Hey guys,
I took Biomedical Engineering at the University of Miami, and these are the specific courses that I took:https://umshare.miami.edu/web/wda/engineeringfiles/BME/courseseq/2012/BMEPREQ.pdf
Out of these, I know for sure that all the pre-reqs will count, i.e. Chem I/II, Bio I/II, Physics I/II/III, Orgo I/II and their lab components, along with the Neurobiology class that I took.
I'm fairly certain that some classes from the BME list do not count:
Can anyone help me figure out which of these classes count towards my sGPA?
I took Biomedical Engineering at the University of Miami, and these are the specific courses that I took:https://umshare.miami.edu/web/wda/engineeringfiles/BME/courseseq/2012/BMEPREQ.pdf
Out of these, I know for sure that all the pre-reqs will count, i.e. Chem I/II, Bio I/II, Physics I/II/III, Orgo I/II and their lab components, along with the Neurobiology class that I took.
I'm fairly certain that some classes from the BME list do not count:
- BME 111/BME 112 - Intro To Engineering.
- BME 310 (Mathematical modeling of physiological and other biomedical engineering systems and devices. Basic engineering principles and mathematical tools are covered f or rigorous understanding of physiological regulation and control in biosystems .)
- BME 311
- BME 330 (Physical and biological principles of medical imaging, including ultrasound, X-ray, nuclear, magnetic resonance, electrical impedance and optical imaging. Propagation and interaction of ultrasonic waves, light waves, X-ray photons, and nuclear radiation in hard and soft biological tissue. )
- BME 335 (Introduction to the field of Biomaterials. Review of materials science for four main types of biomaterials: ceramics, metals, polymers, and composites.)
- BME 375 (Application of solid and fluid mechanics to describe the mechanical behavior of human motion, mechanical behavior of soft and hard biological tissues, cells and biofluids. Review of fundamental concepts and techniques of mechanics (stress, strain, constitutive relations). Focus on mechanical properties of specific tissues, including tendon, skin, smooth muscle, heart muscle, cartilage, and bone. Cellular and biofluid mechanics will be presented.)
- BME 401 - 403 (Senior Project)
- BME 440 (Introduction to the principles of measurements in physiological and biological systems, as well as a discussion of measurable parameters, transducers, sensors, signal conditioning, and processing. Laboratory experiments are conducted in parallel with the course.) --> This class was primarily engineering based. We didn't focus much on the physiological/biological aspect.
- BME 450 (Fundamentals of transport phenomena in biological systems including diffusion, osmosis, convection, electrophoresis, and transport with binding. Applications to cell electrophysiology and drug delivery.)
- BME 470 (Time and frequency description, analysis and processing of biophysical and physiological signals. Processing methods include correlation, convolution, coherence, filtering, and averaging.)
- BME 480 (Analysis and design of systems and electronic circuits in biomedical instrumentation including modeling and simulation of dynamic measurement systems and implementation of analog signal processing. The functional principles, operation, clinical context and technological trends of medical instrumentation systems used in clinical and research applications will be discussed.)
- BME 512 (Regulatory agencies and requirements, Food and Drug Administration, 510(k) and premarket approval (PMA), international regulatory requirements, ISO 9000 series, CE, UL, product and process validation, quality engineering, quality improvement programs, rapid prototyping, packaging and sterilization, and project management are discussed.)
- BME 522 (Physics of transmission and scanning electron microscopy including x-ray
spectroscopic analysis. Students will learn to independently operate and use the SEM for imaging in its role in research and engineering. Each student will be responsible for several imaging assignments and an independent research project related to their field of interest.) --> I did research on SEM.
Can anyone help me figure out which of these classes count towards my sGPA?