DATBooster Users, are you getting lower predicted scores than Bootcamp?

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Jan 17, 2020
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Since I've been studying for the DAT all the way from January (s/o COVID for cancelling my dates multiple times), I thought it would be useful to pick up DATBooster just to get a different qbank than I'm used to, just to really test if I have my material down. I'm a month out from my exam, and instead of offering me extra practice, it's been ramping up my test anxiety day after day.

After taking 10 or so subject practices, I am so anxious now it's not even funny. Here's how my average scores compare between Bootcamp and Booster:

Ochem: 21 -> 18
GChem: 20 -> 18
QR: 20-> 17.6 (!!)

Now, asking around, I know for a fact that Booster QR is something pretty much everyone says is tough on predicted grades. But does anyone have the same experience for the other sections? Some people have said yes thus far, and others have said no. It would be really great to get a feel for what you guys think, so I can really gauge whether to take stock in the scores, or just use Booster as just another qbank.

I know I should be focusing on the questions I get wrong and not predicted number, but if DATBooster is indeed accurate, then I would seriously consider pushing my test back and applying next cycle instead.

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Hi there,

One of the cool features of the DATBooster scoring system is that it runs on a learning algorithm. Not only is your raw score taken into account, but so is the performance of other students. This is similar to the scoring system of the actual DAT. With that said, we have also realized that the current scores are lower than anticipated but do not worry, this will normalize as more and more students begin using the resource. It is just one of those features that require a bit of time and data to become fully utilized. For now, you should focus on the raw score just as you have mentioned and focus on reviewing every question that was answered incorrectly. Do not worry about the standardized score that is being given to you. In fact, the standardized score should not be given much weight for any resource you choose to use. At the end of the day, you should always focus on the raw score instead. I hope that eases your anxiety a bit.

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Hi there,

One of the cool features of the DATBooster scoring system is that it runs on a learning algorithm. Not only is your raw score taken into account, but so is the performance of other students. This is similar to the scoring system of the actual DAT. With that said, we have also realized that the current scores are lower than anticipated but do not worry, this will normalize as more and more students begin using the resource. It is just one of those features that require a bit of time and data to become fully utilized. For now, you should focus on the raw score just as you have mentioned and focus on reviewing every question that was answered incorrectly. Do not worry about the standardized score that is being given to you. In fact, the standardized score should not be given much weight for any resource you choose to use. At the end of the day, you should always focus on the raw score instead. I hope that eases your anxiety a bit.

Do you have an expected timeline of when this algorithm will be more valid? This is my third time taking this exam and I am 4 days away and still getting 15-16s. Are your test questions leaning towards the much more difficult side? It's honestly killing my self-confidence at this point.
Hi there,

Our tests have definitely been designed to be challenging as students generally prefer to be overprepared. Finding the real DAT to be easier is much more desirable than finding it harder compared to the preparation leading up to the exam. With that said, the scoring system as mentioned before is dynamic and will take a few more months to become fully functional. The difficulty of the exam will adapt as more and more users begin to use the platform and write the actual exam. I would not be too worried about your standardized score at this time. I would focus on the raw score instead. Students who had prepared using DATBooster and have already written the DAT have scored higher in every category. I hope that eases your nerves a little bit regarding the low scores.

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DATBooster is a different service than DATBootcamp btw
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FYI- I used DAT Booster this time around and my scores were 2-3 points higher in all sciences and math.
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Okay so my Gen Chem score was fine in the begining. But now its dropping as well. I was happy in the beginning, Now I am freaking out and losing my mind. These are my scores so far. What can I do? I was thinking of repeating chad's quizes. 18 (21/30), 19 (23/30), 17 (20/30), 17 (20/30).
I am sorry you are in a state of panic, IMO you need to stop focusing on timed test scores for a bit and stop taking the timed test, they are becoming counter productive at this time. If you have other sources you are using for study that are not based on timing go back to them and give yourself a break. No timed test can accurately predict a DAT Score, you might score higher you might score lower. What ever you do don't go into the DAT exam without feeling totally confident, even if this means rescheduling your exam.

Wishing you the best..Nancy....#think30
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Hey Nancy! DON'T fret -- my Booster scores were SUPER low too and I ended up with a 25 AA! Just a quirk of their algorithm right now. I ended up just ignoring their calculated scores altogether and only focusing on the number of questions I got right or wrong. For reference, most of my Bootcamp practice exams were at about a 20 or 21, and my Booster scores (depending on subject) were almost never more than a 17/18. Did way better than Bootcamp and WAYYY better than Booster on the real thing. Hope this helps!!
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May I DM you for more info regarding booster? I was hoping to get more info
Hey Nancy! DON'T fret -- my Booster scores were SUPER low too and I ended up with a 25 AA! Just a quirk of their algorithm right now. I ended up just ignoring their calculated scores altogether and only focusing on the number of questions I got right or wrong. For reference, most of my Bootcamp practice exams were at about a 20 or 21, and my Booster scores (depending on subject) were almost never more than a 17/18. Did way better than Bootcamp and WAYYY better than Booster on the real thing. Hope this helps!!
I'm going to post about my scores compared to BC and booster soon.

Booster got my PAT score, but everything else was alot higher than booster predicted (with some exceptions). I scored a 24 on bio, but got 18s-20s on booster. I'd say only the Orgo was close, but they still undershot it.

That said, booster is a wonderful resource, and I have no doubt that it bumped my scores. Keep using it!
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Hey Nancy! DON'T fret -- my Booster scores were SUPER low too and I ended up with a 25 AA! Just a quirk of their algorithm right now. I ended up just ignoring their calculated scores altogether and only focusing on the number of questions I got right or wrong. For reference, most of my Bootcamp practice exams were at about a 20 or 21, and my Booster scores (depending on subject) were almost never more than a 17/18. Did way better than Bootcamp and WAYYY better than Booster on the real thing. Hope this helps!!

Congrats on your 25 AA! Your method worked. If you don’t mind sharing, did Bootcamp or Booster help you more?
Congrats on your 25 AA! Your method worked. If you don’t mind sharing, did Bootcamp or Booster help you more?
I really am not sure I can say... I relied on Bootcamp predominantly, like it was my main study resource, so I guess by that standard alone I'd say bootcamp. However, I rewatched the taxonomy videos many times and watched them all again the night before my exam and I got at least 3 or 4 questions that were practically taken right off the videos. I have to give them some serious props for prepping me well enough in that way, there is absolutely no chance I would have gotten a 26 in bio without their help. So I *guess* bootcamp but I would not have done nearly as well without Booster.
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