dat advice

  1. apollonicavity

    DAT is scheduled for less than a week from today. Should I take it or delay it?

    My scores on Bootcamp have not been improving as much as I had hoped. Do you think I should delay my test? If I delay it, I would probably push it to December, so that I can study for it during the winter break. However, I am sure I would have to restudy everything at that point, and I fear that...
  2. amolie

    DAT Breakdown (23AA) - Booster vs Actual DAT - One and Done!

    Hi everyone! I don't normally post on forums like these, but I feel like all the other breakdowns and stuff I read were super helpful and I want to pay it forward and help give as much information for the things that stressed me out the most, especially since I JUST took the test! I really...
  3. insaiyanpredent

    Considering Dental School while in SMP

    Hi, I'm currently a second-semester student at Rutgers SMP. From Undergrad not SMP, My cGPA is a 3.2 AMCAS sGPA is a 3.2 and I have no dental experience, but the main reason for the switch is because I'm considering a job still in the healthcare field that will have good incentives yet will...
  4. P

    Extending DAT eligibility??

    I would love some advice as to what to do. I have emailed ADA (no response) and spoken to them on the phone and they were not able to provide me with any info other than telling me to email them. My eligibility test date is currently until December 31, 2020. When I log onto my dentpin account I...
  5. toothaligner

    DATBooster Users, are you getting lower predicted scores than Bootcamp?

    Since I've been studying for the DAT all the way from January (s/o COVID for cancelling my dates multiple times), I thought it would be useful to pick up DATBooster just to get a different qbank than I'm used to, just to really test if I have my material down. I'm a month out from my exam, and...
  6. M

    DAT AA Calculator - DAT Bootcamp

    Hey everyone! Quick question for those that used DAT Bootcamp in the past. I was curious as to how accurate the 'AA calculator' is on the site. As in, after taking my practice tests, I then have been plugging my averages for each section into the calculator to see my expected AA score and I'm...
  7. L

    What are some topics you should’ve studied more before your DAT

    I know that we will get different versions of the DAT and we should take it with a strong foundation of the material BUT which topics do you wish you had prepared more for? Which topics showed up more/less on your actual DAT than you expected? I’m learning my strengths and weaknesses by doing an...
  8. L

    Taking the DAT without Organic chem II advice

    Long story short, I’m a full time Dental Hygienist and have to take evening classes due to my work schedule (limited class offerings during most semesters). I’m strongly considering taking the DAT around April 2020 and have not taken Orgo II yet (made an A in Orgo I). I’ve made an A in all of my...
  9. M

    Preparing for the DAT

    I'll be taking the american DAT in May and would like to know how I should start preparing now. So far i'm using the 2017 Destroyer book and PATBooster. I should be able to go through everything once before my exam but is there anything I should also be using? Particularly for Reading...
  10. P

    DAT Tips (21 AA, 24 PAT)

    I just got out of taking the DAT with a 21 AA and 24 PAT, and wanted to post some tips for what helped me. 1st huge shoutout to Bootcamp, as that was hands down the best tool out there for preparing. 2nd, I definitely struggled to study little by little over a long period time. After pushing my...
  11. T

    Do schools frown at variability/ good DAT outliers?

    Hello. I just took the DAT for the first time, and I'm personally happy with the results. They are PA: 20 QR: 20 RC: 30 Bio: 20 GC: 18 OG: 26 TS: 20 AA: 23 After thinking about it for a bit, I think my AA is higher than it should be because of the 30 on RC, which makes me worry if dental...
  12. mintysweet

    nontrad with ~11 months to study for the DAT...

    So, I'm a nontrad with almost a year to study before I take the DAT, without having to worry about a full-time job. I'm hoping to start my d-school application in May 2019 (next cycle). It sounds awesome, but the catch is that I'm missing some prereqs that are on the DAT (gen and o chem II...
  13. C

    Confused with DAT score.. where did I go wrong?

  14. S

    Dat quantitative reasoning

    I am studying for the DAT and I don't know how to study for the math section. I feel like I forgot everything. What is the best possible way to brush up on math? For the PAT, should I purchase Crack the DAT PAT or just study from Bootcamp PAT.
  15. Cwinship

    DAT Summer Guide Service

    To all planning on taking the DAT this summer or in the future, I will happily answer your questions.
  16. Duña_

    To My Fellow DAT Re-Takers...

