Do then PhD??

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Jun 17, 2004
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Hey guys,
Has anybody ever thought of going into PhD program after getting your DO degree? I'm actually debating whether or not I should go on this route. One of my concerns is that it would take too long before I could make real money and pay off all of my debts. I was wondering if there is any schools out there that offers a PhD program where you could do your residencies at the same time finishing your PhD. Any thoughts?


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Have you looked into any combined DO/PhD programs? I know some schools have those programs, though I'm not sure which.
JohnDO said:
Have you looked into any combined DO/PhD programs? I know some schools have those programs, though I'm not sure which.

OSU-COM does.

I think most do, in fact.
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CCOM - do
PCOM- does
UNJCOM- does
OSU-COM -does
NYCOM- I think they do.. if not I am sure they can work something out.
NSUCOM - can prob work something out

UNECOM doesn't
LECOM doesn't
KCOM doesn't
KCUBM(sp) doesn't
DMU doesn't

Did you already start your DO degree and almost finished or are you considering the options before starting the DO degree.
TCOM does.

If your really interested in reearch you don't necessarily need to get a PhD. If you find a topic that you are interested in, you can do a post-doctural fellowship in a lab that is already established. Many MDs have taken this route and there are many grants targeted for MDs/DOs willing to become a junior investigator. This will save you time and money and you will be able to jump straight into research. If you just want a PhD after your name this won't help. You might check the NIH website to find more info.
kcumb will have a masters program starting this year and then in like a year or 2, the phd program will start. basically, it should be there if you started there this year from what i have been told. additionally, they just constructed a pretty sizable research facility.
OUCOM offers a combined program that leads to a masters degree in a wide range of things as well as offering a DO/Phd. It will add three years to your education at the very least. The good news is that those three years you get a tuition waver and a stipend so it really shouldn't cost you all that much more. It really all depends on whether you want to spend the extra time or not.
Thank you so much for all of your responses, guys! I greatly appreciate it. Yes, I have looked into the DO/PhD programs in all osteopathic schools, but I'm at DMU now (MSI) and just thought about getting a PhD last semester. So...I guess I can't get PhD until I graduate unless I transfer to the schools that have the combined degree program. I would rather wait until I graduate and get my PhD. I actually posted a similar post at combined degree forum, and they refered me to a couple of very good websites that I'm interested in.

Once again, thanks a lot for all your help!

porland said:
Thank you so much for all of your responses, guys! I greatly appreciate it. Yes, I have looked into the DO/PhD programs in all osteopathic schools, but I'm at DMU now (MSI) and just thought about getting a PhD last semester. So...I guess I can't get PhD until I graduate unless I transfer to the schools that have the combined degree program. I would rather wait until I graduate and get my PhD. I actually posted a similar post at combined degree forum, and they refered me to a couple of very good websites that I'm interested in.

Once again, thanks a lot for all your help!


Another option is talking to the Dean at DMU... they may be able to organize something for you with a University close by. I know DO schools would love to get more people involved in research.

Also NIH does have a great program for people that do a fellowship in research after finishing their DO or MD degree. They pay you a nice salery + an amount to repay your student loans... I believe it was 15k per year or somehting like that. You don't need a PhD to do research.. overcourse if you wish to do research full time, I would suggest it. More credibility (sp)
Good luck
docbill said:
Another option is talking to the Dean at DMU... they may be able to organize something for you with a University close by. I know DO schools would love to get more people involved in research.

Also NIH does have a great program for people that do a fellowship in research after finishing their DO or MD degree. They pay you a nice salery + an amount to repay your student loans... I believe it was 15k per year or somehting like that. You don't need a PhD to do research.. overcourse if you wish to do research full time, I would suggest it. More credibility (sp)
Good luck

Thanks, docbill. I'll definitely consider your option. They may be able to work something out for me.

UDMNJ-SOM will pay all your tuition bills if you get into their DO/PhD program. Yes it's a long road but you will come out with NO student loan debt.

something to think about especially if this route interests you.
