COMP Secondary Essay Question

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Aug 29, 2006
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One of the essay questions states the following: "Describe your motivation for training as an osteopathic physician. Comment specifically on your academic performance and potential for study in Osteopathic Medicine."

How exactly would you go about answering the portion that is underlined? I mean, don't the numbers pretty much speak for themselves?

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One of the essay questions states the following: "Describe your motivation for training as an osteopathic physician. Comment specifically on your academic performance and potential for study in Osteopathic Medicine."

How exactly would you go about answering the portion that is underlined? I mean, don't the numbers pretty much speak for themselves?

They asked this same question last year. Looking at my essay, I wrote about how the "osteopathic philosophy" jives with my own philosophy, and talked about specific aspects of that. Life-long learning, holistic approach, etc...

I then talked about scholastic achievements and my passion for academia, research, and the pursuit of knowledge.

They can see the numbers, but they want to hear your side of the story. These are read by every member of the adcom, so you want to communicate the fact that you have the drive and potential to pursue [osteopathic] medicine.

Hope that helps, if you are still unsure, PM me.