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7+ Year Member
Jan 29, 2016
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Hi Folks,

I'm not here to ask pros/cons between DO vs PA (yes, theres tons of post on Med vs PA)

I am looking to apply to BOTH DO & PA Programs.
However, they both use the CAS Application Portal (AACOMAS CAS vs CASPA).
I am wondering if programs can find out if I'm applying to the other.
(for example if I apply to PCOM DO program & PCOM PA program)

Will a red flag appear due to a conflict of interest?
Can CAS portal disclose any of these informations?

Ideally, I would choose one and go about it.
But I hope someone can really address my concerns.

Thanks in advance

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That's a very tricky question to answer because the truth is different schools will handle things differently, but I can't ever advise anyone to apply to both programs at the same school since the school probably uses one single directory and will see your name and application twice. Quite honestly, if I saw someone applying for both programs, I'd automatically reject them from the DO one. If this person is okay with either, I'll give the admission to the one that knows being a physician is their only option.
Personal anecdote:

I applied to both Pharmacy school and Medical school the same year (AMCAS and PharmCAS). Got interviews on both sides and acceptances so it didn't seem to affect me. HOWEVER, I did not apply to the programs at the same school. I would gamble that schools can't necessarily see what other professional schools you're applying to. Although, If at the same school while they probably wouldn't be looking for your app in another program of theirs, if they happen to find out it could be bad I'd imagine.
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Hi Folks,

I'm not here to ask pros/cons between DO vs PA (yes, theres tons of post on Med vs PA)

I am looking to apply to BOTH DO & PA Programs.
However, they both use the CAS Application Portal (AACOMAS CAS vs CASPA).
I am wondering if programs can find out if I'm applying to the other.
(for example if I apply to PCOM DO program & PCOM PA program)

Will a red flag appear due to a conflict of interest?
Can CAS portal disclose any of these informations?

Ideally, I would choose one and go about it.
But I hope someone can really address my concerns.

Thanks in advance
If you apply to the same school but different programs, they will know for sure. DMU for example does not allow to apply to multiple programs during the same application cycle.

A lot of schools have one admissions office/department that handles all applications.
If you apply to the same school but different programs, they will know for sure. DMU for example does not allow to apply to multiple programs during the same application cycle.

A lot of schools have one admissions office/department that handles all applications.

I heard from my pre-health advisor that "Programs do not share application information".
Do you think her outlook is outdated?

I need help...
I heard from my pre-health advisor that "Programs do not share application information".
Do you think her outlook is outdated?

I need help...
I brought you one school as an example where I know for sure that multiple applications are not accepted at all.

I am not sure about other schools.

I would assume, Health Sciences and Medical schools share the same admissions department.