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7+ Year Member
Apr 20, 2016
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Hey guys I wanted to seek your opinion on supplementing cliffs with "Kaplan MCAT Biology Review Second Edition" has anybody tried this and succeeded by doing so for the biology section. In my opinion I am just finding cliffs to dry!

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I used the Barrons AP Biology book and I thought it was better than Cliffs. I also bought the Barrons AP biology flashcards and it was great review. I only studied bio 2 weeks before the exam and I got a 23 on that section so it covers everything you need to know.
I used the Barrons AP Biology book and I thought it was better than Cliffs. I also bought the Barrons AP biology flashcards and it was great review. I only studied bio 2 weeks before the exam and I got a 23 on that section so it covers everything you need to know.
Were those two weeks heavily focused on bio, and I could give barrons a shot. However, thats just to much material!
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No, those weeks were used to review every subject as well. I just saved bio for last because its all about memorization, while chem, ochem, and qr are mainly understanding concepts.
I feel for physiology this is essential with supplement to ferrilias notes
I would recommend exam crackers for the MCAT using it for the DAT really helped me...and of course DAT destroyer
I used the Barrons AP Biology book and I thought it was better than Cliffs. I also bought the Barrons AP biology flashcards and it was great review. I only studied bio 2 weeks before the exam and I got a 23 on that section so it covers everything you need to know.

What edition Barron's? Does it matter?
I didn't like the cliffs book so I just used my Kaplan book and I scored a 22 on the biology section this go around of the DAT which is 6 points higher than my first time taking it.
After going through Cliffs and Destroyer, and Bootcamp, I did all of the QVault biology tests, 1 per day (I think there are 7) leading up to my exam date. I think it helped a lot. When I finished each test I would see what I missed and review it. Plus the scoring is pretty close to the actually DAT from what I have seen from other posts.

Honestly, the QVault bio was definitely worth it!
Consider using a biology book I think by Johnson instead of just referring only to Campbell. This is another book used by the DAT writers.

Also, I have heard there are now more questions from DAT Achiever appear on the DAT especially on tests 8,9, and 10.

I didn't like the cliffs book so I just used my Kaplan book and I scored a 22 on the biology section this go around of the DAT which is 6 points higher than my first time taking it.

I've been studying Kaplan only for Biology. Do you think this is enough?
I took a look at both the AP books mentioned here, but these should be used strictly for basic reviews. They should be good for those that took the general bio course a while ago.

I skimmed through Cliff really fast - like 2 days. Went straight to Feralis' notes. I used Sterling's book for questions, but I found them to be way too much in detail. Sterling is good if you want to solidify each concept. Then DAT Bootcamp. I used DAT Destroyer at the end. Both the Sterling and DAT Destroyer are harder than the actual DAT, but the question structures are more similar in Sterling. DAT Destroyer questions are more structured to "teach while doing problems" kind of questions that you'd learn from the answer key. I continued to use Feralis' note for reviews while doing questions.

I read the first few chapters of Kaplan. I think it's a waste of time to use anything else. Honestly, Feralis did a much better job. I would skip Sterling if you are lacking time.

This got me 26 in Bio.