Doing a non-trad masters while applying to med school

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May 4, 2022
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In undergrad, I majored in biomedical engineering. During the year during which I will be interviewing at medical schools, I am considering doing a masters in Computer Science. Will medical schools view this as a lack of commitment to medicine? CS is becoming more and more important in medicine, but most CS does not involve medical applications.

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In undergrad, I majored in biomedical engineering. During the year during which I will be interviewing at medical schools, I am considering doing a masters in Computer Science. Will medical schools view this as a lack of commitment to medicine? CS is becoming more and more important in medicine, but most CS does not involve medical applications.

Schools may or may not ask you about your application year plans (most of the schools I interviewed at did). If they do and you say "I'm doing a master's in CS", they're going to naturally wonder why. You should have a good answer prepared that emphasizes your commitment to medicine.

So I'll ask the question: why are you pursuing a master's in CS if you intend to go to medical school?
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Would having a detailed answer, potentially with a quick demonstration, about how I plan to use CS to try to solve a clinical problem be enough to convince an interviewer of my commitment?
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Is this a backup plan or an effort to actually learn more about cs in medicine. If the latter, might be easier to just teach yourself