Emory DPT 2019-2020

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Oct 1, 2019
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Has anyone heard from Emory regarding interviews?

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I haven't. However their final due date isn't until 10/15 so they might be holding off until then?
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Still nothing. Their app closed 10/15. I was hoping someone would have heard something.
Still nothing. Their app closed 10/15. I was hoping someone would have heard something.
I haven't heard anything either. It's only been 2 days since it closed and there's probably a ton of applicants so I imagine it'll be a week or two before we hear anything.
One of the PTs I work with recently graduated from Emory and he said that he didn't hear anything until around Thanksgiving/Christmas.
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Hi, I got accepted to Emory last year (didn't end up going), but they didn't send out interview invites until December, so don't feel discouraged!
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Just heard back about an interview request from Emory!!
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Also got an interview invite for 11/15!

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I’m guessing I’m either getting rejected or getting the January interview! Congrats to all.
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Congrats! When did you apply? Was it through email? If you don't mind, post stats for us. :)
Thank you! I applied in the middle of July and they let me know through email :)

cGPA: 3.64
GRE: 312
Hours: About 150
LOR: 2 PTs, Professor, Employer
Thank you! I applied in the middle of July and they let me know through email :)

cGPA: 3.64
GRE: 312
Hours: About 150
LOR: 2 PTs, Professor, Employer
Thanks for the reply- that helps ease my anxiety, because I didn't apply until two months after that. Good luck in the interview!
I received my interview invite for 11/15 too!

GPA 3.97
GRE 154 V 159 Q 4.5 Writing
150 hours
2 PT, 1 professor
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anyone knows when would they send out admission decisions after the interview on 11/15? I heard that this was their first time doing two interviews. I hope we don't need to wait too long because it might pass the other schools' deposit deadline.
anyone knows when would they send out admission decisions after the interview on 11/15? I heard that this was their first time doing two interviews. I hope we don't need to wait too long because it might pass the other schools' deposit deadline.
If it's not on their website, you could email Monica to see if she has a rough estimate. I'm sure they're used to getting that question. If you interview 11/15, though, I can't imagine it'll be more than two months before you hear. If it gets close, I'd follow up for sure.
gre 302
GPA 4.0
300 hours
4 letters of rec

Im going to attend the interview on the 15th? Anyone staying anywhere specific?
Hey, all. Just got an invite. Sure enough, they wanted to make sure I was holding my own in physics and stats before inviting me. If there are spots left, I'll see you on the 15th.
Hey, all. Just got an invite. Sure enough, they wanted to make sure I was holding my own in physics and stats before inviting me. If there are spots left, I'll see you on the 15th.
Did you send them your midterm grades or something? If so, how’d you go about doing it?
Did you send them your midterm grades or something? If so, how’d you go about doing it?
Yes, they asked me to send in my grades for the classes as soon as possible in an email last week, so I sent the current grades with promise to update the final grade as soon as I have it.

If you are doing well and want them to know it, you might email the dptadmissions email address and say that you are just looking to let potential schools know that your current grades are x, and you want them to know that you are continuing to work hard and challenge yourself. Something like that... but that's an individual choice kind of email. I think it could be a plus if it's worded right, but otherwise might come off the wrong way. If you need help wording something like that, I'd be happy to help.
gre 302
GPA 4.0
300 hours
4 letters of rec

Im going to attend the interview on the 15th? Anyone staying anywhere specific?
Im going on the 15th and have found that AirBnB has some pretty good places! :)
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Hey, all. Just got an invite. Sure enough, they wanted to make sure I was holding my own in physics and stats before inviting me. If there are spots left, I'll see you on the 15th.
When did you submit your application?
Yes, they asked me to send in my grades for the classes as soon as possible in an email last week, so I sent the current grades with promise to update the final grade as soon as I have it.

