Early Alternate/Wait List Movement??

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10+ Year Member
Sep 30, 2008
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I'm wondering if anyone has heard of or been so lucky as to have been taken off of a wait list as early as Late December/January? I'm wondering because I know there is a Dec 15th deposit deadline for most schools. Anyone want to offer me some hope?! Or crush my dreams? You know, whichever :)

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It's hard to say. I imagine more interview invites will roll out after the 12/15 deadline, and there's certainly a possibility of waitlist movement. However, with so much time and potential interviews between now and the big May deadline, I would think that most waitlist movement won't happen until later on in the cycle.

Good luck though! Waitlists are tough. Try to find some other things to occupy your mind to keep your sanity! :)
not sure what school you are waitlisted at but for OU they told us lucky enough to be waitlisted (sarcasm) that we will not hear anything until early june at the latest.

Waitlisted....and waiting

It's hard to say. I imagine more interview invites will roll out after the 12/15 deadline, and there's certainly a possibility of waitlist movement. However, with so much time and potential interviews between now and the big May deadline, I would think that most waitlist movement won't happen until later on in the cycle.

Good luck though! Waitlists are tough. Try to find some other things to occupy your mind to keep your sanity! :)

:thumbup: Agreed. Most schools will probably wait until around March to begin waitlist movement. I know at LMU-DCOM they typically won't review the waitlist until after the final interview has been conducted and evaluated. According to my calendar the final interview is April 7.