Emory DPT 2019-2020

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I just declined my offer for Emory that was due December 5th. I was not ready to make a commitment just yet for my future education. Goodluck with everyone!

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I'm still waiting! I'm hoping for an interview in January. I expect they'll do some more interview offers once they've got an idea of how many accepted for 12/5.
I just declined my seat since I'm not ready to commit financially to the program. Good luck to all in the next interview process!
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I'm declining my acceptance as well. The commitment feels huge and I hate that it has to happen so soon. Good luck everyone!!!
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Has anyone heard anything from Emory lately?
Has anyone heard anything from Emory lately?
They are waiting on final transcripts for the semester, so if you haven't already scheduled your school to send them to PTCAS upon final grades being issued, I'd go ahead and do that. I'd only taken 2/5 prereqs before this semester, myself.
They are waiting on final transcripts for the semester, so if you haven't already scheduled your school to send them to PTCAS upon final grades being issued, I'd go ahead and do that. I'd only taken 2/5 prereqs before this semester, myself.
Thanks for the info! Where did you hear that that’s what they were doing?
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Thanks for the info! Where did you hear that that’s what they were doing?
I got that from the email they sent me asking about my grades before the interview- they asked me to be sure that final grades were sent as soon as they were available in addition to sending them my current grades.
Got an email saying my application is still under review
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I also got an email saying my application is under review and decisions will be made end of January

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My application was received and verified on October 3rd and I haven’t got a response at all.
Hey! Do you mind sharing what the interview process was like? Thank you!!
Hi! The whole day was more focused on letting us get to know the program, learn about what makes them unique and talk to the current students. The interview part is a group interview with two faculty members and they ask basic interview questions about choosing PT, Emory, and life events that have led you to where you are now!
Thank you so much! Also, how does group interview go? Is it like a panel? Do the participants answer one at a time? Or is it more interactive?
The first half is like a panel and then more a discussion!
I was hoping to make my decision around new years. But they require a deposit earlier than PTCAS I guess. They also have another round interviews in January. I was in group 5. Interview went well, I think I was more personable while the other two interviewees were more formal with strong responses.
Hi there, I have an interview o Friday. Would you tell me more about the interview process and what are they looking for? Thank you so much for your time!
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Hi there, I have an interview o Friday. Would you tell me more about the interview process and what are they looking for? Thank you so much for your time!

There are about 6 ot 7 groups with about 15 students in each. In the morning there is a breakfast buffet. Talk to other interviewees, some take there parents. Then you go down to the auditorium and introduction to the program and the day. Probably the most boring part of they day. Then throughout the day you do a group interview with 2 other students and 2 faculty members, tour of the campus, learn about dual degrees, research labs, talk with dpt students, learn about campus activities and life. There is a lunch buffet during noon. Then at the end of the day there is a snack table where you can talk/interact with students and faculty members, or you can leave.
There are about 7 stations I think that last about 50 mins.

The interview process has about 5 questions and you all take turns on answering them. I'm not quite sure what they are looking at, I brought enthusiasm and energy. The other applicants had really great experiences and responses. The interviewers take notes when you are speaking as well.
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Just got an email that I was accepted!
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There are about 6 ot 7 groups with about 15 students in each. In the morning there is a breakfast buffet. Talk to other interviewees, some take there parents. Then you go down to the auditorium and introduction to the program and the day. Probably the most boring part of they day. Then throughout the day you do a group interview with 2 other students and 2 faculty members, tour of the campus, learn about dual degrees, research labs, talk with dpt students, learn about campus activities and life. There is a lunch buffet during noon. Then at the end of the day there is a snack table where you can talk/interact with students and faculty members, or you can leave.
There are about 7 stations I think that last about 50 mins.

The interview process has about 5 questions and you all take turns on answering them. I'm not quite sure what they are looking at, I brought enthusiasm and energy. The other applicants had really great experiences and responses. The interviewers take notes when you are speaking as well.

Thank you so much for the info! Everything went as you described and now back to the waiting game I go. :)
Finally received my acceptance today!

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Has anyone heard anything (acceptance, waitlist or rejection) from the January 10th Interview?
Hey guys, I'm an incoming student of Emory for this coming summer. Me and another dpt student are looking for another roommate to share a 3-bed apartment at Post Briarcliff. We've got good feedback of this place from former students. and it is fairly close to the school and nearby markets. Anyone interested please feel free to reply.
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Hey guys, I'm an incoming student of Emory for this coming summer. Me and another dpt student are looking for another roommate to share a 3-bed apartment at Post Briarcliff. We've got good feedback of this place from former students. and it is fairly close to the school and nearby markets. Anyone interested please feel free to reply.
No-pet policy? I've got a few days left to decide... I committed to Mayo but I'm also apprehensive about the cold. :scared:
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Hey guys, I'm an incoming student of Emory for this coming summer. Me and another dpt student are looking for another roommate to share a 3-bed apartment at Post Briarcliff. We've got good feedback of this place from former students. and it is fairly close to the school and nearby markets. Anyone interested please feel free to reply.
I am debating between living at Emory point or moving to somewhere else. But I am interested! Do you have a FB that we could discuss in details? Thanks!