totally agree with Bats. Also remember, the question isn’t asking about an animal-related problem. Most people have lost a pet. Most pet owners have lost more than one. Unless you can write a story that convinces the readers that your pet loss was unique, impactful, and worth being the only answer to that question, pick something else. While pet loss is extremely difficult (especially to something as awful as cancer), there’s likely a more unique experience to write about.
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I don’t see a UF thread so I’ll ask here. Anyone know if UF wants us to include repeated courses on the prerequisite Inventory form? I had to retake a couple classes that had “expired” according to other schools but I’m not sure if UF wants both or just the most recent on the form. I emailed them a couple days ago but haven’t heard back. Also, space is super limited on the form so I’m not even sure how I would squeeze in the old course.
Did you ever find out an answer to this?
I found this last year on an old thread and i really loved the humor and true feelings behind it so I’m gonna share it with you guys!
I’m taking a study break to peruse through SDN and having a bout of PTSD, but also a good laugh, remembering how my mind was running rampant while anxiously waiting for an acceptance. This tedious wait seems to have the same affect on us as the 5 steps of grieving. We shall call it:

The 5 Steps of Vet School Acceptance

1. Denial: That application I just submitted was AWSOME!! No one can top what I’m about to bring to the table!! I am the epitome of a great vet student! Other end of the spectrum: Maybe I’m not good enough… maybe I don’t have what it takes…

2. Anger/Paranoia: Congratulations on your acceptance!! *internally: $*&#@! There goes one more seat that I could have filled* What do they have that I don’t?! Its b/c I said I wanted to do companion animal practice isn’t it… I should have lied and said Food Animal is LIFE!! Conspiracies!! This whole thing is a conspiracy!! I bet they watch this thread… I bet that person is actually administration and is connecting my IP address with my application we speak! That school sucks. They’re in farm country. They obviously only want cow vets! I wouldn’t go there even if I was accepted… If I were a male, I wouldn’t even be in this situation right now… I would have been accepted based on my genitalia in this female inundated profession!

3. Bargaining/statistical analysis: I interviewed in January and they still haven’t accepted some that interviewed in October… 1200 applications…. 600 interviews… 115 accepted… 10 people have already turned down their seat…. I’ve still gotta chance!!... right?!? I’m noticing a trend of early acceptance Friday emails… I’m going to email the schools and see if I’m right about this hunch… If 2 trains leave New York heading south going 52 MPH, there should be slew of acceptance emails sent out Wednesday at 4:45 EST…

4. Depression: Omg! I’m a loser! I’m never going to get in!! What am I going to do with my life?!! I’m going to be 30 and living in my mom’s basement!!!

5. Acceptance: Nah, man… Its cool. I’ll just work on myself and my application and have a go at it next cycle… Maybe I’ll get my Masters

I hope you guys can appreciate the humor/sarcasm/truth in the above, because being in that limbo waiting to hear back SUCKS and makes you go absolutely CRAZY!! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

As someone who has been there and is now on the other side, maybe I can calm some angst with the things that I’ve pieced together since being here…

These early acceptances are for the Crème of the Crop or the folks they feel are the absolute ideal student/perspective veterinarian. They interview early in hopes to snatch these guys up before another school can. Being a new school, who had to put up one hell of a fight with the AVMA to be so, they really have to prove themselves and show the AVMA that they made the right choice in allowing LMU-CVM to exist. It only makes sense that LMU wants to fill the seats with the statistical “best of the best.”

But, as we are all beginning to see, the early acceptances are starting to turn down their invitations because they’ve received an acceptance from their in-state school. Of course, they did!! These people have amazing applications!! Plus, they’d be NUTS not to go IS and pay a fraction of the cost in tuition. Others may choose to attend a state University rather than this new private school, located in the desolate mountains of Virginia, with a still pending accreditation status. (You can do it c/o 2018! I believe in you!!)

This is why LMU interviews so many. They have to be prepared with a 2nd string… maybe even a 3rd and 4th string. This is also why you guys, as the anxious waiters, should not give up hope! If you are wait-listed in March, don’t give up hope! In April, after matriculation fees are paid and you have no status change, don’t give up hope! If it’s mid-May and you’re still hanging out on the waitlist, you should probably start seriously putting together your CV for that internship in North Carolina collecting genetic samples from coastal fish. (Boating experience preferred, but not required!) And as soon as you’ve decided that running PCR analysis for a year may not be all that bad, you just may look down at your phone to see you have a new email… and that email may be from LMU… and LMU just might be saying “Congratulations, a seat for the class of 202_ has become available!”:banana:

With that said, this is totally my own detective work. Nothing above can be taken as absolute fact. I’ve still yet to figure out the rhyme or reason to how they determine their next in line. And you definitely can’t assume that because you were accepted near the end that you are somewhat less deserving or less likely to succeed. I have a friend who didn’t get accepted until July, two weeks before classes started! As of right now, she is ranked first in the class.

