Dermatology Away Rotations Strategy

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Jun 16, 2016
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A bit about me-I am a third year at an Ohio Allopathic Medical School and I'm a bit puzzled on strategically planning away rotations for Dermatology. Aside from the usual qualifications for applying to Derm (or any competitive residency i.e.-good step score, research, AOA), what is the best way to strategically schedule away rotations? Meaning, I plan on doing one at my home institution, one at another Ohio medical school, but I am conflicted if I should do the third Dermatology rotation at Indiana University (where i'd get great experience and possibly a letter) or leave the midwest to do one at a Florida institution (for example). I have heard much about regional bias but I have also heard programs love to see students attempt to obtain the best experience possible at institutions they have reasons to travel to (i.e.-if home is ohio do away in ohio or midwest to save $$$). I have also heard that if a student doesn't leave the region for an away then extra-regional programs won't even look at their application seriously. Any insight is greatly appreciated, thanks!

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A bit about me-I am a third year at an Ohio Allopathic Medical School and I'm a bit puzzled on strategically planning away rotations for Dermatology. Aside from the usual qualifications for applying to Derm (or any competitive residency i.e.-good step score, research, AOA), what is the best way to strategically schedule away rotations? Meaning, I plan on doing one at my home institution, one at another Ohio medical school, but I am conflicted if I should do the third Dermatology rotation at Indiana University (where i'd get great experience and possibly a letter) or leave the midwest to do one at a Florida institution (for example). I have heard much about regional bias but I have also heard programs love to see students attempt to obtain the best experience possible at institutions they have reasons to travel to (i.e.-if home is ohio do away in ohio or midwest to save $$$). I have also heard that if a student doesn't leave the region for an away then extra-regional programs won't even look at their application seriously. Any insight is greatly appreciated, thanks!

it won't be viewed negatively if you do an away rotation at Indiana University. i don't think there is an actually strategy for away rotations by which you can maximize your matching potential. my advice is to seek away rotations that you feel offer specific bonuses to your application like research or needed letters, or do aways at places you are very interested in. you can probably ameliorate the geographic bias only slightly (and only regionally) by the selection of your aways, so i would not recommend it drive your decisions. programs will take any well-qualified applicant seriously, but if you have no apparent ties to a region or program they may want to know "why did you apply to this program?" they are in part curious if there was something about their program or the area that appealed to you, and in part curious if you just applied because you are applying everywhere.
hopefully that helps a little. for me, i was denied an away rotation at the residency to which i later matched.
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it won't be viewed negatively if you do an away rotation at Indiana University. i don't think there is an actually strategy for away rotations by which you can maximize your matching potential. my advice is to seek away rotations that you feel offer specific bonuses to your application like research or needed letters, or do aways at places you are very interested in. you can probably ameliorate the geographic bias only slightly (and only regionally) by the selection of your aways, so i would not recommend it drive your decisions. programs will take any well-qualified applicant seriously, but if you have no apparent ties to a region or program they may want to know "why did you apply to this program?" they are in part curious if there was something about their program or the area that appealed to you, and in part curious if you just applied because you are applying everywhere.
hopefully that helps a little. for me, i was denied an away rotation at the residency to which i later matched.
That helps and clears a lot, i really appreciate the insight and tips! To clarify, are you saying that if there are no apparent ties to a region then that would simply be a question at the actual interview rather than an obstacle to the interview itself? The only reason I am considering doing an away outside of the midwest is to have any chance of matching in the south, west, etc. but if that's not an automatic filter like the step 1 score then that is great. The fourth years and recent grads at my school have all been telling me that doing an away outside of the region is a necessity that precludes a chance at an interview regardless of the application.