convictions on applications?

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10+ Year Member
May 25, 2010
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I was charge with a misdemeanor for excessive speed/participating in a speed contest (in California) i had to pay fines etc and do probation but my attorney later got my record expunged.

i went to DMV a few months after and paid for Motor Vehicle Report which still showed the excessive speed but as dismissed.

so i ask the lady at the DMV. if my record was expunged why is it still showing the "excessive speed" on my record. she said the expungement does not mean, "it is off your record but instead it shows the charge as dismissed" and government agencies will still be able to pull it up on my record.

#1 does that sound right to anyone who had experience in getting your record expunge? you can PM me if you want

#2 should i list that on my application, if my record is expunge?

#3 when dental school do a background check will is show up?

ive heard if your record is expunge then it will not show up when dental schools do background check so dont list it.

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There is no such thing as anything getting expunged when it comes to applying for government jobs, military, etc. They can see anything. In the private sector, however, if you get something expunged or sealed you can act like it never happened.

I don't think it will show up if you list it. However, if the school somehow finds out about it could cause issues. Try doing your own background check to see what comes up.
I was charge with a misdemeanor for excessive speed/participating in a speed contest (in California) i had to pay fines etc and do probation but my attorney later got my record expunged.

i went to DMV a few months after and paid for Motor Vehicle Report which still showed the excessive speed but as dismissed.

so i ask the lady at the DMV. if my record was expunged why is it still showing the "excessive speed" on my record. she said the expungement does not mean, "it is off your record but instead it shows the charge as dismissed" and government agencies will still be able to pull it up on my record.

#1 does that sound right to anyone who had experience in getting your record expunge? you can PM me if you want

#2 should i list that on my application, if my record is expunge?

#3 when dental school do a background check will is show up?

ive heard if your record is expunge then it will not show up when dental schools do background check so dont list it.

Usually misdemeanors aren't considered serious crimes and do not have to be listed. I would call AADSAS and confirm. Even if you list this I dont forsee that it would be a problem, its essentially a speed ticket which isn't a big deal.
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might be a stupid question but does all private sector run the same type of back ground check? is there are certain agency that they do it through or all d-sch used? just checking
The backgrounds checks are done by Certiphi which is a private company.
The question usually starts with "have you EVER ....."

In your case, you need to write in down.
The reason why you need to put that on is you were charged with it although your lawyer expunged later.Don't worry too much though. As long as you explain about it, it will be okay. It's just speeding ticket.
Misdemeanor for speeding? How fast were you going? My friend once got pulled over in Cali for going 110 mph and even that wasn't a misdemeanor. I thought the only traffic violations that weren't infractions were reckless driving and DUI.
@ HeyCharlie Excessive speed and participating in a speed contest