Vet school acceptance is one of the world greatest mysteries, if you ask me. What’s not a mystery is my love for LMU. Even though I had some blips in my application, they were still willing to give me a shot when no one else would. If you asked the question, “Why did you choose LMU?” and the response you received was “Because it was the only school I got into” don’t think of that as a negative. Some of us didn’t get the opportunity to compare and contrast our vast list of acceptances to weigh the pro’s and con’s in making our final decisions of where we’d obtain our degree. LMU was the only school who saw something in us that no one else did… who looked at us as more than just a GPA and a test score. LMU is my dream vet school because they actually gave me the chance, and now my dreams of becoming a veterinarian are coming true.

So, my LMU-CVM hopefuls, take a deep breath, remain calm, remain sain, and hang in there!!! It ain’t over till the fat lady sings! :horns:
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Also, I'm just really not feeling it this cycle. I'm a second time applicant and I'm just watching all of my friends get their white coats and trying to be happy for them.... like seriously, all of my friends who applied this last round got in except for me. And I was scrolling through the Successful Applicants 2023 page the other day feeling like crap because everyone's stats were just so damn impressive. I had this feeling after I was denied from all my schools earlier this year and I thought I was over it. I was actually kind of excited to apply again at one point. And now I've really lost that feeling. I still want to be a veterinarian with all my heart.. I'm just sick of all these essays and all these hoops to jump. So here I am, complaining on the internet! Apologies for all the rambles!

Hang in there dude. First time applicant, only able to apply to two schools this cycle and after reading the stats I felt the same way. Eye on the prize. Only thing that stinks about not getting would be that it's another year of grinding and social/personal sacrifice when I'd rather be grinding that way and already in vet school! Short term sacrifice for long term rewards. If it's meant to be it's meant to be. Those are the things I tell myself anyway! Hope all is well with everyone and GOOD LUCK!
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Stupid question. do you have to be verified by 9/17 OR just have submitted application by 9/17? lol (paranoid)
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Stupid question. do you have to be verified by 9/17 OR just have submitted application by 9/17? lol (paranoid)
Just submitted
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Riding the procrastination train almost all the way to the last stop. Finishing up with my last revision/proof reading of essays for my remaining applications, planning to have everything in by tonight or tomorrow at the latest. I just wanted to say that I am very grateful for you guys and the community here on SDN. My last application cycle I felt alone because I did not know anyone applying to vet school well enough to discuss the process with them and had no idea what I was getting myself into. Being able to read here what everyone is going through and knowing I'm not alone has been so helpful this time around. I wish all the best for you all as we head into this period of waiting to hear back from schools!
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Just finished submitting everything! Now for the waiting game.
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Already done with waiting and feeling un sure about this cycle

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I keep telling myself that October is the worst month because so little is happening.
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I keep telling myself that October is the worst month because so little is happening.

I mean, I'm not OVERLY stressed about it, since there's nothing I can do about it & my decisions on next year aren't time-sensitive. But I JUST want to KNOOOOW. Also I would love to know if I can actually make vacation plans for January or if I need to leave dates open for interviews. (I'm probably being waaaay optimistic on that, but whatevs, gotta have some hopes)
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I mean, I'm not OVERLY stressed about it, since there's nothing I can do about it & my decisions on next year aren't time-sensitive. But I JUST want to KNOOOOW. Also I would love to know if I can actually make vacation plans for January or if I need to leave dates open for interviews. (I'm probably being waaaay optimistic on that, but whatevs, gotta have some hopes)

Yes! My SO is going overseas in December so I’ll be alone for Christmas. All of our family is on the west coast and I’m on the east coast currently. I was debating flying home for Christmas but then I thought nah, better not spend the money because I have no idea how much traveling I’ll be doing in Dec/Jan/Feb. The struggle is real :confused:
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I mean, I'm not OVERLY stressed about it, since there's nothing I can do about it & my decisions on next year aren't time-sensitive. But I JUST want to KNOOOOW. Also I would love to know if I can actually make vacation plans for January or if I need to leave dates open for interviews. (I'm probably being waaaay optimistic on that, but whatevs, gotta have some hopes)

I just need to plan my life! I just wanna know if I’ll be moving or anything

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Tomorrow is 2 weeks til November and November is when things start happening! Ready to get this show on the road :p
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This waiting is horrible. I feel like I’m not allowed to be excited about my future, just in case I don’t get in.....
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This waiting is horrible. I feel like I’m not allowed to be excited about my future, just in case I don’t get in.....
I know the feeling. Be excited about becoming a vet and going to your dream school, but have a back up plan in case you don't get in that one or at all. Fall in love with the place you want to go, but keep your mind open to the other schools and potential ways the next few months could turn out.
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Do NOT come across as generic. A lot of people, the majority I’d wager, are afraid to talk themselves up because they don’t want to seem full of themselves. However, this is the point of an application: to make yourself stand out. Don’t say things like “it’s been my dream since I was 6 years old to be a veterinarian.” There’s not a ton of money in the field, there’s a ton of schooling involved, and we don’t get the respect we deserve from a lot of people when we graduate. Obviously we’re going into the field because it’s our dream/passion/calling/*insert generic word*. Don’t explain how badly you want this. Tell a story that shows how DEDICATED you are. Dedication to the field is important, and you should describe that rather than explain how much you like animals.

