Early decision

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7+ Year Member
Mar 3, 2016
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I just took the PCAT yesterday, did decent in sciences but bombed CR and math so I'm planning on retaking in the September window; 7-9. If pharmcas early decision deadline is September 6th, what exam is going to be on my application? Should I just wait to submit my application after taking the PCAT so my September score counts? I really want to apply to early decision to have a higher chance of acceptance due to a low GPA (3.0). If I can't apply for early decision with the September PCAT should I just take the October PCAT to have more time to study or the later I apply the lower my chances of acceptance?

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I have the same question as you. I'm not sure if Inshould even try to apply early decision before retaking the test. Also what happens if they don't accept you for early decisions? Can you just reapply right after they reject you?
I have the same question as you. I'm not sure if Inshould even try to apply early decision before retaking the test. Also what happens if they don't accept you for early decisions? Can you just reapply right after they reject you?
Not completely sure but I would assume you can't apply again until the next cycle if you do not get approved during early decision.
I'm pretty sure if you don't get in early decision they just put your application in with all the people who apply during the normal application cycle. You don't have to reapply and I'm pretty sure it doesn't hurt your chances of getting in.

The whole point early decision is so that schools can secure the best applicants, that way they don't interview at another school and decide to go there instead. There is really no benefit of applying early decision if you have low or average stats; but at the same time it doesn't really hurt you either. The school simply wants to offer admittance to the best applicants early on in the cycle.