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Aug 12, 2019
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2 questions about Shadowing hours for DPT programs (FOR PTCAS)

  1. If you have shadowing hours from high school (senior year) 2015 from a PT, can you use this in PTCAS for an application for the 2018-2019 cycle? They are 20 hours of pediatrics shadowing hours at a cerebral palsy institute. Is it frowned upon since they are so old?
  2. Is it okay to input shadowing hours from different areas related to PT, like general orthopedics? Obviously stating that it was a MD that I shadowed, not a PT. I am very interested in pediatrics and this was at a Childrens Hospital for Orthopedics. This doctor in specific is a ortho surgeon. They did not allow undergraduate college students shadow the DPTs in the hospital, so I settled for the MD.
If anyone can answer these questions for me, I would greatly appreciate it!

Thanks :)

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1. Check with a school. They may or may not want observations to be done within 5 years.
2. They want you to shadow PT, not MD since you are supposed to learn about PT during your shadowing. You can put MD shadowing in extra curriculum.
2 questions about Shadowing hours for DPT programs (FOR PTCAS)

  1. If you have shadowing hours from high school (senior year) 2015 from a PT, can you use this in PTCAS for an application for the 2018-2019 cycle? They are 20 hours of pediatrics shadowing hours at a cerebral palsy institute. Is it frowned upon since they are so old?
  2. Is it okay to input shadowing hours from different areas related to PT, like general orthopedics? Obviously stating that it was a MD that I shadowed, not a PT. I am very interested in pediatrics and this was at a Childrens Hospital for Orthopedics. This doctor in specific is a ortho surgeon. They did not allow undergraduate college students shadow the DPTs in the hospital, so I settled for the MD.
If anyone can answer these questions for me, I would greatly appreciate it!

Thanks :)

No your hours must be signed off on by a PT