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5+ Year Member
Jul 13, 2017
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I just graduated with a BS in biology. All my life, I aspired to become a physician. Before college, I thought I had it all figured out. I volunteered at my neighborhood hospital and I loved working with patients, doctors, nurses, etc. I declared my major at the start of college. Except for microbiology, I took all the prerequisites and graduated on time. Everything sounds just about right...

BUT I graduated with a gpa of 2.78. I don't have much extracurricular activities and absolutely no research experience. As you're all reading my post, I'm sitting here full of regrets and low self hope. I regret not listening to my advisor when he told me to take less classes per semester and graduate a year later. I was stubborn in believing I'd look better graduating in 4 years instead of 5. And also extra tuition and dorm costs made that idea seem unappealing. My parents have no idea what my real gpa is since I lied to their faces that I got a 3.12. And they're forcing me to try to apply for medical school next year. And I don't know if I should tell them the truth or not. I don't want to disappoint them but they'll wind up getting hurt either way. And my low gpa is really getting to my head and it's making me believe I truly am too dumb for med school.

In March, I signed up to take the MCAT for this September and I'm studying for that. But then on some days, I lose all hope and motivation. It's my situation and the thought of how my parents will react that's preventing me from focusing. I keep telling myself, "Just master the MCAT and worry about all of that afterward." Easier said than done. Aside from studying, I've applied to many jobs but no word yet. I'm also continuing volunteering at the hospital.

At this point I don't know what I should do and I'm scared, as foolish as that sounds. Do I still want to pursue medicine? Yes, but my past is what's stopping me from trying. Please if any of you have been in my shoes, give me sound advice on how to go about my life. How did you motivate yourselves and navigate your way onto the right path? Did you retake classes during your gap year(s)? Any insight will be helpful. I can't be the only one in this situation.

Thank you for your time and input.

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I just graduated with a BS in biology. All my life, I aspired to become a physician. Before college, I thought I had it all figured out. I volunteered at my neighborhood hospital and I loved working with patients, doctors, nurses, etc. I declared my major at the start of college. Except for microbiology, I took all the prerequisites and graduated on time. Everything sounds just about right...

BUT I graduated with a gpa of 2.78. I don't have much extracurricular activities and absolutely no research experience. As you're all reading my post, I'm sitting here full of regrets and low self hope. I regret not listening to my advisor when he told me to take less classes per semester and graduate a year later. I was stubborn in believing I'd look better graduating in 4 years instead of 5. And also extra tuition and dorm costs made that idea seem unappealing. My parents have no idea what my real gpa is since I lied to their faces that I got a 3.12. And they're forcing me to try to apply for medical school next year. And I don't know if I should tell them the truth or not. I don't want to disappoint them but they'll wind up getting hurt either way. And my low gpa is really getting to my head and it's making me believe I truly am too dumb for med school.

In March, I signed up to take the MCAT for this September and I'm studying for that. But then on some days, I lose all hope and motivation. It's my situation and the thought of how my parents will react that's preventing me from focusing. I keep telling myself, "Just master the MCAT and worry about all of that afterward." Easier said than done. Aside from studying, I've applied to many jobs but no word yet. I'm also continuing volunteering at the hospital.

At this point I don't know what I should do and I'm scared, as foolish as that sounds. Do I still want to pursue medicine? Yes, but my past is what's stopping me from trying. Please if any of you have been in my shoes, give me sound advice on how to go about my life. How did you motivate yourselves and navigate your way onto the right path? Did you retake classes during your gap year(s)? Any insight will be helpful. I can't be the only one in this situation.

Thank you for your time and input.
So I'm a fellow pre med so I don't have as much experience as other on here do but I saw nobody had answered your post so I'll give you my 2 cents. First off relax a bit, somehow you'll end up ok not being a doctor is not the end of the world. That being said you're gpa is low and will most likely screen you out at all schools. Right now you need to focus on the mcat and kill it when I say kill it I mean 508 would be a good place to start. If I were you I would so a smp or post bacc to help your gpa/ show you can handle the coursework. Get all As in that and a decent mcat and you have a fighting chance. As far as your parent situation be an adult and don't waste money applying because you don't want to tell them. Also some volunteering outside of clinical setting would be good to have. Research is not mandatory but if you have time it can't hurt and I personally loved it but that's me. Feel free to pm me if u want. Otherwise good luck
So I'm a fellow pre med so I don't have as much experience as other on here do but I saw nobody had answered your post so I'll give you my 2 cents. First off relax a bit, somehow you'll end up ok not being a doctor is not the end of the world. That being said you're gpa is low and will most likely screen you out at all schools. Right now you need to focus on the mcat and kill it when I say kill it I mean 508 would be a good place to start. If I were you I would so a smp or post bacc to help your gpa/ show you can handle the coursework. Get all As in that and a decent mcat and you have a fighting chance. As far as your parent situation be an adult and don't waste money applying because you don't want to tell them. Also some volunteering outside of clinical setting would be good to have. Research is not mandatory but if you have time it can't hurt and I personally loved it but that's me. Feel free to pm me if u want. Otherwise good luck

