Creighton Interview December 9 2016

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7+ Year Member
Aug 17, 2016
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Hi all,

I received an invitation to interview at Creighton University School of Pharmacy.

I went on to their student portal to register for my interview (one is coming up December 9th so I need to register ASAP) but there is no link to register for the interview.

The only links I see are to their Facebook page, the prereqs I still need to complete, and the main page where I can view that they've completed their review of my application.

I called the school but they said the admissions person who handles the Creighton University SOP was out at a meeting, that the way to register for the interview was through the portal, apologized, and ended the call. I emailed the admissions person but I haven't heard back (and I assume emails are easy to get lost given she probably receives a lot a day).

Does anyone have any tips for me? I am freaking out because the interview is a little more than a week away and I do not want the Dec 9 spots to fill up!

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Hi all,

I received an invitation to interview at Creighton University School of Pharmacy.

I went on to their student portal to register for my interview (one is coming up December 9th so I need to register ASAP) but there is no link to register for the interview.

The only links I see are to their Facebook page, the prereqs I still need to complete, and the main page where I can view that they've completed their review of my application.

I called the school but they said the admissions person who handles the Creighton University SOP was out at a meeting, that the way to register for the interview was through the portal, apologized, and ended the call. I emailed the admissions person but I haven't heard back (and I assume emails are easy to get lost given she probably receives a lot a day).

Does anyone have any tips for me? I am freaking out because the interview is a little more than a week away and I do not want the Dec 9 spots to fill up!
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