If you are doing well and want them to know it, you might email the dptadmissions email address and say that you are just looking to let potential schools know that your current grades are x, and you want them to know that you are continuing to work hard and challenge yourself. Something like that... but that's an individual choice kind of email. I think it could be a plus if it's worded right, but otherwise might come off the wrong way. If you need help wording something like that, I'd be happy to help.
How would you word it? Not saying I’m going to email any schools, just thinking about the possibility.
How would you word it? Not saying I’m going to email any schools, just thinking about the possibility.
If it were me, I'd probably say something like,

"Good morning,

I am getting in touch with you to update you on my current courses. I am very interested in your school, and I want to let you know that I am doing very well in the pre-requisite courses that I am taking this semester to prepare myself for PT school. (List courses and grades)

I sincerely believe we would be a great fit for one another, so I hope that my grades show my continuous effort towards improvement and commitment to doing well in your program.

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If it were me, I'd probably say something like,

"Good morning,

I am getting in touch with you to update you on my current courses. I am very interested in your school, and I want to let you know that I am doing very well in the pre-requisite courses that I am taking this semester to prepare myself for PT school. (List courses and grades)

I sincerely believe we would be a great fit for one another, so I hope that my grades show my continuous effort towards improvement and commitment to doing well in your program.

Thank you!
To everyone who will be there tomorrow, I can't wait to meet you. :hello:

And to everyone who hasn't heard yet, most of what I've read indicates that a lot of people don't hear until January so there is still plenty of time to hear from them. :clap:
The interview was great- having people to listen to and add to in your answers is much easier than a one-on-one interview, and they make sure everyone gets to speak. I was in the first group, so we got to interview first thing in the morning and then wander around campus all day not worrying about it. They made it clear that they'll have more interview days, so be on the lookout.
I heard from a few of the other people there that we would be getting a decision in 2 weeks... Does anybody know if this is true?
Hi! I was just wondering if anyone who went to the interview on 11/15 heard anything back yet?
Congrats! They shouldn't require deposit until Jan 15, from my understanding of PTCAS guidelines. How did your interview go? Which group were you in?
I was hoping to make my decision around new years. But they require a deposit earlier than PTCAS I guess. They also have another round interviews in January. I was in group 5. Interview went well, I think I was more personable while the other two interviewees were more formal with strong responses.
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me too!!! and in the same boat about not being sure if that's where I want to go yet
Congrats! Hey, can you post your stats? Where else are you considering?

Personally, I didn't hear from Emory about the interview until almost two weeks after everyone else, so I'll put off the panic for at least another few days. xD
Congrats! Hey, can you post your stats? Where else are you considering?

Personally, I didn't hear from Emory about the interview until almost two weeks after everyone else, so I'll put off the panic for at least another few days. xD
Thanks! I had only applied to one other school and that was Columbia. Heard back a couple weeks ago that I got in there too! Now just need to decide which I want to go to. And yeah I'm sure as people accept/decline offers they'll start sending out further acceptances! fingers crossed for you:)

Undergrad: UVA
GPA: 3.68
GRE: 161Q/165V
Hours: 1000+ across three settings, 750 working with adults with mental handicaps, 150 with outpatient/ortho/sports and 100 inpatient tech in rehab hospital
LOR: 2 PTS, 1 academic advisor and 1 professor.
Thanks! I had only applied to one other school and that was Columbia. Heard back a couple weeks ago that I got in there too! Now just need to decide which I want to go to. And yeah I'm sure as people accept/decline offers they'll start sending out further acceptances! fingers crossed for you:)

Undergrad: UVA
GPA: 3.68
GRE: 161Q/165V
Hours: 1000+ across three settings, 750 working with adults with mental handicaps, 150 with outpatient/ortho/sports and 100 inpatient tech in rehab hospital
LOR: 2 PTS, 1 academic advisor and 1 professor.
Wow, your GRE is the exact same as mine. haha. Yeah, I feel like the interview went pretty well and I have a ton of experiences, so I'm not too worked up... I'll schedule my panic for a few weeks out. :D
Did anyone apply later and is waiting for their second round of interviews on January 11th?