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Full Member
May 23, 2020
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how did you guys tackle the diversity essay? I'm currently applying and have been targeted and hit with the "we value diversity in strengthening our community. Share your experiences or perspective on this topic." I know I can just talk about my diversity regarding being a minority but I feel like that's too repetitive and doesn't make me stand out? not sure how I should approach this, any advice or experience from you guys would be cool! thanks :)

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I'd imagine multiple people can make some points as to how to make this essay "stand out" for an applicant, but what's unknown is if any of the points would apply to you in real life with real experiences. I don't suspect anyone who will be reading this is looking for the most outstanding answer. Rather, they may just be glancing to see who didn't put to much thought on it (one-liner sentence for example) that may make a reader think twice on picking such an applicant (If it really came down to picking just one which lately is not something I've really heard of happening).

Although used most of the time, focusing on being a minority (for example) could still be readable and interesting depending what you mean by it: Have you felt held back in thought or taken seriously? Have you felt your daily culture at home, school, and the workplace is the same? If not, how is it different and why is it different? How does this affect you contributing to your community and what have you learned from this? How have you applied your own culture (creature of habits, religious, literacy and language, etc) to the community and how do you believe it's made a difference?

Something like that.