    Hello all! I took my DAT today, (3/31/2018) and am underwhelmed to say the least. AA: 19 TS: 19 BIO: 19 GC: 19 OC: 18 RC: 22 QR: 18 PA: 18 Undergraduate Cumulative GPA: 3.43 Undergraduate Science GPA: 3.2 I was particularly surprised with QR since it seemed ridiculously easy compared to...
  17. Future Molinator

    Organic Chemistry Breakdown of Type of Questions

    Hello, Can I get a conformation of the breakdown of questions for the orgo section. According to Kaplan, Reactions (30%) Mechanisms (17%) Chemical & Physical Properties (17%) Acid-Base Chemistry (10%) Aromatics and Bonding (10%) Stereochemistry (10%) Nomenclature (7%)
  18. Future Molinator

    DAT Study Group!!

    Hey Guys!! I will be taking the DAT in May. I am just about to start with DAT Bootcamp, and I was wondering if anybody is eager to form a study group through Whatsapp? Or use another outlet in order to prepare for the exam. I am pretty comfortable with the biology section however I need to...
  19. B

    3.19 oGPA/3.28sGPA/3.38 BCP. Chances? How should I aim for the DAT?

    I will have a 3.19 oGPA, 3.28 sGPA, and a 3.38 BCP GPA on my transcript when I apply for dental school this summer. My gpa is lackluster thanks to a lot of Cs that I accumulated in high school where I took a large amount of dual credit classes before I had really matured. I also had a rough...
  20. L

    DAT Breakdown 24 AA (Studied 4 weeks over winter break!)

    Hey guys! I’ve been on SDN quite a bit recently to get advice on the DAT so I felt like I should give back to the community! :) I took the DAT last Wednesday morning, and here are my reflections! Some background: I come from a fairly strong science background but finished my bio/chem/orgo...
  21. J


    Hello all, I have just begun prepping for the dat. I have just finished with week one and have realized I am struggling with gen chem. All i have been doing is dat bootcamp. Idk if its Mike's videos or if ive just forgotten alot of the material. I need more practice and the quiz problems and...
  22. E

    DAT Studying Plan Over Winter Break - Your Thoughts/Advice?

    Hello everyone, I've been lurking for quite some time now and decided I needed some advice and peace of mind on my ideas for the DAT prep, since I've already seen some amazing support system on other posts! I currently have a 4.0 GPA (including Chem 1&2, Ochem 1&2, Bio 1&2, Biochem, Anatomy &...
  23. C

    Should I even bother taking the DAT?

    I'm turning 27 in December. A lot has happened over the course of the last 10 years- 3 of them were spent on a full-time service mission, I got married, had a baby, and our son later passed away. So needless to say, I've been in and out of school for a while. I'm currently a junior (undergrad)...
  24. Gold Standard Multimedia

    DAT Ask me anything about how to prep for the DAT

    Hello students! Ask us anything! How do you even begin studying for the DAT? Where can you find the best DAT prep? What can you do to prepare for the Reading Comprehension section? What are some test-taking strategies? Taking the DAT is incredibly challenging and a bit daunting, but we are...
  25. T

    Chance me; high GPA, Low DAT

    Hey guys if you could chance me or tell me what my odds are that would be great. I studied long and hard for the DAT and got so darn nervous and choked. I submitted my app. Jun 10th and took the DAT Aug 11th and my app was complete Aug 23rd. I applied to 19 schools. Any feedback or advice would...
  26. J

    Are my DAT scores good enough?

    Hi guys! Just took the DAT I am going into my senior year as a Bio major and I will be doing a gap year. I was wondering if my scores are good enough or will I have to retake it? DAT breakdown: PAT: 23 QR: 20 RC: 19 Bio: 23 GC: 18 :( OC: 22 TS: 20 AA: 20 GPA:3.35 Will my low scores in GC and...
  27. niagra_falls

    the DAT and Anxiety

    Im having trouble managing my anxiety levels while studying for the DAT , i have tried yoga , meditation, studying outside, simple breathing exercises. but its seems nothing is working for me. this poses a real issue for me because i tend to study as much as i can in a day ( around 4-6 hours)...
  28. M

    Should I restake DAT??

