Dont know how to ask professor for recommendation letter

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5+ Year Member
Apr 27, 2017
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So I am planning on asking my professor for a recommendation letter but i am taking a two year gap. So I don't really need the letter until june 2019 when I apply but i feel like the professors will forget me once i have graduated and its been a year. So i am going to ask them to write me a recommendation letter via interfolio and save the recommendation letter for when I actually apply. But I am not sure what the best way to explain this to a professor is? Thanks

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So I am planning on asking my professor for a recommendation letter but i am taking a two year gap. So I don't really need the letter until june 2019 when I apply but i feel like the professors will forget me once i have graduated and its been a year. So i am going to ask them to write me a recommendation letter via interfolio and save the recommendation letter for when I actually apply. But I am not sure what the best way to explain this to a professor is? Thanks
explain as it is. They do it on a regular basis.
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So I am planning on asking my professor for a recommendation letter but i am taking a two year gap. So I don't really need the letter until june 2019 when I apply but i feel like the professors will forget me once i have graduated and its been a year. So i am going to ask them to write me a recommendation letter via interfolio and save the recommendation letter for when I actually apply. But I am not sure what the best way to explain this to a professor is? Thanks
"I'm applying to med school in 2 years but would really appreciate an LOR from you....would you be able to write one and upload it via a link I will send you? This way it will stay saved in my profile online confidentially and securely until I am ready to apply"

see how easy that was. now add some premed ***kissing to it and you're good!
"I'm applying to med school in 2 years but would really appreciate an LOR from you....would you be able to write one and upload it via a link I will send you? This way it will stay saved in my profile online confidentially and securely until I am ready to apply"

see how easy that was. now add some premed ***kissing to it and you're good!
Thanks a lot, it seems super clear when you explain it but when i was grappling with it i overcomplicate and overthink. thanks
"I'm applying to med school in 2 years but would really appreciate an LOR from you....would you be able to write one and upload it via a link I will send you? This way it will stay saved in my profile online confidentially and securely until I am ready to apply"

see how easy that was. now add some premed ***kissing to it and you're good!
I'm glad I could help 🙂