Thanks giguerex35 for your input. I considered post bac programs but most of them want students with a >3.0 gpa. Unless there's some leeway to that?
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Thanks giguerex35 for your input. I considered post bac programs but most of them want students with a >3.0 gpa. Unless there's some leeway to that?
You don't have to do a formal post bacc you could always do a DIY post bacc also I imagine your sgpa is sub 3.0 too?
You don't have to do a formal post bacc you could always do a DIY post bacc also I imagine your sgpa is sub 3.0 too?

My sgpa is lower than 3.0. But at the same time, I'm familiar with the subjects and my overall gpa is closer to 3.0. So there must be a way for me to do a post bacc, right?
My sgpa is lower than 3.0. But at the same time, I'm familiar with the subjects and my overall gpa is closer to 3.0. So there must be a way for me to do a post bacc, right?
Ya what I'm saying is you can do a do it yourself post bacc where you basically take classes to help your gpa without a school telling you what to do also the mcat will be the line in the sand of whether you understand the topics and just didn't do well in the class or not so make sure you do well on the mcat because of not thtvjust may be the last straw
Look online for post bacc programs that you can use to boost your GPA. Typically your local state school will have a la carte style classes you can sign up for, and you just pay by the credit.

I wouldn't even worry about the MCAT right now, your GPA indicates you might not have the foundation one typically needs for MCAT success. DO NOT RUSH THE MCAT. Figure out the job situation first, then take post-bacc classes and raise your GPA (and your confidence) up little by little. Once you've broken a 3.0, then you can take the MCAT and start looking at SMPs.

Remember though, SMPs are typically for application-ready people whose only deficit is a low GPA (typically 3.0-3.3). I think most SMPers have all their ECs in order, and many have solid MCATs to back that up. This means you need to beef up your resume too, think clinical volunteering, community service, shadowing, etc. Everything before college doesn't count.

You should probably just be honest with your parents about the situation. Assure them you have a course laid out ahead of you, but this is will probably take 3-4 more years for you to dig yourself out of his hole to be ready for applying.

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Time for you to grow up and tell the truth to your parents.

If you really want to be a doctor, read this:

I just graduated with a BS in biology. All my life, I aspired to become a physician. Before college, I thought I had it all figured out. I volunteered at my neighborhood hospital and I loved working with patients, doctors, nurses, etc. I declared my major at the start of college. Except for microbiology, I took all the prerequisites and graduated on time. Everything sounds just about right...

BUT I graduated with a gpa of 2.78. I don't have much extracurricular activities and absolutely no research experience. As you're all reading my post, I'm sitting here full of regrets and low self hope. I regret not listening to my advisor when he told me to take less classes per semester and graduate a year later. I was stubborn in believing I'd look better graduating in 4 years instead of 5. And also extra tuition and dorm costs made that idea seem unappealing. My parents have no idea what my real gpa is since I lied to their faces that I got a 3.12. And they're forcing me to try to apply for medical school next year. And I don't know if I should tell them the truth or not. I don't want to disappoint them but they'll wind up getting hurt either way. And my low gpa is really getting to my head and it's making me believe I truly am too dumb for med school.

In March, I signed up to take the MCAT for this September and I'm studying for that. But then on some days, I lose all hope and motivation. It's my situation and the thought of how my parents will react that's preventing me from focusing. I keep telling myself, "Just master the MCAT and worry about all of that afterward." Easier said than done. Aside from studying, I've applied to many jobs but no word yet. I'm also continuing volunteering at the hospital.

At this point I don't know what I should do and I'm scared, as foolish as that sounds. Do I still want to pursue medicine? Yes, but my past is what's stopping me from trying. Please if any of you have been in my shoes, give me sound advice on how to go about my life. How did you motivate yourselves and navigate your way onto the right path? Did you retake classes during your gap year(s)? Any insight will be helpful. I can't be the only one in this situation.

Thank you for your time and input.