Doubt regarding Ortho application?

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10+ Year Member
Feb 21, 2010
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I'm a FTD who is about to finish a 2-year IDP program with a DDS degree from one of the schools here in US. So, if I plan to apply for Ortho residency programs do schools consider me as an International student or a regular student (since I would be getting a DDS)who needs visa sponsorship? In other words, for admissions into residencies do all the students who need a visa sponsorship be automatically considered as an international student regardless of a DDS degree?

PS: I'm on a student visa.

Thank you.

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I believe there is an international dentistry forum where you should be asking this questions. Very few of us have passed through your situation. I imagine it will depend on the school but I imagine you will most likely still be considered an international student because you need a visa, which means you are not a citizen. But who knows. Maybe you would be better off contacting each school's admissions department and ask them how you should apply due to your circumstances.
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