BOTH Conrad Fischer Step 1 Cramathon this weekend

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Just wondering if anyone attended/knows someone who attended the last Cramathon and has any feedback at all?

Mainly about the material covered...did he really tie strings together from all subjects well or was it more of spending lots of time on dissecting specific questions similar to his integrated cases?

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Just wondering if anyone attended/knows someone who attended the last Cramathon and has any feedback at all?

Mainly about the material covered...did he really tie strings together from all subjects well or was it more of spending lots of time on dissecting specific questions similar to his integrated cases?
It was about specific questions that are most likely going to be covered in the exam. It was all high yield. If you studied all materials, did practice at least once or a couple of times I think it is of tremendous value. If you want to register though do it now because last time they had a waiting list and some people couldn't get in - Live On-Line "Cramathon" for USMLE Step 1/ COMLEX Level 1 May 2017
It was about specific questions that are most likely going to be covered in the exam. It was all high yield. If you studied all materials, did practice at least once or a couple of times I think it is of tremendous value. If you want to register though do it now because last time they had a waiting list and some people couldn't get in - Live On-Line "Cramathon" for USMLE Step 1/ COMLEX Level 1 May 2017
Is this worth it? I start dedicated next week, I've gone through all the material and was planning to take a practice on Sunday.
Is this worth it? I start dedicated next week, I've gone through all the material and was planning to take a practice on Sunday.
I think it still is. He covers questions that go above and beyond standard practice tests. Of course it is better to take it if you have already done the practice but since you have covered all the materials I still think it is worth it.
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