COMLEX Level 1 = 496 for ACGME FM?

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Jul 1, 2017
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Hey guys! Could not find this question answered elsewhere, but I recently got my COMLEX Level 1 results. I got a 496, which was significantly lower than anything I'd gotten previously on COMSAE's, so I was a bit thrown for a loop. I want to do FM, but am most interested in dually accredited programs. Our school gives us plenty of info for AOA specific program mean level 1 scores, so I'm mostly interested in knowing what my chances are of matching ACGME FM. I'm waiting on my FREIDA account, but when I checked it earlier, it seemed most ACGME FM programs I looked at listed mean USMLE, but not COMLEX scores so I'm more interested in what experiences of people who have matched. Thank you!!

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Hey guys! Could not find this question answered elsewhere, but I recently got my COMLEX Level 1 results. I got a 496, which was significantly lower than anything I'd gotten previously on COMSAE's, so I was a bit thrown for a loop. I want to do FM, but am most interested in dually accredited programs. Our school gives us plenty of info for AOA specific program mean level 1 scores, so I'm mostly interested in knowing what my chances are of matching ACGME FM. I'm waiting on my FREIDA account, but when I checked it earlier, it seemed most ACGME FM programs I looked at listed mean USMLE, but not COMLEX scores so I'm more interested in what experiences of people who have matched. Thank you!!

Increasing your score for COMLEX Level II will help you immensely. If you only scored that much, what didn't work? What resources did you use? It's time to change something up. 20-25% of COMLEX alone is OMM questions which should be 'gimmies'. An upward trend on Level II is key.. it demonstrates clinical aptitude and an unwillingness to stop working hard.

Stick to the basics: UWorld + OMG OMT and that's it.