    Hey, so I just took my DAT for the first time and didn't do as well as I wanted.. I was pretty nervous and standardized tests always give me a tough time. My scores where: AA:18 TS:17 OC:18 GC:16 BIO:18 PAT:23 RC:18 QR:19 I used Bootcamp and destroyers for most of my studying and I was getting...
  29. niagra_falls


    so i just completed the first 87 questions in the bio section of the destroyer and i only got 53 of the 87 questions correct. I don't know if i should be happy or if i'm on the right track. so far the questions i got wrong were either material i haven't gone over, silly mistakes and things ive...
  30. J


    So I will be taking the DAT during the first week of spring semester. I will be taking 12 or 15 hours. (genetics and biochem along side 2 or 3 upper level major classes) during the fall semester and need advice in how to go about studying during the semester? I would like to start studying for...
  31. D

    letter from umkc recruiting me? with low dat score?

    AA-17 AA-19 Biology-18 General chemistry-18 Organic chemistry-22 PAT-14 QR-13 RC-14 *I didn't have time to answer 40 question* I am a biology major and a URM. Not saying that makes me special but I do not have the money or time to afford to retake the DAT. I got a letter from umkc saying it...
  32. K

    DAT Study tips 8/7/2017

    Hi Guys! Your posts helped me get through 2 months of studying, so I'd like to share my own study tips that will hopefully help some of you as well. This is really long, so skim as needed! Background: I finished my DAT a few days ago and scored 21+ in all sections with a 21 TS and 23 AA. This...
  33. S

    Should I reschedule my DAT?

    My DAT is in less than two days (Tuesday the 8th). Today i took the 2009 DAT and got the following scores: Bio:19 Chem:19 Ochem:18 Reading:19 PAT:22 Math: n/a (i feel solid about this so I didn't bother with it) I thought i was a lot more prepared for ochem and my gen chem score should have...
  34. J


    Hey guys! So I've decided to take my DAT in January before spring classes begin. I will be taking kaplan from October 1st - Decemebr 6th. I also plan on self-studying all of winter break with DAT Destroyer and Chad's Videos.. (by the way, does anybody recommend DAT bootcamp for self-studying as...
  35. J


    Hey guys, I have decided to take the DAT during this coming winter break. Just wondering if one month is sufficient? I will be taking 15 hours during the fall so I won't have that much time to study during the semester. I will be applying next cycle. Do you guys recommend Chads videos, dat...
  36. J

    Help!! DAT Prep Crisis!!!!

    So i'm contemplating taking the DAT in January!! Just recently decided that i'll be taking kaplan's online prep course. Course i'll be taking runs from July 26th - September 11th. Do you guys recommend going ahead and taking the DAT immediately after the exam?? Because I'm considering taking the...
  37. niagra_falls

    QR help

    hello everyone , so i have been doing about 30 problems a day from the QR section in the DAT destroyer, as a "warm up" to doing the Math destroyer and i am getting about half the questions correct . I was wondering if someone can tell me if i am on the right track or if im just wasting my time...
  38. IdleKoala

    Rate my DAT Study Schedule. Advice Welcome!

    Hello all, I am new to this forum as of last night, and let me tell you, this forum has already been an invaluable resource to me! The community on here seems to be amazing and super motivated! Very inspiring, but also intimidating! I wish the best to all of us and hope that we can encourage...
  39. dentaldiva27

    So conflicted about my DAT. Any advice/input would be greatly appreciated!

    Hi everyone, Right now I am scheduled to take my first DAT a week from today on the 25th. However, I don't feel I am as prepared as I should be and am considering postponing it another week. I started off using Kaplan for about a month but found that to be a huge waste of my time and really...
  40. P

    Advice TS=18 AA=21 DAT retake?

    I took my DATs and I got Bio=16 Chem=20 OChem=20 RC=24 QR=24 PAT=17 TS=18 AA=21 GPA=3.7 should I retake?