In the same vein, don’t use passive voice and don’t talk down your experiences or the roles you played in the experiences you’ve had. Don’t say things like “I was a research assistant in a project focusing on cattle reproduction. Urine was collected from bulls to measure testosterone levels and testosterone injections were given to castrated steers before collecting their urine.” None of that says what YOU did or why the project would have been worse off without you. Explain what you did, how you made an impact, and why that experience enriched your knowledge of veterinary medicine. This applies to both essays and experience descriptions. Except for essays, you have much more liberty with how you spice up your writing.

I would overall just recommend being your own hype man. You’ve made it this far. You believe you have a good shot at getting in, otherwise you probably wouldn’t bother applying. Make sure you let everyone reading your application know that you’re the best person to fill that seat in the class.
I think in the essay part I agree with you, but for the experience section I disagree. I help people create resumes for my job. The experience section is more of resume type formate. You use power verbs to describe what you did. Most experience won’t get read in detail. You want to keep it straight to the point especially if your experience is vast. For example I‘d bullet point everything you did out. Never use first person. This section you need to brag on the skills you have and acquired. For example if your school values “communication” more than other working skills use it as one of your power verbs. For the experience section they are going to cherry pick out what applies to them or they find impressive. Power verbs help them do that.
-Engaged with team in collaborative research environment to study the testosterone affect on male bovines.
-Communicated effectively with undergrads, grad students, animal care staff and lead researcher to ensure smooth operation of study.
-Utilized sterile technique to inject testosterone into steers.
-Restrained male bovines to efficiently collect urine samples and reduce stress to the animal.
-Upheld proper protocol and required PPE to ensure safety for reacher team and animals.
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This waiting is horrible. I feel like I’m not allowed to be excited about my future, just in case I don’t get in.....

Been there, done that. In hindsight, it wasn’t worth how I tortured myself. This, right now, is part of your life. Enjoy it. Vet school applications are such a small part of your life in the grand scheme (and I’m here to tell you, that vet school is a very small part just goes very very fast).
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Been there, done that. In hindsight, it wasn’t worth how I tortured myself. This, right now, is part of your life. Enjoy it. Vet school applications are such a small part of your life in the grand scheme (and I’m here to tell you, that vet school is a very small part just goes very very fast).
This. I know it feels all-consuming right now, but don’t stop living your life in the interim. Not just because you want to continue to build on your application (the wise LIS always said to act like you know you didn’t get in and start working toward improving your application NOW) but also because it’s not worth moping away the days only thinking about vet school :)
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This. I know it feels all-consuming right now, but don’t stop living your life in the interim. Not just because you want to continue to build on your application (the wise LIS always said to act like you know you didn’t get in and start working toward improving your application NOW) but also because it’s not worth moping away the days only thinking about vet school :)

Exactly. I’ve discovered that actually the best parts of my life have nothing to do with vet med. But that’s for everyone to figure out in their own way/time;)
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Happy Thanksgiving y’all! Hopefully this time next year we’ll all be VM1s :biglove:
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LSU: Denied
VMCVM: Waitlisted for interview

Chin Up! You still have FIVE schools to hear from...I only applied to five schools and was rejected from 2/3 of them...the other three were acceptances. So many opportunities for a "yes", yet!

I have a distinct memory of crying in the barn after the first school I heard back from was a solid no. In hindsight, I had myself wound so tight over something that worked out exactly as it was supposed to.

It's wayyyy to early to write this cycle off:)
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If any of you are interested in a fun activity to take your mind off waiting to hear back from schools, or to distract your from family drama during the holidays, consider signing up for this year's WW game for beginners!

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If any of you are interested in a fun activity to take your mind off waiting to hear back from schools, or to distract your from family drama during the holidays, consider signing up for this year's WW game for beginners!

Just wanna say my first WW game was last year's noob game and can attest it did help with the waiting and wanting to check the specific school SDN threads obsessively
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Gosh, it sure does seem like many schools are running behind schedule when compared to previous years. Anyone else slowly dying inside? :laugh:

Patience is a virtue, patience is a virtue, patience is a virtue ... ...
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Gosh, it sure does seem like many schools are running behind schedule when compared to previous years. Anyone else slowly dying inside? :laugh:

Patience is a virtue, patience is a virtue, patience is a virtue ... ...
I’m certainly dying by inches
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Gosh, it sure does seem like many schools are running behind schedule when compared to previous years. Anyone else slowly dying inside? :laugh:

Patience is a virtue, patience is a virtue, patience is a virtue ... ...

Can confirm at least some schools are actually ahead of schedule compared to last year
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