Confused. What prep books are used for COMPLEX?

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Aug 27, 2017
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I tried searching up the DO equivalency of USMLE prep books but couldn’t find any. What books do DO students use to prep for complex? Are books like “first aid” used for both board examinations or only for USMLE? How did you prep? Is first aid sufficient? I appreciate the clarification!

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Similar materials. I used First Aid and Combank/Comquest + Savarese book. But this was 6-7 years ago.
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UFAPS (UWorld, First Aid (for USMLE), Pathoma, and Sketchy) and pay attention in your OMM classes + OMG OMT/Savarese for a week between your USMLE and COMLEX exam.
Sketcy is particularly useful since COMLEX loves micro.
I agree with the above resources and rapid review pathology by goljan and brs physio.